
Changes and Bug-fixes: - problem with white UI fixed (thanks to gigantus) - (occasionally) missing diplomats and woodcamps fixed - wrong music and sounds fixed - battle crashes fixed (thanks to Germanicu5) - several missing textures fixed - some tiny balance tweaks

Third Age Total War Patch 2.1 (Obsolete)
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roadking - - 380 comments

will this fix my problem with custom battle? In custom battle I can't have any settlement because if I click it, it crashes.

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WookieLast - - 58 comments

It's a know issue. To play with settlements, i believe you have to select man settlement, then pick a low level settlement/fort? i cant remember. try fort, then work up until you find the one that works. It must be a men settlement however.

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doberman32 - - 1 comments

Let someone help me ... when I play the battle game I get error! Tell me what to do ... I have problem like roadking!!!

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Guest - - 699,940 comments

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Robert_Hughes - - 16 comments

That is because you have to select fort then go to races and put men in instead of dwarfes and then you can select any settlement.

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ZeDin - - 66 comments

I know how to play custom battle with settelmen but I CAN'T. PLAY WITH MASO...... SOMETHING CULTURE.

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TATW-FTW - - 48 comments

Then don't?

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gerrit1919 - - 596 comments

first u have to pick fort then change settlement culture to men and then choose the settlement u want

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Revlis - - 2 comments

This may be considered late... In September and all but I was just wondering if it's usual for the install wizard for the mod to take 30 min plus to open...?

There isn't actually a problem with installation which I initially thought, it has opened just half an hour later...

I read up someone else had a similar problem, is it just me or does this usually happen...?

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

This is not the fault of TATW or Moddb this is a problem on your end or filefronts so there is nothing we can do to help you on this....

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SirDakkalot - - 22 comments

You have to pick fort, pick what culture you want, and then pick what settlement you want. It's a little odd, but it isn't too much trouble.

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JohnnyHammersticks - - 22 comments


custom battles are for losers anyways

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Drako474 - - 7 comments

I have a question for the creators. Everytime I try to exit out of the main menu everything freezes and I have to manually shut my computer down. The cursor becomes the ring and continues moving and I can move the mouse. But other than that the computer can't do anything else. Anybody have any ideas?

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

Sounds like there might be a glitch in you game, I would try and do a total reinstall meaning remove M2TW & Kingdoms and all patchs and also remove TATW then reinstall everything correctly "Look at my blog here it has detailed install instuctions and all the links you need" and see if it happens again...

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Vanax8 - - 14 comments

I will try to reinstall it all... my 2.1 version has problems with sounds,too

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Riccars - - 270 comments

If you don't wanna reinstall you could always Ctrl+Alt+Del and force quit it. I had to do that with my Shogun Total War since it was stubborn like that.

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xXBerethorXx - - 587 comments

lol me 2, shogun is fun but just too outdated for these new computers :(

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edo3 - - 119 comments

Love your huge patches, reminds me WoW

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Death_Blade - - 296 comments

seed is awful

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Trailhog250 - - 714 comments

I'm going to have to download this with dial-up because my internet is turned off... well that should only take a week or two. Time to re-download that download manager I guess lol (No, I'm serious. I'm going to do that.) Atleast this doesn't affect my saved games.

Good job on 2.0 ;)

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scone2 - - 25 comments

I was confused when i got the winning music for good factions when I was playing as Mordor hopefully this fixes it! :D

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Klidus - - 203 comments

is there some where a list that thing this bugfix fixes?

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

Changes and Bug-fixes:
- problem with white UI fixed (thanks to gigantus)
- (occasionally) missing diplomats and woodcamps fixed
- wrong music and sounds fixed
- battle crashes fixed (thanks to Germanicu5)
- several missing textures fixed
- some tiny balance tweaks

@ Klidus - Hey bud... Look at the top of the page... Above the Preview Image... And right below the Download now butten... What is in that box... Oh yeah its the Description Box...

Sometimes it just take a little looking around to find what your looking for ;)

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Klidus - - 203 comments


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thirdageguy11 - - 9 comments

i installed the patch and mygame still crashes when i get into the battle map, can someone help me out?

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Lokna - - 53 comments

haha ive been so engrossed in this game that i didnt know they released this patch! haha

came on here to tell my problem...was playin fellowship town of hobbiton had 150% happiness (so no revolts) yet when i press end turn the garrison of that city (didnt know they had a garrison) leaves and the game ends in failure:S very random but spoiled my campaign, does legolas or anyone know ho wto resovle this issue?

anyway going to download patch now and get excited:)

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

It seems to me its just a random crash, but you might be best just to start over, if the crash keeps happening around the same time it happeneed in your last campaign then you might have to do a reinstall.

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Lokna - - 53 comments

ok thank you :) happened agian just now...(Expcet all my main characters died and the garrison left hobbiton lmao! to fight those hard battles again grr) anyway going to reinstall all of it:) )

thank you:):D

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Laureasairon - - 93 comments

Does the battle crash also mean the battle freeze? Because I was fighting Battle of Pelennor Fields and after half of our forces were destroyed, it just froze. -.-

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Yiio - - 109 comments

can somebody help me? I got third age total war 2.0 and the patch 2.1:) but when I start the main campain ther is no sounds:( when I reached a plase the sounds work when the movies are playing but in battles and on all the other things of the campain the sounds just don´t work:( How can I fix this? i have Reinstall medieval and third age total war two times but it still don´t work:(:( please help me:(!!!!

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Ignatz01 - - 4 comments

Hi i have a question for this marvelous mod, i played with the high elf and after i take Ost-in-Edhil i never found how take the eregion smith unit, can anyone explain to me how i can acquire that Elven unit?Thanks for all the great Job!!!!!!!

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

@ Laureasairon - It just might be a glitch try and play it several times and see if it keeps crashing if so then you might have to reinstall.

@ Yiio - Try this, go into the folder C:/user/user name/appdata/ and delete the Medieval II Total War folder.
In Vista this folder may be a hidden folder so you have to enable hidden folders to find it.

@ Ignatz01 - I'm not sure what your asking, if your playing a campaign then you wont get Elite Elves till you build the advance barracks and you wont get those till around turn 80 or so also you have to build the culture up in that town to be able to build "ANY" kind of elf unit, so build art studios and things like that that builds up culture...

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Yiio - - 109 comments

I don´t get it legolose? Can I find this on the control panels and just delete medieval total war II ther? and maybe also the kingdom expansion? or is it enough whit medieval 2 ??

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_Vidocq_ - - 85 comments

lol with this patch when i play a custom battle the game crashes and the computer shuts down xD i'm reinstalling the mod

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Yiio - - 109 comments

What can I do if the sound don´t work on the campain?

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Yiio - - 109 comments

I has got to what you told me legolose but I don´t got any folder whit the name medieval ll total war:( What can I do to fix the problem now?

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TotalWarLOTR - - 2 comments

try going to my documents and going to local disk(drive c) and click program files.......then scroll to SEGA and it should be there

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

@ Yiio - Try this
- open your control panal.
- select and open folderoptions.
- choose the second tab display.
- scroll down and select show all.
- go to the specific folder and it will be seen now.
Then go into the folder C:/user/user name/appdata/ and delete the Medieval II Total War folder.

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Yiio - - 109 comments

I don´t thing I need to do that anymore:) i just turned down the UAC and now it works:)

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

Cool, glad you got it going ;)

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Yiio - - 109 comments

yeeh:D But I hope that this game some day should be cooler:) example like Minas tirith and isengard and other settlements looked like it does on the movies*:D

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winstonchu - - 1 comments

Hey sorry to bother you guys but I followed every step you told me to Legolose but on my Laptop I couldn't find any Medieval II Total War Folders but I searched it somewhere else and there's quite a few Medieval II Total War Folders. Which one do you mean? And Yiio, what do you mean by UAC?

By the way Legolose here's the list of my folders of Medieval II Total War:
Medieval II Total War Teutonics
Medieval II Total War Crusades
Medieval II Total War America
Medieval II Total War Britain
Medieval II Total War

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elendil33 - - 21 comments

I love this F-ing Mod! Probably the greatest LOTR game ever made other than Battle for Middle-Earth and LOTRO....The Graphics are amazing, the troops feel life-like, and it never seems to get'm currently 64 turns into the realm of Rohan, and my armies are mostly Rohirrim....but I still want more....Can't wait to try the Fellowship campaign....and Historic Battles....Thanks a lot for finally making a LOTR game that i've always wanted....Everything about this mod feels just like the movies and books, where you control hordes of soldiers that you can extend your borders with, orkeep at bay to defend your keep....this mod inspires me to become a Game Designer myself....thanks again...


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SuomiKeizari - - 111 comments

does anyone know why you cant fight defensive battles in hotseat in this mod?? i would be REALLY glad to know why or how to fix it.

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

Go here and ask for help I would help but I dont play hotseat at all these guys in the link should be able to help you out ;)

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elendil33 - - 21 comments

Only one question though...are there any merchants in this mod? if so, how do i get them? Are they only available after a certain number of turns?

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

No there are no merchants in TATW...

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PaulRyan - - 1 comments

I read there was some way to turn on merchants in the data files. If this is true, how do I do that?

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elendil33 - - 21 comments

I was wondering if the developers of the Third Age mod 2.0 were open to suggestions? If so, I think I have a really good idea about a new patch/add-on, that'll make player feel more a part of the game then ever before...What if you could make your own General at the start of a single player campaign, but make him young (like Eomer from Rohan who is 6 when the campaign starts), this way by the time you build up your armies and settlements, your personalized general is ready to go to war!
Battle for Middle Earth II had this feature, and it made my gaming experience that much better! Just think of the possibilities this could create...

As far as making the general, It would be awesome to name him and choose his bodyguard type, maybe even what kind of weapons/armour he wears, even colors or distinguishing marks that seperate you from other general's appearances, maybe allow to choose 1-2 traits....Command, Loyalty, Obedience......

Faction: Rohan-my general's name would be Theomare, and I would have a sword/spear and shield, and his bodyguard type would either be Rohirrim Lancers or Royal Guards...etc...

Faction: Gondor-My general's name would be Danessar, and I would rock a sword and shield, plus that gorgeous gondorian armour, but my bodyguards would be Heavy Infantry instead of Heavy Cavalry....etc....

Faction: Isengard-My General's name would be Burbataluk, and I would ride a Warg with a scimitar, and my bodyguards would be warg riders as well.....

Faction: Orcs of the Misty Mountains- My General's name would be Grom, and I would definately be a mountain troll with a huge hammer/club and my bodyguards would be either half-orc's or other trolls....

Well, that's my idea....I hope you like it and take it into consideration...

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Legolose - - 1,625 comments

You should refer this the the TATW Team Leader here or here This is a comment section for the 2.1 patch not a suggestion tread...

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Louis_Lux - - 344 comments

That, and it's damn impossible to make...

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covertassasin - - 1 comments

i agree witht the idea, but would the troll have the inteligence to be a leader? or organise an army? his bodyguards could be trolls but i wouldnt of though of the general being one(the orcs of the misty mountains general)

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