Cocos2d-X is a game engine framework based on Cocos2d-iPhone, which consists of expanding supported platforms, with multiple choice of programming languages thats shares the same API structure. Programmers can choose to use their preferred language to achieve their targeted platform Native branch written in C++, with a little Java and Objective-C. Lua and javascript are binded as scripting language. HTML5 branch, also known as cocos2d-html5, is written in Javascript, that focuses on desktop browsers XNA port, is written in C#, focus on Windows Phone 7 and XNA. All the branches above are released under MIT License. With cocos2d-x framework, developers can easily create or port their games onto iOS, Android, Bada, BlackBerry Qnx, Marmalade, WindowsXP/Windows7, Linux and Windows8 Metro.

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The Magic of Cocos2d-x

The Magic of Cocos2d-x

Sound Effects Tutorial

Take the first steps in an adventure of mobile game development with a very friendly book, and aspire to become a master developer some day.

Jackpots All the Way, with Cocos2d-x

Jackpots All the Way, with Cocos2d-x

Sound Effects Tutorial

Learn to develop mobile games smoother, faster, and for free, and be part of the gaming revolution that Android boasts of

How to play Ring Of Spell
Ring Of Spell

How to play Ring Of Spell

Ring Of Spell Design/Concepts

Ring Of Spell is a turn based multiplayer game for 2 players to spell Chinese word.

Integrating Google analytics to cocos2d-x game

Integrating Google analytics to cocos2d-x game

Server Side Coding Tutorial

Since releasing my first game as an indie developer, I have been struggling to find out what people are thinking about the game. A few questions hits...

Using delegate controls in cocos2d-x

Using delegate controls in cocos2d-x

Masato Design/Concepts

In my previous article “Implementing MVC pattern for cocos2d-x projects” I had mentioned about a “Model” sending messages back to the “Controller”...

Implementing MVC framework for cocos2d-x projects

Implementing MVC framework for cocos2d-x projects

Masato Design/Concepts 3 comments

To understand this article a working knowledge of the cocos2d-x framework is required. As mentioned in my earlier post "Road to cobagames part 2", I came...