
The 1.0 version of the mod! Works totally fine and shit.

The Ideal ShortCuts
JafarAli01 - - 24 comments

Thanks for the mod. I have always been confused when I switched from eu4 to vicky2. Because I'm new to modding and I know little stuff like adding new nations, cultures, changing states I couldn't find where were the shortcuts

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JesusFreakk Author
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

To be honest, I was completely lost on the topic of how to mod the shortcuts/interface... But it's actually easier then you going into the defines and tweaking some **** in there xD
And yeah, in between eu4 to Vic2, exists a huge gap in the topic of "shortcuts"... Anyway, feel free for giving new suggestions on the mod!

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JafarAli01 - - 24 comments

Hotkeys to crises and relations map modes, find province panel and ledger would be nice. Also I want to remove immigration bonus to the new world so that all continents could have the same migration bonus. Brazil gets immigration just because it's in South America, so my question is do you know where to change this modifier or do you know a good article about such modding stuff?

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JesusFreakk Author
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

I will see about the shortcuts you suggested, but about immigration, I've never tried to change anything about it, BUT, I know that this mod: tweaks on the topic of immigration, just read the 3rd paragraph os it's summary and you will see what it changes, then if it's what you're looking for, take the files and change them to something that pleases you... Other than this, I really don't know where to change the Immigration mechanics...

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JafarAli01 - - 24 comments

I've found that if I dig in the population related files I'll find immigration related part to change. Also if you added a deselect button so that we could carpet siege like in eu4 with 30k stacks

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marxistguy - - 230 comments

Pretty cool and handy, thanks for this

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JesusFreakk Author
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

And I thank you for commenting!

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