March, 2047. A massive nuclear fireball explodes high in the night sky, marking the dramatic beginning to the Third Tiberium War. The infamous Kane has returned to lead the Brotherhood of Nod in a massive global assault on the Global Defense Initiative and the few remaining Blue zones left on the planet. Only you can stop him. The fate of humanity – and the planet – is in your hands.

Post news Report RSS merge mods /codes

+to get 2 new mainmenu (red and green) , change units( panel location) ,( 35 fps and 60 fps) ,( double speed units ready example Refinery need 8 second to build (before it takes 20 second)+hide game health bar or without , no superweapons or allow , started units or without , open power store spiecal powers or without+apply 4 camera views to all maps by scripts camera10.9 and camera10.7normal are the best to use by using camera.big files no more issues in high or low zooming maps especially cust

Posted by on

20221110001311 1

8 11 2022 8 44 53 PM

hello ,
i want share these codes to you for your Cnc3TW game for your mods especially this mod

C&C Red Alert History: Release 8

for who want change camera for all maps and custom maps you must select only one code and add in

data\scripts\scripts.lua into you mod .BIG file or create one

you can create one or edit , extract .BIG files by FinalBIG

find option file -(quicksave) order for save your edit

these all options for 5 camera types

ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 10.5, 10.00, 2.9050)
ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)

and other

ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 10.7, 10.00, 2.9050)
ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)


ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 10.9, 10.00, 2.9050)
ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)


ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 11.5, 10.00, 2.9050)
ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)


ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 11.9, 10.00, 2.9050)
ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)

and this line for control game speed


2.9 mean 35fps you can make it less or more for more fps and gamespeed
2.9 35 fps so stable and verygood dont change it better

and these scripts for disable superweapon in game 
remove -- mark to make it work

-- function DisableSuperweapons()
-- setcallhook() --    local Superweap "SteelTalonsIonCannonControl", "ZOCOMIonCannonControl", "NODTempleOfNOD", 
--        "BlackHandTempleOfNOD", "MarkedOfKaneTempleOfNOD","AlienRiftGenerator", "Reaper17RiftGenerator","Traveler59RiftGenerator"}
--    for i=1,getn(Superweapons),1 do ExecuteAction("TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT", Superweapons[i], 2) end
-- end
-- setcallhook(DisableSuperweapons)and here is example for lines added to my mod data\scripts\scripts.lua
-----------------------------------------CUSTOM CODE SECTION---------------------------------------------------

-- function DisableSuperweapons()
-- setcallhook() --    local Superweap "SteelTalonsIonCannonControl", "ZOCOMIonCannonControl", "NODTempleOfNOD", 
--        "BlackHandTempleOfNOD", "MarkedOfKaneTempleOfNOD","AlienRiftGenerator", "Reaper17RiftGenerator","Traveler59RiftGenerator"}
--    for i=1,getn(Superweapons),1 do ExecuteAction("TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT", Superweapons[i], 2) end
-- end
-- setcallhook(DisableSuperweapons)

function GenericCrateSpawner(self)

function PreloadLUAScript()
    if rename("scripts.lua","scripts.lua") then 
        ExecuteAction("DISPLAY_TEXT", "MESSAGE:ExternalLUAScriptsLoaded")

SuperweaponPreventer_Init = false

function NoSuperweaponsOption(self)
    if not SuperweaponPreventer_Init then
        SuperweaponPreventer_Init = true

function SuperweaponsBuildability(what)
    local BUILDABILITY_TYPE = {["YES"]=0, ["IGNORE_PREREQUISITES"]=1, ["NO"]=2, ["ONLY_BY_AI"]=3}    
    ExecuteAction("TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT", "SteelTalonsIonCannonControl", BUILDABILITY_TYPE[what])    
    ExecuteAction("TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT", "Reaper17RiftGenerator", BUILDABILITY_TYPE[what])
    ExecuteAction("TECHTREE_MODIFY_BUILDABILITY_OBJECT", "Traveler59RiftGenerator", BUILDABILITY_TYPE[what])

function SpawnSuperweaponPreventerDummy(self)
    for i=1,8,1 do
        ExecuteAction("CREATE_UNNAMED_ON_TEAM_AT_WAYPOINT", "SuperweaponPreventerDummy", "Player_" .. tostring(i) .. "/teamPlayer_" .. tostring(i), "Player_" .. tostring(i) .. "_Start")
        ExecuteAction("CREATE_UNNAMED_ON_TEAM_AT_WAYPOINT", "SuperweaponPreventerDummy", "Player_" .. tostring(i) .. "/defaultSkirmishTeamPlayer_" .. tostring(i), "Player_" .. tostring(i) .. "_Start")
        --ExecuteAction("UNIT_SPAWN_NAMED_LOCATION_ORIENTATION", "SuperweaponPreventerDummy_" .. i, "SuperweaponPreventerDummy", "Player_" .. i .. "/teamPlayer_" .. i, "((0.00,0.00,0.00))", 0)

function GetValidTeamList()
    local TeamList={
    --"/team", --NeutralTeam
    local ValidTeamList = {}
    for i=1,getn(TeamList),1 do
        local TempUnitRef = "UNITREF_" .. tostring(GetRandomNumber())
        ExecuteAction("UNIT_SPAWN_NAMED_LOCATION_ORIENTATION", TempUnitRef, "GDIHarvester", TeamList[i], "((0.00,0.00,0.00))", 0)
        if EvaluateCondition("NAMED_NOT_DESTROYED", TempUnitRef) then tinsert(ValidTeamList, TeamList[i]) end --EvaluateCondition("TEAM_DESTROYED", TeamList[i])
        ExecuteAction("NAMED_DELETE", TempUnitRef)
    return ValidTeamList

SlowDownGame50PercentDummy_SpawnState = false

function SpawnSlowDownGame50PercentDummy(self)
    if not SlowDownGame50PercentDummy_SpawnState then
        SlowDownGame50PercentDummy_SpawnState = true
        ExecuteAction("UNIT_SPAWN_NAMED_LOCATION_ORIENTATION", "UNITREF_SlowDownGame50PercentDummy", "SlowDownGame50PercentDummy", "/team", "((0.00,0.00,0.00))", 0)
        ExecuteAction("MAP_CHANGE_CLOUD_SPEED", 50)
        --ExecuteAction("TEAM_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT_LOOPING", "/team", "FPS_SCRIPT", 1)
        ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 0.00, 0.00, 1000)
function HandleFPSAndGameSpeed()
    local CUSTOM_FPS=60
    local NORMAL_FPS=60
    ExecuteAction("SET_FPS_LIMIT", CUSTOM_FPS)
    ExecuteAction("MAP_CHANGE_CLOUD_SPEED", 100)
    ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 3.00, 0.00 , Camera_Max_Zoomable_Height )
    ExecuteAction("ENABLE_SCRIPT", "FPS_SCRIPT")
    ExecuteAction("TEAM_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIAL_SCRIPT_LOOPING", "/team", "FPS_SCRIPT", 1)  --is working, uses a map script from a library map

function EnableOptions()
    ExecuteAction("LOCK_CAMERA_ZOOM", 1, 1, 1)
    ExecuteAction("CAMERA_SET_DEFAULT", 10.9, 10.00, 2.9050)
    ExecuteAction("PITCH_CAMERA",37.5, 1, 1, 1)


example after lines edit without edit basic line

23 6 2023 6 07 29 AM

after that open your misc file


 //These are the primary camera settings
 DefaultCameraMinHeight   = 650.0 ;The minimum height of the camera relative to the terrain.
 DefaultCameraMaxHeight   = 520.0 ;The maximum height of the camera relative to the terrain.
 DefaultCameraPitchAngle   = 28.5 ;The pitch angle of the camera off top down view.
 DefaultCameraYawAngle   = 00.0 ;The direction the camera faces by default.
 DefaultCameraScrollSpeedScalar         = 1.0 ;How much faster or slower all scrolling is.

there a small problem with this " the camera flip just press 4 or 6 in the keyboard to back it as normal

you can speed up building time x2 by replace these in your misc data\ini\GameData.ini

i do not recommended this

i prefer this line to speed up the game in scripts.lua ExecuteAction("CAMERA_MOD_SET_FINAL_SPEED_MULTIPLIER", 2.9)

  ;;;        1player  2player  3player  4player  5player  6player  7player  8player

  ;; More is more. 1.0 is default. 1.5 is 50% more.   MultiPlayM  MP2:2.0  MP3:2.0  MP4:2.0  MP5:2.0  MP6:2.0  MP7:2.0  MP8:2.0
  MultiPlayUnitXPMult =      MP1:2.0  MP2:2.0  MP3:2.0  MP4:2.0  MP5:2.0  MP6:2.0  MP7:2.0  MP8:2.0
  MultiPlayBuildingXPMult =    MP1:1.0  MP2:1.0  MP3:1.0  MP4:1.0  MP5:1.0  MP6:1.0  MP7:1.0  MP8:1.0
  ;; Less is faster. 1.0 is default speed. 0.5 is half the build time
  MultiPlayUnitSpeedMult =    MP1:0.5  MP2:0.5  MP3:0.5  MP4:0.5  MP5:0.5  MP6:0.5  MP7:0.5  MP8:0.5
  MultiPlayBuildingSpeedMult =  MP1:0.4  MP2:0.4  MP3:0.4  MP4:0.4  MP5:0.4  MP6:0.4  MP7:0.4  MP8:0.4

to add more skirmish colors for your mods you must edit these file named under in your .big file

mapmetadata_global , example this mod and can work for your all mod ,

okay i will make it easy to you here is my all files for

download this :

to get (steamless exe) run the game without steam required and without errors out of memory crash already patched

if you still get out of memory error try patch it again target : RetailExe\1.9\cnc3game.dat

by this software :

+new cursors design, also check here for other 5 more designs go here

Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\RetailExe\1.9\data\select one

select any one you like and replace here

Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\RetailExe\1.9\data\cursors

+reshade super graphics details to run reshade press HOME botton and select on of these AMD FidelityFX or LUMAsharpen or fake HDR

if the game crash that mean its from reshade just delete d3d9.dll in RetailExe\1.9


download this :

+to get 2 new mainmenu (red and green) , change units( panel location) ,( 35 fps and 60 fps) ,( double speed units ready example Refinery need 8 second to build (before it takes 20 second)

+hide game health bar or without , no superweapons or allow , started units or without , open power store spiecal powers or without

+apply 4 camera views to all maps by scripts camera10.9 and camera10.7normal are the best to use by using camera.big files no more issues in high or low zooming maps especially custom maps

+add video to main menus

+add shader FX files

+add more colors to the game

you must use only one 3Dmaps file you must use only one 1.big file or 1nopowerstore.big you must use only one camera.big i recommanded 10.9 or 10.7 camera NOSW mean no superweapons buildings option you can use only one UI green or red

example my config file

mod-game 1.9
add-big 3Dmaps35fpsnohealthbar.big
add-big UIred.big
add-big uipanel.big
add-big 1nopowerstore.big
add-big camera10.7normalNOSW.big
add-big changealliensound.big
add-big RedHistory_8.04_Streams.big
add-big RedHistory_8.04_Misc.big
add-big TacitusA_0.58_Misc.big
add-big TacitusA_0.58_Streams.big


also i prefer delete this folder for not getting any map graphics issues

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\MapPreviews

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\Profiles


anyone game crash directx error or out of memory make sure download 4gb patch here is easy program :

also here is DirectX 9.0c Redistributable Package :


also play in window mode by add this line to your target in proparties



DirectX error

try setting custom resolution by adding "-xres 1280 -yres 720 -win" into launch options this should run game in 720p windowed

Thank you so much for the responds, guys it worked all the sudden. So what I did was go in THE ACTUAL GAME FILE, that is "this pc"- "program files x86"- "steam"-"steamapps"-"Command and Conquer Red Alert 3"- "RA3", you go in the properties and:
1- go to "Compatibility"
2- check the "Run this program in compatibility mode"
3- set it for "windows Vista"
4- and all the way at the bottom check the "Run this program as administrator"

Those who get direct x error.
Create a shortcut of the .exe on the desktop from the game directory.
Right click on the shortcut on the desktop, go to properties and in the target field

Add "-win -xres 1366 -yres 768" in the target field.
Once the game launches, quit the game and remove the "-win" to go full screen.
It worked for me, hope it helps someone


custom maps missing in menu maps?


maps not appair issue in custom map list in game menu to fix this do these steps

4. Use Windows search and search for "Regedit.exe" and open it.

5. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Electronic Arts\Electronic Arts\Command and Conquer 3"

6. Click on edit --> new --> dword (32bit)value. A new registry value will now be made.

7. Rename this registry value to "UseLocalUserMaps". Don't edit the value as the default "0"-value is what we need.

want run the mod from multi shortcut example redalert 3 game or cnctw
create shortcut - proparties
"E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Command and Conquer Red Alert 3\RA3.exe" -modConfig "C:\Users\yourpcname here\Documents\Red Alert 3\Mods\War_Of_Powers\War of Power_0.64E.skudef"

or this mod
in game folder edit this
in second line add
add-config modfoldernameinyourgamefiles\modfoldername\config.txt
add-config mods\redhistory\config.txt
and the mod files and config.txt for editing are in this target
D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\mods\redhistory

and here is redhistory mod after edit\fix
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