
This mostly changes the proficiency of SOME ranged units, so they no longer have a zero in melee. A few units have had their gear adjusted, mostly for visuals and continuity. A couple of ranged units now have proficiency in their ranged weapon. I tried to balance things, but that may not be the actual case. This "rebalance" focuses on a few units so many are still "unbalanced". Full list of changes in Changes.txt, Have fun!

Sayazn minor rebalance
Ryan8848 Author
Ryan8848 - - 1 comments

Sorry! This is not from the uploader of the mod! just my dumb little changes, really sorry this showed up here!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
jacobhinds - - 13 comments

nah, feel free to leave it up if others want to use it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
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