During the feodal period, Aki a young Kabuki decided to call a demon, Raytoku in order to kill his rivals and become the most famous Kabuki of Japan. The demon answered his call and made his wish came true but thrown a curse on Aki too. The player controls Aki who is followed by Raytoku. The demon wants to eat up the character but can't do it because of the 5 spiritual runes which hold him. Each time that the player presses a button in order to move, a rune disappears. The player has to finish the level without being eaten by the demon. Fortunately, the player will find checkpoints accross the level which will fills up his spiritual runes in order to make more movements.

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Hi ! 5hinigami was a game I made with other people during a game jam. 5hinigami was the first real game I made, by this I mean with a team I enjoyed making...