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Who here plays World of Warcraft? (Forums : PC Gaming : Who here plays World of Warcraft?) Locked
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San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

I was just wondering who all plays World of Warcraft here. If there are a lot of regulars that have alter-ego's in the great world of Warcraft, perhaps we could all create characters on one server, and create a guild? That'd be sweet..

Anyway, here is me:

  • Kelcia: lvl-46 Night Elf Rogue on Deathwing
  • Sveia: lvl-31 Night Elf Druid on Deathwing
  • Scientist: lvl-4 Gnome Mage on Deathwing
  • Incarnata: lvl-3 Undead Mage on Burning Legion
  • There are a few other lowbies that I have on other servers, but I do not plan on playing them much.. My main is Kelcia. After that, I plan on playing Sveia again, or maybe leveling Scientist a bit...

Hope to see some of you guys in-game!


Jun 27 2005 Anchor

WoW sucks. FFXI is much better! :P lol

User Posted Image

My brother has World of Warcraft. It looks interesting, but I don't think it's for me. I'll wait for LOTR Online or Ragnarok Online 2. :)

Edited by: Karuto


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

Psssshhh.. World of Warcraft > all else.

No really, I have been gaming since 1997ish, own over 200 games, and I have already played World of Warcraft more than any other game. Why? Well, I admit that I am a bit addicted to it, but that isn't the point.. Actually it sort of is, I guess.. I am addicted to it because it is SOOOO GOOD.


Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

funny... but i had more fun playing and shaping my Deus-Ex character than anything else. MMORPGs are nothing for me... they lack all what a good game needs... perhaps once in the distant future there will be a good MMORPG but so far dead-end.

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

Have you even tried WoW? If they made it singleplayer (i.e. replace all PC's with NPC's), it'd be the best RPG to date..


Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

personally not even this would help for a couple of reasons:
- i hate medieval setups
- i hate knights, mages, magic, and all this crap
- i hate beeing disallowed to play a dragon >_<
EDIT: - i hate games where not skills counts but who-plays-the-most-hours-the-week
EDIT: - i hate games where i am not allowed to play like i want

thus i doubt a lot that WoW will anytime soon have any attraction on me.

Edited by: Dragonlord

AJ_Quick Arty type thing
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

I hate monthly fees.

DO you kids even realize how fucking lame it is that they are telling you:

"OH hi, BUY our game, first off (at full, inflated price) and THEN pay more just to PLAY it. Nevermind that the entire concept behind the retail price of a software title is meant to be that you are buying the right to play it up front, and indefinitely. "

Christ....That's not gaming, that's getting pounded for your lunchmoney every month by greedy corporations who have decided that they can cash in by offering less for more.

Persistent worlds? So fucking what. I bought Warcraft 3 over 2 and a half years ago, for 60 dollars canadian and i've got more fun and endless enjoyment out of playing multiplayer DOTA matches than with any other title i've bought.

So then, after offering such value, blizzard (my up until recently favorite game devs) decide they'd jump on the Everquest bandwagon of addiction, money shelling, and repetition-centric nerdery and make their next Wacraft title an MMO (Massively MoneyGrubbing Obscenity )

And here we have World of Warcraft, which children with parents with deep pockets, and 40 + recovering Everquest junkies have bought into as their next excuse for a social life.

What happened to REAL games?

Thankfully, Guildwars is around to show the portion of the population without obsessive compulsive disorders or small fortunes to blow that it IS possible to have large online worlds without having to menstruate dollar bills every month right into Blizzard's open mouth.

Edited by: AJ_Quick


"I will play but only if there is clopping" - Alex Quick, Sep 15 2012, 6:56am

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

I felt much the same about monthly fees until recently. Then I got into the WoW beta, and thought WoW, this game ROCKS! Still, the thought of shelling out $1x.xx each month was a bit ludicrous, but in April, I finally decided to buy it. I spent $49.99 just to buy the game, then $24.99 for a 2 month game card. $75. Ouch. That is two months of my allowance, for three miserable months of World of Warcraft. Or so it may seem. I do not at all regret having paid that much, and intend to renew my subscription again and again, for many months to come. I understand why people might not like paying these fees, but I compare it to TV. You pay $250 for a nice TV, but still need to pay $39.99 each month just to get Cable TV. And when you think about where the money is going, and why you need to pay it (i.e., to keep the WoW servers up), it seems justified.

In response to what Dragonlord said, your skill in World of Warcraft means really a lot, actually. Sure, you don't need to have good aim like in a FPS, and you don't need to be able to mash buttons like a mad man like in most console games these days (unless you play as a rogue, like me). But you do need to have impeccable teamwork and strategy, to get anywhere. Doing regular quests solo might not take a lot of skill, nor does grinding. But running instances, where the best equipment drops, and where you get the most XP, takes a team of 5-40 people that can work together effectively, to complete, without "wiping". In fact, there are instances in the game (such as the infamous Molten Core, which takes 40 lvl60 god-like players to complete), that maybe only 1% "raids" that have attempted it actually completed it. That 1% are the incredibly skilled players that are a testament towards my argument that WoW does take skill. There are even people that can complete instances designed for 10 skilled people (e.g. Stratholme), in a party of 5. World of Warcraft is really what you make it. If you want a challenge, you can have a challenge, and get the best loot, and experiences, in the game. If you are lame, and grind all day long, you can do that too, but you are thereby settling for inferior equipment, and also a life of boredom.

This discussion is really interesting, as critics of MMORPGS are saying exactly what I thought before getting hooked on WoW. You really need to play it to understand how well it actually works, and making such radical conclusions not only on WoW, but on Blizzard, without having played the game, is very immature.


AJ_Quick Arty type thing
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

Well it's your money, not mine.

And thank god.

Think of all the beer and hookers you could buy with your tucked away "WOW savings fund" .... education for your children?

Ah screw it, lets LEVEL UP!


"I will play but only if there is clopping" - Alex Quick, Sep 15 2012, 6:56am

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

San-J wrote: I felt much the same about monthly fees until recently.

monthly fees i did not enter into my list here but is one of the strongest reasons why i will not head deeper into WoW. since some time companies discovered that with MMORPG and the monthly fee system you can gain money for doing nearly nothing. this is also why i turned my back on EA Sports as soon as this pay-service started. where is the good old Quakeworld? where are servers made by people just of the joy of playing and not of money-bagging? where is the TRUE spirit of gaming? it went down the mouth of the millions of companies jumping on the MMORPG waggon. each new title promises more and keeps less.

another reason i did not enter in my list is time. if i find 30h like 2 or 3 days a week to play something then i'm happy. and in those MMORPG, no matter what you say sanj (i have played couple of them and WoW i looked at by a pal who is into this kind of stuff) it is always the same trouble that the n00b players with super high level chars pwn the skill-players. and i hate this. i hate playing noobs who sit like 24h a day in front of their machines to level like hell. which brings us to one of the most hated points on MMORPG which kills any MMORPG out there.

But running instances, where the best equipment drops, and where you get the most XP, takes a team of 5-40 people that can work together effectively, to complete, without "wiping". In fact, there are instances in the game (such as the infamous Molten Core, which takes 40 lvl60 god-like players to complete), that maybe only 1% "raids" that have attempted it actually completed it. That 1% are the incredibly skilled players that are a testament towards my argument that WoW does take skill. There are even people that can complete instances designed for 10 skilled people (e.g. Stratholme), in a party of 5. World of Warcraft is really what you make it. If you want a challenge, you can have a challenge, and get the best loot, and experiences, in the game. If you are lame, and grind all day long, you can do that too, but you are thereby settling for inferior equipment, and also a life of boredom.

you noticed something in your description? you noticed the evil world turning MMORPG and alike into the biggest mess on earth? this word is named: LEVEL. yes. the levelling system is the death. levels are what matters. people play those games for leveling. hell i can do this with any RPG out there and there i can use save-states when i want to take a break and can continue where i left. i know only a handfull of RPG games out there where the level-system was passable... and WoW does by far not count to this list. levelling should be banished from all online games or they will never be able to become something good. all those guru companies talk of innovations in MMORPGs and alike but what do they deliver you? more of this stupid, game experience and joy killing levelling crap. and yes, this level system kills any argument people have towards WoW or alike games require skills. this is bullshit. the only thing you need is enough high level char and super gear. you all do no more know what 'tactics' really means. tactics and skills means to play in a setup where your opponents (beeing it human or not) have the same equipment or reasonable better. the idea here is to play with your wits. but button mushing and stupid spell casting is not skilling. it is not required to be a good aimer to be a 'skilled' player. if you have ever in your live player 'The Ship' or something alike you know what TRUE skills mean. this is the skill of your brain, your mind, not any w00t-ive-got-lv-X-spell and such things. which brings us to another point.

do you really have the ability to 'do what you want'? unfortunatly not. those MMORPGs force people to go raiding and killing to gain experience. yes you can do other things but do they gain as much experience as this stupid raiding? no. and why does it suck now to not play idiot and go raiding? levelling up. you are only good with high level char. thus in fact those MMORPGs lack any kind of innovative gameplay. people are not animated to be creative. so you might say 'hey they can shape the story!'. yeah, perhaps. but all i've seen so far has been stupid boring or childish. i'm sorry but all those people i meet there are alter-ego players. i hate this. i do not need a stupid alter-ego. what i want is a character i can experience a story with. i don't need stupid mining, fishing or wtf else. i can do this in real life. what i want there is mental challange, not how long can you sit in front of the monitor pumping yourself full of coffee to not doze off because you want to reach another stupid level? all those player-made stories give me the impression of amature hollywood films: craptastical. i donno but perhaps those people interested in real good stuff just don't play those games, i don't know it. but MMORPGs always leave a bad taste in my mouth and i feel at the complete wrong place.

i'm a creative player... a skill player... a brain player. i want real challange, fun and gorgous stories and characters. none of this any MMORPG including WoW could deliver me so far what i've seen. i know i wrote too much but this MMORPG sickness gives me sickness.

* logs out *

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

I will not continue this argument with you, as you have disqualified yourself by "refuting" the facts stated by me, based on my own experience. You are merely speculating now, based on your experiences in other "similiar" games, and that only leads to name-calling and other base media of argumentation. World of Warcraft does take skill to master. Every day that I play WoW, I see some level 60 guy, with equipment inferior to mine. Why does his equipment suck so much, compared to mine that I have at just level 46? Because he buys his equipment on the Auction House, or gets it doing very easy quests. I challenge myself, and have incredible equipment for my level. Wherever I go, people admire my equipment, and ask something like, "Wear did yuo gte taht sord, dood!?". My response, "By challenging my self kid, by challenging myself."

Could a level 60 with inferior equipment beat me? Yes, and no. His stats are obviously higher than mine, and almost invariably has a higher DPS, more health, etc. The thing is, however, any level 60 with crappy equipment obviously sucks, or he would have long since run a challenging instance and gotten better equipment. So, not only would his weaponry and armor suck, he himself would be a shitty player. So yeah, I could beat him. What I am getting at is that in the bigger picture, as long as you are within 15 or so levels of each other, skill is what matters, even if it's effects are nothing more than indirectly manifested.

What if you are more than 15 levels apart, you might ask. Well, Blizzard designed World of Warcraft with such brilliance that two players of opposing factions with such a great level gap rarely meet in a hostile environment. In fact, until level 20-ish, you never need to enter contested territory, meaning that players of the opposite faction cannot attack you. Once you head out into contested, or even enemy territory, yeah, sure, "highbie"'s will kill you, but even that doesn't occur that often. Level gaps really don't matter that much, unless you make them. Head into Winterspring at level 25, and you are asking for trouble. Head into Duskwood at level 25 (with a party, of course), and you'll be fine, even when faced with a level 60 enemy.

If you are more worried about high level NPCs, level differences do matter with these. It is very difficult to tackle an AI-controlled enemy more than four levels above you, but it can be done. Yet again, this ensures that only the most skilled of players can get good loot drops, and large amounts of experience points from one kill.

*Good* Experience Points and Equipment are invariably made hard to get, and without sharp acuity, cunning, puzzle-solving, and other skills, you will be left with crappy stuff.

Whatever, while you guys argue incorrect and unfounded points, I'll continue steadily making my way towards being able to acquire this beast of a dagger, a very rare drop from the god of fire, Ragnaros, univocally named the most difficult boss in the game:

User Posted Image

Anyone that knows anything about World of Warcraft knows that this dagger is just ridiculously powerful. It trumps 99% of two handed weapons it's level, and is only one handed. Wielding this in my main hand and another similiar sword or dagger in my second hand, and I'd be the most deadly player in the game, without doubt. We're talking 1-hit killing level 55's. Simply UNSTOPPABLE.

Edited by: San-J


Jun 27 2005 Anchor

i only have 2 chars CD_TOASTER lvl 19 night elf rouge
and this other lvl 4 human warrior i dont use

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 27 2005 Anchor

Ah, cool.. What server is it on?


usernamee untitled
Jun 28 2005 Anchor

Hah... I never bought the game. But I've managed to create two characters on Bloodscalp and get around level 15, because my friend tried to get me into it.

I didn't like the combat system. The game would have probably hooked me if there were more classes. Way more classes. Classes that branch of off classes, subclasses!

But, it didn't. And then I realised that World of Warcraft is boring to me. It doesn't require much skill, other then being able to spend hours upon hours of your time on the game.

Maybe when the video game industry developes some kind of crazy medieval virtual reality MMORPG, then I'll be willing to play that genre. Like in that, er... anime series. Forgot what it was called, I saw bits of it before.

Edited by: usernamee

Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jun 28 2005 Anchor

@San-J: i won't continue this discussion if you do not want to. this topic is anyways not for this. and if you wanna call me an idiot because i raise questions (which are not wrong facts but major problems of those NOT playing such games), be it like that, that's your problem. just one final question here for you:

if you can play like at max an hour or two a week (and mostly not even this) and you are always low level, restricted to newbie introduction areas where you are bored to hell, would you recommand playing this? or rather, what should be 'interesting' in such a situation?

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 28 2005 Anchor

If you can invest the four or five hours that it takes to get to level 15, which really actually are not that boring, yeah, you can start having really a lot of fun. At level 17, you can get into the Deadmines, the first instance on the Alliance side. Once you start running instances, it is a freaking lot of fun. From 17 to 60, there is almost always an instance that you could do, and with the exception of Gnomeregan, every single instance that I have tried thus far was very very enjoyable. I would say that the highlight of the game are the instances, but there are so many other sweet things about it, that that may not be true.

It might not be your thing, I guess, but for me, I was enjoying every minute of playing WoW, until about 30, when things get a bit tedious. The weeks spent leveling from 30 to 40 are arguably the only boring time in the game, as grinding starts taking a bit longer, you are pretty much forced into playing in Desolace (other option is Stranglethorn Vale, which is beautiful, but utterly infested with enemies of the opposing faction), a very ugly and depressingly dreary place. What's more, the only Alliance instance in the low 30s is Gnomeregan, a very lengthy and annoying instance that is hardly any fun at all. Quests start getting really confusing, and most people give up questing all together in this range. You even need to start worrying about raising cash to buy a mount, and let me tell you: you need a LOT. The only good side about the 30-40s in WoW is the instance Scarlet Monastery (37-42ish), arguably one of the best and most beautiful instances in the game. It definately made up for Gnomeregan for me.

To answer your question, even playing just two hours a week would be enjoyable for me, but then you need to start considering the costs. For me, $12.95 for maybe 120 hours a month is not that bad. But when you only play 4 hours a month, it starts getting a bit pricey, and I would not advise playing in that case.

I am sorry if I came out overly harsh in my previous post, but I was getting irritated with people that have never played the game telling me what it is like, and why it "sucks". You might be right about other games in the genre, but we are talking about World of Warcraft here, and I have a monopoly on the facts, it seems.


Dragonlord Linux-Dragon of quick wit and sharp tongue
Jun 28 2005 Anchor

San-J wrote: It might not be your thing...

most probably. but that's not a pity.

... I was enjoying every minute of playing WoW, until about 30, when things get a bit tedious. (...)

most games have those problems and if i hit such a game i mostly restart anyways from scratch and try do things different if i can.

To answer your question, even playing just two hours a week would be enjoyable for me, but then you need to start considering the costs. For me, $12.95 for maybe 120 hours a month is not that bad. But when you only play 4 hours a month, it starts getting a bit pricey, and I would not advise playing in that case.

would be also my opinion. if you are a full-time leveller then maybe you get something for your money but for a casual player it's heavy.

I am sorry if I came out overly harsh in my previous post, but I was getting irritated with people that have never played the game telling me what it is like, and why it "sucks".

no problem about that. i'm also not somebody in general of that sort. like i said, i poked at the game at a pals house (most games i can not dl and try out myself i check out like this) a long time ago and that's what i judge upon.

Jun 29 2005 Anchor


this is thr 4th thread in so many weeks that i have seen go up in smoke becasu the second poster hijacks it with "oh em ef gee sucks wow"

TBH its a relaly not a bad game

Naakesh - 60 Warlock - Deathwing
Onora - 15 Druid - Bladefist

Ill be killing the original poster soon ;)

San-J ascetic aesthetic
Jun 29 2005 Anchor

Oh noes! What race are you?


Jul 1 2005 Anchor

I got some chars in WoW but i always stop at lvl 20 and make a new char idk what it is i just cant get into it, any tips anyone?

Epi7aph I listen to albums. (Formally StormÇrøw)
Jul 1 2005 Anchor

Dragonlord wrote:
EDIT: - i hate games where not skills counts but who-plays-the-most-hours-the-week

not fucking True, skill does count.

Gusdor wrote: Naakesh - 60 Warlock - Deathwing

with a name like that i'd guess Orc :P

I've got a lvl 59 Troll Rogue on Nathrezim

San-J wrote:
Whatever, while you guys argue incorrect and unfounded points, I'll continue steadily making my way towards being able to acquire this beast of a dagger, a very rare drop from the god of fire, Ragnaros, univocally named the most difficult boss in the game:

User Posted Image

Anyone that knows anything about World of Warcraft knows that this dagger is just ridiculously powerful. It trumps 99% of two handed weapons it's level, and is only one handed. Wielding this in my main hand and another similiar sword or dagger in my second hand, and I'd be the most deadly player in the game, without doubt. We're talking 1-hit killing level 55's. Simply UNSTOPPABLE.

One point man, Firstly you'd best notice the dagger is unique therefore if someone has it already i dont think someone else can get it aswell. Secondly if you ever get a 40 man raid for ragnaros together the chances of you killing him are basically nill,i guarentee unless you're extremely well co-ordernated or every person in the raid has the best gear possible for their class. hes the final Molten Core boss, the average mobs in MC are 62 Elite. goals like that are stupid. aim for more reasonable daggers like the heartseeker + barman shanker or something. Make achiveable goals. Not crazy hopeful Goals. Another thing is that if it does manage to drop the chances it'll be won by another rogue are 1-100.

Edited by (in order): Epi7aph, Epi7aph, Epi7aph


ModDB Fucking Oldtimer and (ex) Crow
Who changed my signature!
User Posted Image

Jul 1 2005 Anchor

WOW sucks to high heaven. U got mounthly fews, sometimes updates that take forever, and etc. My brother has the game and says he's found no one that disen't like this game. Well, I think it is possibly the dumiest 3D action/rpg game yet.

Sticky I'm pretty awesome.
Jul 1 2005 Anchor

borg44 wrote: WOW sucks to high heaven. U got mounthly fews, sometimes updates that take forever, and etc. My brother has the game and says he's found no one that disen't like this game. Well, I think it is possibly the dumiest 3D action/rpg game yet.

<<Translation software engaged>>

Borg44: World of Warcraft sucks to high Heaven. You have monthly fees, updates that take forever, and other things. My brother plays it, and says he has found no one that doesn't like this game. Well, I think it is possibly the dumbest 3D Action/RPG game yet.

<<Translation software disengaged>>

Have you ever played the game for a sustained period of time? Or thought about how the updates take time because of a slow connection or how big the file is? I suggest playing the game approximately 11 times (sustained play, ~2hours or more), seeing as that's how much the brain of an adult has to register disliked foods before teaching your tastebuds to like it. Probably the ONLY reason I can't play that game, or have no desire to anyway, is the monthly fee.

VegasTheWZAd Skull Servant
Jul 1 2005 Anchor

:O this thread is full of huge posts about WoW. Must be a pretty good game. Not like i'd get it.. .

Epi7aph I listen to albums. (Formally StormÇrøw)
Jul 1 2005 Anchor

Sticky wrote: I suggest playing the game approximately 11 times (sustained play, ~2hours or more), seeing as that's how much the brain of an adult has to register disliked foods before teaching your tastebuds to like it.

I thought it was 6 :/


ModDB Fucking Oldtimer and (ex) Crow
Who changed my signature!
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