The Main Goal of this Mod is to add addition factions to Tiberain Sun Client 5.30 and some minor Tweaks to gameplay. The Factions added are Cabal and ZoneTech. The Cabal's faction is a split of Nod Tech with cybernetic units. The ZoneTech is a sub-faction of GDI that specializes on experimental technology.
This version of the mod adds and replaces units in the CABAL faction. This update also fixes the Ion Cannon Warhead to prevent the Ion Cannon Super Weapon from destroying a Construction Yard on One hit. This Update also adds some units to the other factions. ********This Update is standalone, so the previous update is not needed.*********
The Main Goal of this Mod is to add addition factions to Tiberain Sun Client 5.30 and some minor Tweaks to gameplay. The Factions added are Cabal and ZoneTech. The Cabal's faction is a split of Nod Tech with cybernetic units. The ZoneTech is a subfaction of GDI that specializes on experimental technology.
[Mod State]
The Game is currently in Alpha but it has a fully functional Multiplayer and Skrimish menus.
The Campaign currently does not work and is disable by default.
The Mod Standalone which mean that the mod doesn't require the base Client.
The Mod also replaces unit sprites and voxels with community assets and my custom assets.
The Mod also contains Randoms Maps that I converted from Tiberian Sun.
Developer and coder of the Modification
Concept Art, Play testing, and Development Ideas
"Vector" Bomber Aircraft Voxel
"Vector" Bomber Aircraft Cameo
"Mammoth Mk.II" Resize of Voxel
Tyler Adams:
Blank Tiberian Sun Cameos that where used for creating the new Cameos for the mod.
"Sabre AFV" Voxel
"Amphibious APC" Voxel,
"Mammoth Tank" Voxel,
"Mobile Weapons Factory" Vehicle Voxels,
"Fist of Nod" Vehicle Voxels,
"Juggernaut" Unit and Structure Sprites Recolor,
"Juggernaut" Barrel Voxel
"Mobile Repair Transport" Voxel,
"Palidan Tank" Voxel,
"Adv. Hover MLRS" Voxel,
"Plasma-Rail Tank" Voxel,
"Sentinal" Voxel,
ZoneTech's "Mobile EM-Pulse" Voxel,
"Stinger Tank" Voxel,
"Hydra" Voxel
"Tick Tank" Voxel,
"Devil's Tongue" Voxel,
"Attack Cycle" Voxel,
"Attack Buggy" Voxel,
"Artillery" Voxel,
"Plasma Tank" Voxel
"Toxin Commando" Sprite
"Missile Artillery" Voxel
"Titan" base Sprite
"Titan" fixed Sprite
Lin Kuei Ominae:
"Core Guardian" Sprite, Cameo, and Base code
"Shredder" Sprite, Cameo, and Base code
"Flame Spidder" Sprite, Cameo, and Base code
"Phased Spidder" Sprite, Base code
"Cyborg Reaper" Sprite
"Scrin Swarmer" Voxel
How Do I install this
To install the mod, you just need to unzip the compression file into a folder. This mod is a standalone mod, meaning that it doesn't require the base game to run.
When I try to launch a skirmish game it doesnt work it just goes back to the launcher
What operating system are you using, also you might want to check what DDraw you have in the options menu.
I recommend that you Delete the files (movie.mix) to reduce the size of the mod since those files make it weigh 1 GB.
Good call, let me fix that
alright it is fixed
What the ICBM does?
It is basically the Missile Silo but mobile
Why are the harvester collection rates and drop of rate so insanely slow?
The should be the same from Tiberian Sun. Red Alert 2 has a faster drop of rate.
Well all i did was unzip your zip file and start up a game(no change to any settings) and all harvesters are so so so much slower then normal and also during unloading there is a noticeable delay between tiberium being offloaded with only a tiny bit coming in time and time again.
I will try redownloading it and unzipping it just to see but it really does seem way slower then normal tib sun
Is it just the harvester's that are slower or is everything slower. That is strange, let me check it out.
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I thinking it has something to do with the unloading frame because the mod doesn't have one because of the different harvester types. I noticed that the harvester voxel without the crate has a movement speed of 8 while the regular harvester voxel has a movement speed of 5.