Post feature RSS Some Features

Mostly features that I had written for the mod, but never got around to write them here. They'll be a bit different than they were before. Call it evolution.

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Some Features

I've already talked about the campaign, so I'll leave that be. So let's start with

Cooperative Operations

  • This far we've had our heads wrapped around two coop modes, one with full scenarios; a coop campaign if you will. The second one is something I call "Behind Enemy Lines". Both can be user-made. If not at the start, eventually.
  • The scenarios can be anything. From full 10 level campaigns to just random scenarios.
  • Behind Enemy Lines is a bit different. While some might argue that it could fall into any scenarios, I think not. It'll be different with it's own statistics and such. Basically it works a bit like Left 4 Dead. You've got your friends in squad and you have to reach a certain point. It can have finales or what ever you wish. The point is that there are enemies about and you have to survive. There will be a competitive mode for this that we'll talk about later.
  • If you go back to our old Mod version of EIF, you'll notice that we had planned two more coop modes. But these can and will fall into the scenarios bit. Makes things easier for everyone.


  • Achievements are always awesome, be they pointless or needed. Our version is the latter.
  • Achievements in our game (That is Europe in Flames in case you somehow missed that.) are the way you unlock weapons and unlockables. Granted, not all achievements will unlock something, but some will. Some can be unlocked in the Single Player Campaign, some in Coop but most in the competitive Multiplayer.
  • Some achievements will get you medals that you can show off on the player model. These will be hard to get.

Competitive Multiplayer

  • Fact: People play more MP in games that SP now days.
  • Fact: While I want to change that, it doesn't mean I can't give you one.
  • Will Be A Fact (Hopefully): Our Competitive Multiplayer will be awesome.


  • EIF will have a good number of weapons. Hoping not too much, not too little. Too many weapons can be overwhelming, while too little can feel cheap and even bad. Giving a number of accessories and other unlockables I hope that we can overcome this obstacle.
  • Like I said before, all locked weapons can be unlocked by the way of achievements. Be it killing enough people or doing something special, earning one will always feel good.
  • Yes, some weapons will be restricted to the side you are on. So be ready to have at least two favorites.

Commander and Commander Abilities

  • Some gamemodes (Which we will come to talk about later in this very article) will have a position for a Commander.
  • Following a commanders objectives will give you some slight bonuses (that I am not ready to talk about), so following these objectives will always be a good idea.
  • This is still out in the open, so any feedback is welcome (as always): If more than one player is willing to be the commander, our game should be able to calculate which commander has had more "mutinies" against him and the one with better commander feedback would be chosen. This way griefers wouldn't get the place that often.
  • A mutiny against a commander is possible with enough player votes. Anyone can start this vote. If a player has enough mutinies against him, it would get increasingly harder and harder to be a commander. So be a good one.
  • Playing as a commander is like playing as a regular soldier (BF2 style... Kind of), but the commander would have special access in his "tablet" (We will tell you about this later, but not in this very article.) that would allow different Commander Abilities and the option to give orders, which should always be done.
  • If a commander is AFK for over 5 minutes, he will lose his status as a commander. Serverside CVars can change this variable.
  • If a commander dies, who ever killed him or assisted in killing him will get a huge bonus, and the player will lose his commander status and cannot try to be a commander before the next one loses their status.
  • If a mutiny against a commander succeeds, he or she will not be able to be a commander in the same round.
  • If a commander dies, the team who lost their commander won't get as many points from objectives/kills, will not have any support (I.E. Air Support, reinforcements take longer, etc.) and will get stressed more easily.
  • Commander Abilities gives the ability to (e.g.) call in helicopters, tanks and that sort of thing. Artillery, ammo stashes, UAVs, etc.
  • Tanks and other vehicles will be player driven, while aircraft is still being decided upon. We don't want it to be as overpowered as in MW2's killstreaks. The list of vehicles is still being decided upon.
  • Some special commander abilities are not unlocked at the start. You will unlock these with achievements.
  • No, there will be no nukes.
  • No, I cannot list all of them.

That's all for this time. We'll tell you the different gamemodes when we can, but we're not able to do that just yet.
So keep those triggers ready and remember to switch the safety off, over!

Avenger2150 - - 496 comments

Oh man, haven't been on MDB for quite the time, its neat to read this ideas, a Co-op multi/single player and some commander stuff, looking forward to this.

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