Beyond the Darkness is a first person horror / adventure game with puzzle elements. You play as Nicholas Wade who is living in a mansion with fiancée Julia. She inherited the mansion from her father. The small town they live in, Allan’s Creek, has it’s own dark secrets but that’s solely based on conspiracies. One night Nicholas wakes up and something feels off. The noises that woke him up were definitely not made by Julia, but what was it? Is there someone else in the mansion? And where is Julia anyway? Nicholas is off to investigate and it doesn’t take him long to find out something is very wrong. After opening a few doors he realizes there’s no going back. The only way out is through the darkness. Beyond the Darkness does not rely on blood & gore but is being built on atmosphere, tension, and the feeling that something could be out there in the dark.

RSS News
Another update

Another update


It has been a while but we made a whole lot of progress in the meantime. Check out our newest screenshots and read what we have been working on!

We are still alive!

We are still alive!


Hi everyone, It has been far too long since the previous update and there's a big reason for it. Yes, we are still working on Beyond the Darkness and...

Progress Februari 2016 - July 2016

Progress Februari 2016 - July 2016


It has been 5 months since our last update. We haven't been away. We have been working very hard on our game. A lot of progress has been made. A lot of...

More progress over the past year

More progress over the past year


Over the past year we have made a lot of progress on Beyond the Darkness. Our demo reel video will show a lot of features we have been working on. Not...

A lot of progress has been made!

A lot of progress has been made!


It has been a while since we have posted an update on this website. We have worked on many things. Such as: vlogs, a showcase level, a journal, a replacement...

Recent development (still in progress)

Recent development (still in progress)


We have been working very hard on the basics in recent months, but what have we actually been doing?