
Hi guys, finally getting around to posting the pre-alpha pre-preview. Just a warning: this is all entirely unfinished. Basically we've just got about 80% of the models in and working. There's still a /long/ way to go.

Sins of an Old Republic Addon
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All_Under_Heaven - - 352 comments


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Corpus_Callosum - - 418 comments

Well this is a nice surprise!

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harper136 - - 106 comments

Nice cant wait to still play around with them

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

Installd 4.10 and this. When I launch them it runs fine, but the Old Republic factions aren't showing up? Just Voss/Clones/CIS/Imps/Rebels

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

Got it working - however I crash on a loading screen. I made the .exe Large Address Aware, but it's still crashing?

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Drakelius - - 5 comments

Had the same issue.. It seems the crash was due to having Capital Ship Victory enabled. Turned it off and it runs fine.

Another issue: Starting without anything - no asteroid mining facilities, and no Class-1/Class-2 shipyards. There's also no construction units to build these.

Looking then at the different ships, there's no information on them showing other than their damage capacities and abilities. No picture, no name. Just "string not found". I'm assuming this is due to it being early, early alpha?

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vader111 - - 361 comments

what map are you playing that has no shipyards spawn?

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Drakelius - - 5 comments

I tried both Sith Invasion Small maps - no shipyards nor asteroids. I also played the medium Mandalorian Invasion (I think that's what it's called!)

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vader111 - - 361 comments

ok let me have a look

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vader111 - - 361 comments

no works for me, you sure you dragged out the GalaxyScenarioDef file into soge gameinfo folder

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Drakelius - - 5 comments

Where is the GalaxyScenarioDef file, and what soge gameinfo folder?

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Drakelius - - 5 comments

Scratch the above comment, I found the GalaxyScenarioDef file, and extracted it into the SOGE GameInfo in the 4.10.0 folder - still nothing.

No mining asteroids built. No shipyards. No building crew/craft.

Also is there a reason why there's no ship info at all for both Republic and Sith? It says "NO STRING FOUND", and has no flavour text or name.

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Drakelius - - 5 comments

Okay. I completely deleted SoGE and the old republic and reinstalled from scratch. That seems to have fixed my issue with the no-buildings!

And hallelujah! The names are showing up!

Thank you, Vader, for sticking with me all day to troubleshoot this. And thanks for all the work on the mod, it's great so far :)

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vader111 - - 361 comments

no worrys

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

how do I disable the Capital Ship Victory I keep getting the Large Address Aware issue every time I try and load a game

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Mageskyfire - - 4 comments

I think i am having the same issue as Guest, wherein, i have installed both the main file and the addon, and i can see no ships, and my mod checksum is different to the one posted. I would have made this it's own comment, but i messed it up.

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1radref - - 116 comments

Do you mind sharing how you fixed this? As I have the same problem and can not figure it out.. . .

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1radref - - 116 comments

How did you fix this please?


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reconsix - - 19 comments

Still happens for me too

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vader111 - - 361 comments

Hi all one of the main dev here to get it working you need version 4.10 of soge, first you extract soge to the mod folder, then you extract the tor addon to sin mod folder, select yes to overwrite file in soge folder. After that launch sins and enable soge first and then select and add the tor addon making sure its under soge in the mod screen.

Hope that helps all

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vader111 - - 361 comments

Here are the install order images

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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

Ahh, yes that helped. Before, I had tried moving and replacing the files themselves, however that didnt work, as the Old Republic and Sith Empire weren't showing up. They do now!

But yes, it does seem in rather early development. As pretty as the ships are(and they are quite nice to look at), that is about all i can do with them. I went in in Dev Mode, and spawned a bunch of Capital ships and cruisers that i like, and several of the ships would not move to attack. They would attack if an enemy came within range, but they wouldn't move, even if i told them to move somewhere. They would only move if i told them to go to a different planet, and even that took a few minutes to jump to hyperspace.

All that said, I really love the looks of these ships! And I can barely wait to see this completed!

So kudos to the TOR addon Dev team!

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vader111 - - 361 comments

cheers glad i could help, to do with the issues you have encountered, thats weird, will look into it

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

ok i can see the ship ones i build them, but on the "bar" where you pick what ship you want to build there are no Pics of the ships.

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Seymour2012 Author
Seymour2012 - - 48 comments

Yes, that is how it supposed to be for now.

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

im not able to see the ship's for the old the reb. can't see any ships on the what to build runs fine thoe.

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vader111 - - 361 comments

yeah, thats only because we have not started on the icons for the build menu :P

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

oh ok thank you sorry btw i love your mod and i know this is just to show us what your working on and your doing a hell of a job thank you for showing us the work your doing im jelly, how you can make ships and just make a game that old by now give us a new life to an old game so thank you sir.

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law4426 - - 197 comments

Nice work with the addon so far, but I think more work needs to be done

Also, the Valor Class cruise isn't in yet and the Wanderer Class transport is bigger than the Thranta Corvette, and the textures/colors on some of the ships aren't loading properly

I know that the Old Republic era is still a work in progress, i'm sure you guys will get it right

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vader111 - - 361 comments

the valor is in its the titan for the old republic :P

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Akesis - - 47 comments

One thing I noticed is that the shields on the Harrower battle cruiser doesn't regenerate

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dingdingjo1357820251 - - 7 comments

friends and I are having the same problem with Sith Empire cap ships, shield and armor regen isn't working unless its from rep bots from stations

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Midgeee - - 200 comments

I get the factions in my list, but i cant build anything in game after selecting one. Help would be grand as ive tried a few things

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vader111 - - 361 comments

the ships are buildable, there just no icons for them so you can hover over them and see what ships are there, and then click them to build them

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Midgeee - - 200 comments

Ahh well that explains alot, i gave it a try and indeed you were right. I should really learn to look before i post :p

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Xorras - - 345 comments

Make Valor as capital ship and Expungable as titan please!
Also... Sizes are so weird. Fury somehow bigger than Terminus destroyer... and almost size of harrower :o

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vader111 - - 361 comments

scale is nowhere near finished, valor suits the tian role better as it is a advanced ship

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Xorras - - 345 comments

>as it is a advanced ship

But its republic opposite of harrower...

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vader111 - - 361 comments

the sith get a harrower 2 aka oppessor which is a advanced version of the harrower

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law4426 - - 197 comments

Well, then the Titan of the Old Republic should be the Star of Coruscant, a superdreadnaught of the Republic Navy

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vader111 - - 361 comments

we would if we had a model of it, which we unfortunately don't

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davidt0504 - - 720 comments

Valors were used all the time by the Republic during this Era. making it the Titan just doesn't fit with the lore.

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NikonOlympos - - 50 comments

Yea. Its not really a titan. During the Old Republic of this time, Valor's became front line units. They were designed as combat ships with heavy weapons and armor. As such they were produced in large numbers ( It fits more to be a capital ship in the mod because of this. If the Inexpungable is to be compared to the Valor in game, the inexpungable would make more sense as a Titan because it was designed as a fleet command ship. It was never meant to be a front line cruiser but a command and fire coordinator vessel for the copious amounts of Hammerhead classes used during the Mandalorian Wars ( Yea the Valor is "more advanced" but its role is clear, even when serving as a flagship it was still supported by other Valors and Thrantas. That being said, it's the author's choice. They've done amazing work so far and I think we can all appreciate just seeing our ships come to life in such a spectacular way. Keep up the good work guys!

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Isimiel - - 438 comments

I agree the Inexpugnable ( and the Valor ( should be swapped also some form of ship icon needs to be patched asap (I cant find me ships half the time lol =P)

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Seymour2012 Author
Seymour2012 - - 48 comments

We have no intention of releasing immediate patches, but will release uploads in batches when appropriate progress has been achieved.

I personally prefer the Inexpugnable as the Titan and making the Valor be the strongest capital ship for the Old Republic, myself. It's not final.

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law4426 - - 197 comments

i would agree to your suggestion, unless you can ask SWTOR for an exact model of the Star of Coruscant, which is a super-dreadnaught

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IsolimTso - - 18 comments

It doesn't make any sense for the Inexpugnable to be the Titan, as it was long discontinued before even the end of the Mandalorian Wars. Judging from the models, it seems that the developers are placing this mini-mod in the era of the TOR MMO, which takes place 300 years after the KotOR games, which makes the Inexpugnable way obsolete. Just my thoughts on it.

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davidt0504 - - 720 comments

But still, the Valor was used all over the place. It makes no sense for it to be the Titan unless you make its research early tier research and allow us to have like 8+

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Yenus - - 26 comments

how do i change this checksum thingy, because mine is 330340247 ...

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vader111 - - 361 comments

basically means that the mod is not installed correctly

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