Adventures of Frederik Ceppo is amazing adventure with humorous characters and storyline which you haven’t seen in a while. Inspired by Maniac Mansion, Leisure Suit Larry and Zak McKracken and bunch of crazy people!

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Breaking news: Frederik Ceppo, The Game, is now fully funded

Breaking news: Frederik Ceppo, The Game, is now fully funded


Breaking news: Frederik Ceppo, The Game, is now fully funded. Since we didn’t get the indiegogo success that we hoped for, we decided to go to our own...

Whoa! Whats going on?!

Whoa! Whats going on?!


THATS A GOOD QUESTION! Answer is, as always, A LOT! It’s been while since last update but now it is here! Read on!

It's almost friday and good news!

It's almost friday and good news!


Usually at end of the week we have something to share about out projects, and so it will be this time also.

I hear voices!

I hear voices!


Yes! I really do! And voices are coming somewhere outside of my head- this time anyway...

Updated perks and pricing and mobile news!

Updated perks and pricing and mobile news!


We have updated our perks at IndieGogo, more fore less! We also have something nice for mobile users. Read whole news to find out!

New teaser!

New teaser!


It's coming, be ready! New teaser released, jump in and check it out!

Go Ceppo! Go Ceppo! IndieGoGo!

Go Ceppo! Go Ceppo! IndieGoGo!


Lots and lots good news and new stuff! Who's on picture? We really at IndieGoGo? What else? Check out!

One coffee, please

One coffee, please


Development goes as planned, we have moved to public swimming hall!

Little more concept art

Little more concept art


It's friday, time to drop something new online. This time it is concept art.

Shh.. He's sleeping...

Shh.. He's sleeping...


It's been a little while after last post. Our team is working hard and well.. click and read the rest :)

About beta and new platforms

About beta and new platforms


A bit about beta testing, Linux and mobile version.

Adventures of Frederik Ceppo on Steam!!

Adventures of Frederik Ceppo on Steam!!


Adventures of Frederik Ceppo is now at Steam Greenlight concept. Jump in and vote if you like.