Clive Barker's Jericho is a terrifying squad-based horror First Person Shooter game based on an original concept and story by legendary horror writer and filmmaker Clive Barker, the creator of Hellraiser. An ancient evil has broken through into our world and is threatening to spread its taint across the whole of the earth unless it's stopped. At ground zero lies the Middle Eastern city of Al-Khali, a modern city built atop the ancient ruins of a dozen previous conquerors. Clive Barker's Jericho delivers an overload of sensory horror. Players journey through hellish locations and slices of time combating gruesome and twisted enemies. A squad-based horror First Person Shooter, "Jericho" refers to the Jericho Team, a seven-man strike force that protects government interests from paranormal threats. Trained in both conventional warfare and the arcane arts, each Jericho Team member is an expert in different para-psychological disciplines, including telekinesis, pyromancy, blood magic and..

RSS Reviews

Blue199 says

Agree (1) Disagree

Such an underrated game, well, atleast when it came out. I don't know much about anything else Clive Barker ever wrote, but this game proves me he's great at body horror. Fleshy enemy design, guts and meat pieces lying all over the place, there's even a level in which ground is made completely of rotting corpses (which are actually alive o_0)!
Plot is wonderful. The story of the Firstborn got me interested, plot twist at the end honestly surprised me and the fact that residents of Hell are not just some fantasy demons, but humans corrupted by it's power, is great! And once I realized how the story refers to various religions, believes and mitologies, I was simply shocked.
As I said before, enemy designs are interesting. There are simple zombies (pretty fast!), exploding ones (scared the **** out of me in one level!), WWII german soldiers, consisting of two fused people and a minigun each, templars, which are my personal favourite, roman legionaries and even more! But non of them compares to the bosses, each with his own background, sometimes very sad.
Levels are pretty standard corridor/arena shooting, but there are exceptions, mostly among Roman era levels. From vast fields filled with crucified souls, to the scariest level in the game, blood-filled sewers and my favourite, 'Morituri te Salutant'.
Throughout the game we can control all of 6 squad mates, each with his unique powers and weapons, which is great, and the ability to use them is even required in the final confrontation. I liked all of them, the lady sniper telekinetic and battlemage weilding a big minigun the most! It's just a shame that one of them (the one that can take over enemies) is fairly useless, I used him only in moments when he was required to advance in level.
Atmosphere of this game is unique too. Everything from plot to graphics and music gives you that feel od hopelessness, lonelyness and desperation, even depression at some points. You know you're in afterlife, and that it's not the better side of it. It's gory, brutal and sad.
It's a real, real shame that this game was not apreciated enough back in 2007. I wish we could get a remake or even a sequel some day. Here, have a link to the beautiful soundtrack of this game: :)



Agree (1) Disagree

Incredible that no one has rated this game yet! For the time in which it was made this is a GREAT game, with an original story, a very good graphic and a VERY original gameplay! Highly recommended!


Raibert says

Agree Disagree

Unique game


markomladenovic312 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Remake this game pls...


Phantron says


andrea89 says


Terrorist495 says


DocRed says


Dude27th says