
I was in no way involved in creating this mod, but I'm going to post this because people have been having trouble getting it running. This is the Myth: Total War mod with some tweaks of mine to get it running on modern Med 2 TW. The campaign isn't finished, as I have no expertise in that regard, and the map is too small for a full campaign without heavy editing. I cannot stress this enough: THE CAMPAIGN IS UNFINISHED. I'M UPLOADING THIS SO THAT PEOPLE CAN AT LEAST PLAY CUSTOM BATTLES AND APPRECIATE THE WORK THE ORIGINAL CREATOR PUT INTO THIS MOD. I HAD NO HAND IN MAKING IT AND CANNOT FINISH IT.

Myth Total War (Slightly working edition)
7ty7 - - 789 comments

I was there 3000 years ago following the WIP thread on TWC. I think the original author was Briarius or smth similar. Thanks for sharing this, I'm DLing for posterity.

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phunkracy - - 267 comments

Thanks man, I did the same with XVIIth century mod. I appreciate people that are willing to save little gems of modding from being completely forgotten!

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ValyriaBlackfyre - - 138 comments

The author was Briarius his last work was update animations for the Thralls. IDK if he did that before he stopped with no updates

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KarlMoebius - - 19 comments

Thanks dude! let me hug you! Before that I only had models from that mod. Grand mod!

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Guest - - 706,458 comments

Is there a readme to explain how to install this mod? I looked in the download but it's a bit confusing because there are several text files, some of which seem to be from the original mod... :(

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KalleMagne Author
KalleMagne - - 11 comments

If you're using steam, right click on Medieval 2, hit properties, click on installed files in the menu that pops up, and click browse. That takes you to the main Medieval 2 folder, and you should see the mods folder in there.
Take the Myth_Total_War folder, and drop it inside the mods folder.
Run the mod using the bat file inside the myth_total_war folder.

You should be golden then.

If you're not using steam, it's a bit more complicated, but you can use windows file explorer to find the medieval 2 folder, and once you've found it, the instructions are the same.

You need to copy the Medieval2.exe and rename the copy to Kingdoms.exe for the bat file to work.
Can't believe I forgot that.

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Guest - - 706,458 comments

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primmnotslim - - 7 comments

I would love to see someone take up the task of finishing this mod, but just making it playable is a great service, thank you.

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