If you like games like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing - this game is for your. It is the attempt to finally create farming RPG for smartphones and micro consoles. It will support a variety of characters and different crops that you can farm. Animals and an explorable surrounding. The game is in a very early stage. So far implementing is: - Growing crops - animals with an basic AI - day and night cycle - dialog system - many assets but there are still many placeholders (like the character model) We are a "group" of two developers (graphics artist and programmer) and we are working on this game since May '14. It is still in very early stage but basic game mechanics are already working and we have created many assets.

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Development stopped

Development stopped


The development of Bloom Valley has been stopped since a while. Quite a year ago or earlier. Nobody seems to have noticed..

Bloom Valley: Project will be for Android Console

Bloom Valley: Project will be for Android Console


Why Bloom Valley won't be available for mobile phone but for Android Consoles like the FireTV and Ouya