Perisno 0.76 (Patch)
The full 0.75 version of Perisno is required in order to use this patch.
Apply the patch by simply copy-pasting the files over the 0.75 files.
- [FIXED] Hakkon heavy footman and legionnaire are no longer sorted as archers
- [FIXED] Issues with some dwarf armor/helmets
- [FIXED] General Iolach Crash
- [FIXED] Troops Wearing wrong helms
- [CHANGED] Item Sorting
- [CHANGED] Items are adjusted by stats
- [CHANGED] Encumbrance is now meaningful
- [CHANGED] Troop stats increased about 10% except archers, who are about 10% less power draw
- [CHANGED] Module.ini adjusted to increase armor soak values
- [CHANGED] Diplomacy Settings to fit more factions
- [CHANGED] Crossbows reload slightly faster if agility is > 8, per point of added agility
- [CHANGED] Some skills are modified
- [CHANGED] Troops definitions are modified according to Mel's Perisno but with some editing
- [CHANGED] Taxes and rents are less profitable
- [CHANGED] Lowered Enterprise costs
- [CHANGED] More things can go rotten than before
- [CHANGED] New food types added that are NOT able to go rotten
- [ADDED] Combat Enhancements
- [ADDED] Troops will slow down as they are injured
- [ADDED] troops may sprint up to 8 seconds under AI control
- [ADDED] New, Better Looking Troop Tree viewer
- [ADDED] Items viewer
- [ADDED] New Murdenholl Scene
- [ADDED] Ability to smoke meats from camp menu under actions
- [ADDED] Formations!
- [ADDED] Battle Cries
the Perisno Development Team.
Yey!!! \o/
Kudos to you! :D
oh man i clicked the wrong buttton while scrolling. sorry XD
Good work Mike,keep it up :)
Let's conquer again Perisno!
Why does my Demon knights have been replaced?What is wrong,almost all my units has been changed to zeon army(as i remember).
Maybe it is not compatible with previous versions.
Michadr wrote:
"Version 0.76 is not save game compatible with 0.75, sorry. Just to many changes."
It is not save game compatible.
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Im guessing this wont work with mels perisno
Melanie has updated MelsPerisno to .76 herself. Here's a download. v.76.7z?dl=0
Error 404. :(
Strange, the games starts ok, but after i enter in battle the text logs are gone, and i need to restart the game! Somebody know what to do?
You're probably running an older version of Mount & Blade: Warband. Try updating.
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Just update the game ... I had this problem too . now its fixed .
do i extract the 0.76 file into the 0.75 folder (PerisnoFinal)
Yeah. If you're unsure...
Apply this:
To this:
I have a problem. My inventory is max 10. Every now and then when I finish buying goods from a town or village half of it disappear. Is there a way to fix this?
Did you cheat to get it to max?
Yeah. Is that why?
Yes. If you cheat to raise any stats and you break something, you are going to have to start a new game. Nothing we can do mate.
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combat logs do not appear. I'm running Version 1.168, please help without the combat log, it's really irritating to go into a battle
I'm having the same issue, the only way to fix it for me is to close the window and restart it.
I've found that it happens whenever I talk to someone, so if one of the devs sees this, check the dialogue for anything that might cause this.
exit battle and press Notes then Recent messages.
Dont ask support questions here write them at Taleworlds forum
from there the error message can give a clue as to what really happened. screen capture that and paste it at the forum for me to look at.
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what version of warband i need to run this mod ?
minimum 1.161, 1.168 is fine, as would be anything that comes after it as well.
is there some problem with the unholy general unit. When i scroll over it with the "editorial" option that you can check in the warband menu, it crashes the game.
where is the camp cheat menu ? you know that menu where you can spawn dark army and browse for items?
Everytime I spawn into a battle I spawn on a map without weapons, without allies, without enemies, and without a horse. Pls help. I have Mount and Blade 1.168
Been playing Mount & Blade for awhile, just discovered Perisno today..... I cant imagine playing without it now. Awesome job and thanks for an amazing mod!
Is it possible to only use some of this changes? I dont want some of the things on the list
What things don't you like?
Been playing 0.76 since it came out. Perisno is a great mod, thank you very much for keeping it going.
Anybody else having problems with cavalry archers during battle? When I bring-up the 'tactical menu' (pressing Backspace), often the number in brackets indicating how many cavalry archers I have on the field will flicker between the actual quantity and 0. This problem isn't purely aesthetic because I can't give orders to my CA when they are doing the flickering (I have to use the F# commands). This becomes a huge problem if they are holding position and I get knocked-out, because then they just stay there for the rest of the battle doing nothing.
Is there somewhere I can report other bugs and glitches? Thanks again.
Try to re-download the patch. Should fix those glitches for you.
The game is fine I think but I have 1 problem. The formations.
First of all when I say "stay here" to archers, they instead stay 10 paces front of it.
And also it seems my army is a little bit stupid, they don't listen to my commands they use ridiculous tactics on their own. But interestingly, enemy tactics are so good, they know this game even better than me. So in this situation playing this game and doing wars kind of unfair I think. I am always in disadventage.
Formations are a main problem of this game. You could never totally solve it. It was better at 0.75 though.
My advice is, don't make confusing or advanced formations, they don't seem to work. Make formations simple but 0 accurate, like the ones in native.
you should run Perisno .76r2 or .77 if formations are an issue for you.
Neither one is listed here, for that matter you OUGHT to be mentioning this on Taleworlds forum, where it was solved a month ago.
link: v76r2
link .77 Perisno
I don't normally look here to answer support. I answer Taleworlds Forum daily. - Glenn Sanders, author .76 && .77 Perisno
does this work on top of melsperisno or should I download regular perisno?
edit: ah I read the changelog and it seems mels changes are in this patch
Can someone help? I download the patch and drag it from WinRAR and plop it onto Perisno 0.75, but nothing happens. There's no change and the Legionare's are still considered as 'Archers'.
open the perisno 75 folder and make sure it didnt make a folder under that with perisno 76 contents. There should be 37 or so text files and some resource music textures subfolders, these go right on top of the existing 37 or so text files, resources, music and textures folders. It should say Perisno v76 in red before you load your character. Perisno .75 characters will be corrupted; you MUST start a fresh game for .76 .76 was updated to 76r2 nearly a month ago but you'd have to visit the forum to see it. .77 was released 12 days ago but only to forum users.
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Oops i flagged it! Sorry.
There is a bug in formation system. It is overlapping with original... i can't take control of it. Is this only happening to me? Also the troop don't follow me unless i press ''follow me'' again and again. Can you help me please?
I Dont know what you mean by overlapping but i cant seem to find a formation List aside from the f2 one that just brings up the multiple rows of ranks. Was hoping formations mentioned would be Sheildwall, wedge, Etc.