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Command and Conquer 3 Announced (Forums : PC Gaming : Command and Conquer 3 Announced) Locked
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Apr 18 2006 Anchor



"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

Apr 18 2006 Anchor

oh chop
i heard about this or was it read alert 3, 2 months ago
looks good... lets hope it is

RatoN We're going to the Winchester
Apr 18 2006 Anchor

There were rumors about a Red alert 3 awhile ago, but I guess they decided on this instead.

Apr 18 2006 Anchor

You never know. They might release it side-by-side, or make Red alert 3 the game to follow.


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

::idiot:: village ^
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

I didn't like Genrals as much as the origial CnC's. It looks pretty though. I realy think CnC lost it's magic with Yuri's revenge. But that is just my opinion.


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SkitZaY u mad
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Agree with ::idiot::. Sure it does look good but I prefered RA a great deal over Generals. It would be good if this new one could capture elements of both.



::idiot:: village ^
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

just for anyone else who might ask. Generels was done after the takeover by EA.


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RatoN We're going to the Winchester
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Meh, I think Generals is a good game. Maybe not a great single player game, but I've had a blast playing it with friends via LAN.

ImTheDarkcyde ¯\(º_o)/¯
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

i think it lost its touch with generals - doing away with the series unique buy/build menu

Mauritz Elvis Presley reincarnation!
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Who said it's Generals?

JoeX111 Tilting at windmills
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Some of the screenshots look like they came from the FMV sequences from the very first game. ¬_¬

Baza Professional Idiot and Aussie Hobo
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

The PC franchise of the century... only succeeded by the Sims.


The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.

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VAU: amateurs with proessional standards

methy Is he black, is he not?
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

...And Half-Life. I wonder which Command and Conquer "Canon" this is going in. I'm hoping for Red alert or maybe this is the elusive Tiberian Twilight.

It's sparked my interest.

Apr 19 2006 Anchor

no one wants to play generals with me
i cant be beaten

i play as china
setup a massive defense
then setup my super weapons my air fleet and my tank army
and i attack you from behind
left right and front all at once

oh and nuke the shit out of you befor that!

methy Is he black, is he not?
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Meh, China defense isn't all that hot. A few Aurora alpha bombers could take that down, then I'd get rid of your tank fleet with my particle uplinks and your air fleet wouldn't stand a chance against my vastly superior army. :D

Apr 19 2006 Anchor

try to get through a well placed wall of bunkers with rocket soliders and gatling cannons.
You cant :)

ambershee Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

::idiot:: wrote: just for anyone else who might ask. Generels was done after the takeover by EA.

So was Yuri's Revenge ;)

CnC 3 was confirmed a few months ago to be a Tiberian game - it was sent out by e-mail to mailing list subscribers :P

Either way, I'm not convinced it's going to be worthwhile just yet.

"CnC wrote: What is C&C 3?
Command & Conquer 3 is the latest game in the Tiberian universe and the sequel to Tiberian Sun. It has been announced in the June 2006 issue of PC Gamer.
Although it has the same title, this is not the game developed by Westwood Studios after the release of Tiberian Sun. Westwood's variant of C&C 3 has been cancelled in early development, shortly before Westwood's closure. We don't know if any of the original assets will be used in EA's C&C 3.

Who is the developer behind C&C 3?
C&C 3 is being developed by Electronic Arts Los Angeles, the same team that developed Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2.

What is the story behind C&C 3?
C&C 3 takes place sometime after Tiberian Sun. The world is in chaos and Tiberium has spread across the globe. The world has been divided into zones, each having a different stage of Tiberium infestation. 20% of the Earth's surface is Red Zone - this zone is completely Tiberium-infested and unhabitable. 50% of the Earth's surface is Yellow Zone which is still habitable but partially infested by Tiberium. The rest of the Earth's surface are Blue and Green Zones where it is safe to live and where GDI holds its headquarters. It is not known what is the state of the Brotherhood of Nod which is still led by Kane.

Will we see the return of live action cutscenes?
Yes! However, it is still not known who will play Kane in live action cutscenes.

What multiplayer features can we expect?
We do not know the details yet, but you can expect features such as in-game VoIP support, clan support, and various observer/referee modes.

What is the engine powering Generals?
The SAGE engine, first used in Generals, then in Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2. It was originally developed by Westwood Pacific.

Edited by: ambershee

IXI Storyteller
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

The Sage engine?
You got to be kidding me.
Seems like EA is going the same way NFS went on. Most Wanted = Hot Pursuit 2 Engine.

Atleast the cutscenes are coming back, and they ditched the whole Modern War thing.
Don't really trust EA though.


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[Member of the Beyond team. A Half Life 2 Mod]
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Apr 19 2006 Anchor

EA's not doing anything to it. They're only publishing it. It annoys me when people think EA affects the development of any of the games by buying them out. It actually helps them, because now they have much larger funds.


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146

cheeseyballz 100% Pretty Cool
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Oh, I always thought EA would change their game or help develope it. Im not a big EA fan but thats good that they just fund it. I hope this comes out soon because i have always been a big fan of the series a while back :D

ambershee Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Ippo wrote: EA's not doing anything to it. They're only publishing it. It annoys me when people think EA affects the development of any of the games by buying them out. It actually helps them, because now they have much larger funds.

That's not true. Hardly any of the original Westwood staff work for that group anymore; most of them dived and fled when it came to Generals. It's as EA-LA studio bollocks as the game is going to get. They also massively curb what projects may or may not go forwards as a publisher, and in doing so are healthily contributing to the stream of endless repetitive crap we have that is the games market.

Edited by: ambershee

Apr 19 2006 Anchor


RatoN We're going to the Winchester
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

ambershee wrote: That's not true. Hardly any of the original Westwood staff work for that group anymore; most of them dived and fled when it came to Generals. It's as EA-LA studio bollocks as the game is going to get. They also massively curb what projects may or may not go forwards as a publisher, and in doing so are healthily contributing to the stream of endless repetitive crap we have that is the games market.

To expand upon, the ex-westwood staff left to create a new development group called, Petroglyph, of whom went on to develope Empire at War.

JoeX111 Tilting at windmills
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Ippo wrote: EA's not doing anything to it. They're only publishing it. It annoys me when people think EA affects the development of any of the games by buying them out. It actually helps them, because now they have much larger funds.

Unless EA gets angry that a game wont come out across all platforms, then decides to torpedo it by dropping their advertising campaign for it, as they did with Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

ambershee Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 19 2006 Anchor

Not to mention, Oddworld Inhabitants are now no longer making their awesome brand of games, and Empire at War flopped. Oddworld Inhabitants simply couldn't compete without the staffing or budget, and Petroglyph were forced into releasing perhaps earlier than they wanted to, with a much smaller budget than they'd have wanted. EA/Ubi/M$ competition can be difficult.

Edited by: ambershee

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