Age of Mystery is an upcoming 3D adventure game. Take the role as Elisabeth, an ambitious explorer, as you are summoned to the kingdom of Oakland, which is on the verge of collapsing as the king has been murdered. You need to fit all the pieces together to solve the mystery, and discover who killed the king. Explore a 3D world as you travel to exciting places. Meet new characters, each with their own unique dialog. Solve the mystery as you find evidence and piece it together. Voice acting by Brock Baker, famous for "Brock's Dubs". Chat with other players as you play with an integrated chat system!

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Hello everyone on the internet,

This is the Age of Mystery page on IndieDB, Desura, and ModDB, and thanks for coming along to look at our upcoming game. Age of Mystery is our first "big" game and will be available on PC and Mac (release may not be simultanious on both platforms).

We love working with the community, so that means we want to hear from you! What do you want in a medieval adventure game? We love to incorporate fans ideas into the game, if we get suggestions of course.

We hope you had a great Christmas, and we will be bringing you loads more over the coming months.

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