
Updated 2023-12-07! The mod Hyrule Total War: Classic Ultimate is finally done! The only thing remaining would be fixing any bugs/issues found while playing the mod in the future, and possibly a music update later on. What does this release bring? 100% completion of the generals/heroes as strat-map models on the map, fixing of bugs, new generals/heroes for many factions, a whole plethora of new scripts and fixed gameplay issues and balance! Expect Zant and Midna to be active in the civil war, and then the one who wins will be active in Hyrule after - expect 99% of the heroes to have models, expect any silver surfer units to have been fixed and expect many faction-specific scripts for single-player. It is recommended also to play single-player through hotseat - multiplayer/hotseat/Freeform Campaign or Story Campaigns - they have faster AI turns and you can play more than one faction - beware that if you play more than one you might risk more than one of the same hero in some instances.

Hyrule Total War: Classic Ultimate - Includes Hyrule Historia Missions & Videos
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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Guys, remember that this version is stand-alone so delete the older versions and insert this as a fresh folder.

- Do NOT mix and combine this with the older versions.

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daniboyS2 - - 71 comments

thank you for using M2TWEOP

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

No problem. It was required against certain units on windows 10.

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Agalethria - - 163 comments

this is great!

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Glad you like it!

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LarryLouis - - 1 comments

thank you for all you have done for this!

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Thanks, it's appreciated. I'm thinking a fix is needed for hotseat to prevent many Veran from spawning glitched if playing many. She might need unique names for all the entries.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

I've probably missed something obvious, but when I start a campaign, on Turn 2 I get a whole deluge of script events that seem to be firing all at once. All the faction intro scripts, sages scripts etc. What am I missing with this?

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

That's a consequence of enabling late-game hero spawns for the AI.

They won't spawn if the events do not trigger. And by enabling the event that happens on turn 2.

There are also important ones for your faction or like certain messages that may be worth reading.

Just exit the others.

Or if you play every faction click end turn until they stop.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

Ah got it. Glad to know it wasnt something I messed up with the install.

Thanks for the reply and great work keeping this mod alive and improved upon. Amazing work.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Thank you, I'm glad you like the improvements done to it.

- I'll be sure to fix any bugs that I find if I can.

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commissar197 - - 152 comments

Glad it's finally finished, also there was a diplomacy bug in Medieval 2 that causes all nations to hate you for every settlement you conquer and occupy PEACEFULLY, was that fixed with this mod or is that something we still have to fix on our ends?

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Fixed as long as the faction is friendly in lore.

The relations are maxed-out and will be perfect between factions like the Zora and the Hylians despite them being neutral.

Play on very easy if you like trustworthy allies.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Greetings, Mr_Nygren. So... I was playing with "The Forces of Twilight" under Prince Zant and I managed to defeat Queen Midna. I spared her and her forces and the great fairy Una joined my army. However, she did so with a bodyguard of "Shadow Messangers" instead of herself as a unit, I mean Una herself. Is that supposed to happen? Thank you in advance. Plus, allow me to congratulate you for the stupendous work that you did with this mod. Godspeed.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

It is supposed to happen after the surrender, then another turn after that she'll use her own bodyguard and model on the map.

So it takes one turn before she gets her proper stuff.

Thank you for appreciating the mod.


The game needs one turn to activate the "surrender" and another turn to activate the "Prince Zant is in control of all areas and Una is now a general."

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Oh! I see. Thank you once again.
Btw, shouldn't the player as any of the twilight factions be able to get Veran and the other great fairy called Morsheen? Weren't they active over there? Best regards.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Morsheen never had a model so that's why she isn't available, and Veran ended up in Labrynna as the campaign were set a bit after the Hyrule Historia - despite the Civil War happening in the campaign as well.

I thought about adding the 4.6 model of Veran to Zant as it would actually fit - maybe in a later update where I add Malmord - undead Azrily and other missing heroes.

Labrynna's Veran was in secret working for Zant as she would manipulate Queen Ambi while transforming the Black Tower into a portal - from which Zant would invade - hence why I made Zant invade Lynna City as the AI - King Zant's goal isn't to conquer Labrynna though and Veran wanted to use him to get revenge on the Fairies of Tarm who banished her to the Realm of Twilight.

In essence Veran is a Labrynnian hero but in secret is working for Zant - so it would kind of make sense to have her in Zant's roster if the player plays as Zant.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

I totally agree. It would make sense to have Veran in the twilight (Zant) faction. I can't wait for it! A most wise and reasonable decision. Who knows? Maybe there could even be a Morsheen model? Just a suggestion of course. Meanwhile, there seems to be a problem. I, literally, tried everything but to no avail. When Una joins my army, even after a couple turns later, she still has the "Shadow Messengers" and doesn't change to herself! I don't know what's wrong! I am playing the normal freeform campaign as the twilight realm(Zant) and even though I get Argorok and Onox when I conquer Uzu after I offer surrender to Midna and let the turns pass, nothing happens with Una. Any clue? Could you help me solving this weird issue? Is it, perhaps, related to the units size? I play with normal units size. Thank you.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

No, it's related to the script and shouldn't be an issue as I've tested that multiple times. I'm gonna test Zant out but the only solution is a new upload or a changed campaign_scripts-file - not save-game compatible.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

I just tried her out playing as Zant and she does indeed spawn near Sand Crab Cove in Hyrule one turn after you have clicked surrender.

1. Kill Queen Midna.

2. During the next turn click yes on surrendering her forces.

Now she will be a generic general with a shadow messenger bodyguard.

3. Click end turn and during the next turn she'll spawn near Sand Crab Cove and she will have her intended bodyguard, strat-map model and traits.

If this doesn't work for you something is off with the scripts for you. Then I'd suggest downloading the file from November 2021 and place in your main directory of Medieval 2 as that's the only solution I can think of.

Or re-install the mod.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

All right! I will do as you command. Btw, once the "true" Una spawns, what happens with the previous one?

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

When Una spawns the other is removed from the map.

Zant seems to have an issue with recruitment though, as I couldn't recruit the Midna-troops after her surrender - it might also be an issue with Midna in relation to Zant's troops - a fix will be needed.

In 2021 both could recruit each others units after the civil war - but now they can't - probably due to the portal being available at the start - without the portal they won't work in Hyrule as the AI though..

So I'd guess I released it too fast as I thought it worked but it didn't.

So Zant is stuck with his own troops for some reason.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Hey there Mr_Nygren. So, first of all thank you four your aid and patience thus far. You've been really helpfull. About Una... I still didn't check it but I remember that the previous one didn't get removed. Which is not normal, I assume. But I tell you that I installed many mods for Medieval II (all of them mod foldered of course) and I have some experience in it for I know the procedure and steps in order to install a mod for Medieval II. I might add that I installed the two last versions of Hyrule and never got any issues. All went fine (or at least I think so). Of course that I deleted them in order to install the new one. So I don't think is related with the install of the mod. Even thought that I will reinstall it again. Fortunately, I don't have any problems with the recruitment of troops for Zant. I got available Midna's units such as the "Sol Nurses", "Sol Cannons" and so on. If that's what you mean. Perhaps, it woud be better if you made the necessary adjustments and release or "re-upload" the mod again. But, of course, act as you see fit and take your time. Thank you kindly and godspeed.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

No, I am serious that the Una-spawn works in my version which is the one I did upload.

Hyrule Total War cannot be compared with any other mod because it's using the campaign_script-file to spawn everything in it - while other mods use the descr_strat - so if the campaign_script-file doesn't load properly you're in trouble.

- My mod worked for years, then in November 2021 after moving Steam to a different location all of a sudden the scripts didn't work anymore - and I had to download the preference-file that I uploaded in November 2021 and place it in the main medieval 2 folder overwriting the old file for the scripts to start to function again.

To know if they are working start the game as the Kingdom of Hyrule. You should get two messages - one about the Tokay almost winning, and one welcoming you to the campaign - the minimap in the top-down left corner should also show a full map.

If the map has "borders" and if only the Tokay-message with a picture of Queen Rutela shows - in essence if you get no welcome-message on the first turn as Hyrule - then the scripts aren't working.

Try also to do this first before starting a campaign then after that exit to the main menu and start the Zant-campaign.

I do remember that with the Church of Majora if I started a campaign as them that the scripts wouldn't work, but when I at first started the game as Hyrule and played 2 or three turns and then returned to the main menu after which I started a campaign as Majora then they did work.

- To know if the scripts are working you should also be bombarded with events on turn 2.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Salutations. I am reinstalling the mod at this very same moment. So, allow me a quick synopsis of what I did: I followed the recomendations above and all went well. I got the message regarding Tokay almost winning as well as the welcome message as the Kingdom of Hyrule the map was the typical fog of war. I got "bombarded" with the events of multiple factions on turn 2. I played for about 4 turns.Then I exited to the main menu to choose the freeform campaign and selected "The forces of Twilight" (Zant) first message was about Lady Middee. No welcoming message whatsoever in turn one unlike in the Hyrule campaign. I took Elmenzhia and Uzu in the very first turn and I received sorceresses in Elmenzhia and avatars of Majora in Uzu as well as Argorok and Onox, and Zant and Olg. On the following turns (turn 4 or 5) Link spawns in Majora Prime, I took the Palace of Twilight, killed Midna, skipped the turn, the surrender message shows up I accept, the remaining hostile forces joined my army (like Una with her Shadow Messengers bodyguard). And on the next turn... Nothing changed! :( No proper Una spawn near Sandcrab Cove and the "fake" Una is in the Realm of Twilight with those Shadow Messengers. By the way, I forgot to mention earlier: I turned off the anti-aliasing. But I am pretty sure it is irrelevant for this matter.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Yes, you are only supposed to get the Lady Middee Message as Zant.

That's very weird that it doesn't work for you. I'm gonna have to try the Zant-faction on a windows 10 computer at a later date but on my windows 7 I've had it working multiple times now.

So it could be a win 10 issue.

In any case, most of the scripts seem to work for you - the way the Una-script works is that she needs to be alive at the surrender or she won't spawn, if she is alive then when you click surrender you'd get her with a generic model and the Shadow Messengers-bodyguard - after clicking End Turn she's supposed to be moved off-map by the script and the real Una is supposed to spawn at Sand Crab Cove. If this isn't happening I don't really know why.

Are you playing the Freeform Campaign?

I always use hotseat but even in single player it worked for me.

By the way, there are some issues with Zant in the current release besides Una and I've fixed all the issues just now. I'm just gonna add hero abilities to every hero and possibly add 4.6 Veran as Morsheen (I am not the guy who created the models so obviously I cannot create new models for battle) and Labrynna's Veran as Veran - beware that each faction can only have 8 heroes on the map and Zant is at that limit.

10 is the normal limit but the Twili Portal and the Subrosian Underground Entrance do steal slots.

One could replace King Zant with Veran on the map but I don't know.. King Zant has a helmet unlike Prince zant and only spawns for the AI.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Oddly enough, I am playing on a Windows 7 pc. I do not have Windows 10 installed. I was playing with the Gerudo and after some turns I got asked if I would let Zant to live. Is the "twilight surrender script" supposed to take place even when you play with other factions?
And yes, I am playing the freeform campaign. As I always did. But I already tried the hotseat by only selecting the twilight (Zant) faction and it still didn't work. It's just like I've been telling you: I get Middee, Zant, Olg, and once I capture Uzu, Argorok and Onox show up. And when I kill Midna and offer her surrender all the remaining hostile forces join my armies. Even Una with her infamous "Shadow Messengers" bodyguard. But when I skip the turn nothing changes or happens. Una does not spawn near Sand Crab Cove and the "fake" Una is still lingering with my armies with the same "out of place" bodyguard.

Those additions and corrections are most needed and the amount of effort and work that you did for this mod is insurmountable and really incredible. And I am aware of that limitation regarding the number of heroes. A pitty is it not? :) Though 8 is pretty good.

To conclude, Mr_Nygren, I most humbly and kindly ask you and beseech you: Can you take a look at the "Una script"? To check if there is something wrong with it? Be it as it may, the mod is great! Cheers.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Yes, you get that option no matter what faction you play as as it's up to the player to click "yes" or "no" at the surrender and not the ai.

I'm sorry man, but as I told you I have tried the Una-script on my own Windows 7 multiple times - I even have videos of it - and it works.

If it doesn't work for you I don't know why and I would suggest playing as Midna then - it works for me on my computer so there is nothing I can do - especially not if you're also using windows 7 where it certainly 100% is working for me.

Thanks for your appreciation of my modding regardless.

Undying Nephalim/Ice Cream Man is the original creator of the mod so don't give me full credit for the mod - I only did the modding of the submod.

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InfanteDHenrique - - 210 comments

Greetings and good tidings, Mr_Nygren! So I decided to play with Midna instead of Zant, and everything works great! :)
I have Una from turn 2 and after Zant's defeat, Lady Midee, Olg, Onox and Argorok spawn near "Arbiter Grounds". Each with it's own unique hero bodyguard. I am really glad. And I rather play as Midna than Zant. I prefer the blue coloured twili units than the red ones of Zant. Besides, Midna is indeed an "usurper" but she is better suited to reign over the twili than Zant, in my most humble opinion that is. Nonetheless, I still think is very weird that Una doesn't spawn for me when playing as Zant. I wonder what's wrong...
Anyway, may I dare to ask when do you intend to release the next version? The one that you mentioned earlier with Morsheen.
Quick question: If I bribe Veran (the Labrynna one) will I get her as a general with herself as bodyguard? I am trying to do a "lore friendly" campaign.

And of course UndyingNephalim deserves most of the credit. Afterall, he is the brain behind all this. But you developed and polished the mod in an unprecedented way! But both of you deserve equal praise, in all fairness. Much obliged for your help thus far. Godspeed!
P.S: Why are there so few mercenaries in the mod? I think they would have add more flavour and variety to the mod, in my opinion of course.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Hello there, and good tidings to you as well.

I'm glad to read that Midna works - and yeah I agree that her units do look better.

I've no clue what is causing Una to not spawn for Zant in your case as that's really odd.

I've released it already yesterday, but I didn't add any more heroes than Malmord/Undead Azrily - originally I was going to add Veran to Zant and 4.6 Veran as "Morsheen" because I am not a modeller so I cannot create models - the strat-map models were converted from battle to the campaign-map so that's not the same as creating the models from scratch.

I had big issues with adding Malmord/Undead Azrily as I'd get the bugged map many times when adding her the same way I added all of the others - instead in her case I had to add one line at a time and it would seem that I couldn't replace the staldra-units of Undead Onox (It would seem that I had two scripts for Undead Onox - one for the AI and one for the player - in the end I had to replace the one for the AI and then made the other spawn for both) without causing the bugged-map indicating a crash or that the scripts aren't working - in essence whenever I attempted to add Malmord as a new hero-entry I'd get the bugged map with non-working scripts.. And only when I replaced Infested Mido did she work - but I didn't want to replace Infested Mido, and re-adding Mido after replacing him also caused the same problem - I am convinced I've reached a limit on scripts or something in the file. In any case, I ended up replacing one out of two scripts for Undead Onox and didn't add Veran or "Morsheen" due to me believing I'm at a limit where whenever I am adding a new hero the scripts won't work.

I've had an AI-faction bribe Veran into joining that faction once during my let's play as Labrynna in the 2020-release of the mod - so it's possible to bribe heroes - but they certainly won't have their correct strat-map model and probably won't work in the faction that they'd join due to not having the ownership for it in the files. I don't believe that the player can bribe the computer but I could be wrong of course - the AI did succeed in bribing Veran but I did reload the save so I did never try to battle her to check what she looked like in battle or if she'd crash. It might be possible though that she'd work on the map as a generic general model though because the script-faction called "HeroofTime" in the files have all the names for every hero. But I'd think she'd crash in battle for any other faction than the rebels or Labrynna.

Yeah, without Undying Nephalim/IceCreamMan the mod wouldn't exist at all. Without me you'd be stuck with the 2017 release or the 2014 release.

Thanks for your support, I have indeed polished it and removed quite a bunch of bugs - then added stuff to it from Neph's other projects or from unused files. I've even made some assets and converted a big list of models for the map. Yeah, my goal was to make his 2014-release more completed and bug-free.

I did add a bunch of new mercenaries to the mod such as the 4.6 Zuna & Tokay, or the Great Sea Oceanblins or Rito - then there are a bunch of regional recruitment units such as the minish, the Volvagians, the Poe's - I didn't add a lot of mercs because the issue with mercenaries is that they'd be available to every faction unless you know how to prevent certain factions from getting them - which I don't really understand how Neph did that - so I went with regional units instead or used his already existing mercenary slots. Adding new mercenary slots would be troublesome as i don't know how he prevented certain factions from being able to recruit them - I do know he used scripts.

In Warcraft: Total War I've had this issue where the Scourge can recruit bandits as mercs etc due to me not knowing how to remove them from the factions that can recruit them. It's easy with normal units but not with mercenaries for some reason.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Hello again, so I had the same bug that you described with Una as Zant.. So back in February this year 2023 I did take a screenshot where she worked for Zant - so something has caused her to stop working.

I'm gonna fix this in a later update.

Also, it would seem that when playing as Queen Midna the portal will turn into a generc general after Zant has surrendered - making it impossible for Midna to send troops to Hyrule - the portal in Hyrule works but not the portal in the Twilight Realm..

- However, playing as Queen Midna in single-player through the single player menu worked fine - but not through multiplayer/hotseat. The issue with this is that the end-turn times are much slower in single-player as compared to multiplayer/hotseat. She did work in the past so I suspect I caused this bug by trying to fix the portal of Zant in hotseat, meaning I will need to restore certain changes to how they were previously.

- Also, the Stalhounds of the Stalfos are glitched and cannot attack in melee in a prolonged melee fight - they can kill enemies when they charge but not otherwise - testing the updated new Stalhounds using updated models of HTW 4.6 I could actually see that they not only killed more enemies in the charge (due to now being light cavalry (beasts) instead of light infantry - but thanks to the switch from infantry to cavalry they also have their "head" as the "rider" and their hound-body as the "mount" - in the submod using the old Stalhounds they're just infantry and the entire hound is one model. In HTW 4.6 the Stalhounds could actually kill enemies in a prolonged melee - I'll replace the old stalhounds with the new in an update too - but it's not as simple as replacing one unit with another - the new 4.6 version is a mount and as such will require a mount-slot in addition to the unit-slot - and I'm out of mount-slots - I'm gonna have to remove one of the mounts in order to get the new Stalhounds into the mod.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

I've fixed Una for Zant, the Twili Portal for Queen Midna in hotseat, the Stalhounds have been replaced with the 4.6 model, all the rebel-generals on the map have been fixed and are no longer glitched, many female diplomats have the princess-animation now instead - just like the Gerudo Diplomats - only the non-feminine ones kept the diplomat-animation out of the female diplomats (the Fairy merchant also got the princess-animation), Sheikah & Wizzrobe recruitment for the Kingdom of Hyrule from Kakariko and Vigjaro have been lowered so that it will take 5 turns to replenish a unit - not 9 turns, the Sheikah elite units - the Blood Knights and the Devoured - have had their replenishment lowered from 10 to 5 turns, the recruitment of "area of recruitment-units" also changed from 10 turns of replenishment to 5 turns, the Goron Bomb Platforms, Zora Spire and the Fairy Perception Ward have had their replenishment increased to 10 turns instead of their old 5 turns - just like with the Kokiri Barricades and the Labrynna Gunner Posts, the Deku Tree's are now also more common with their replenishment changed from 10 to 5 turns, the Deku Scrubs Heavy Cavalry - the Plowers - are back at being more numerous and a worthy unit to deploy, the Tokay Diplomat is back and the Stalfos Priest is removed instead - which could only be recruited from Kakariko anyway- and the Stalfos never went there as the AI, the Huskus, Subrosian and Zuna have diplomats now - Subrosia has the Goron diplomat, the Huskus has the Kokiri Korok Diplomat and the Zuna share the Darknut diplomat and the River Zora won't have a diplomat because they're "Wild Zora" and it didn't make any sense. Rosa the Harsh - the Leader of the Subrosian faction - has been moved to Hyrule as the AI would never move there otherwise, and would also never go to Subrosia.. Might be something else I can't remember at the top of my head.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

I love this mod. Genuinely wish there was anything similar to this for any other total war game.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

There isn't though.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

You sir are a machine

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Glad you like this submod which is basically finished unless I find bugs to fix while playing.

I'm gonna write one or two additional articles.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
PhantomHunter777 - - 17 comments

Its good to see that your still working on this project :)

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Thanks. But it's completed now unless I will find smaller bugs while playing. Glad that You like the submod.

I might release a music update.

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AbyssLord222 - - 31 comments

Any chance you will Repack this as a standalone game?? I wanna add this to my Steam collection alongside other games, hahahaha..

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

I am Playing this mod on Steam. But I don't know how to add it to the Library as it's started using a .bat-file instead of a .exe-file.

I do remember that Neph released older versions as .exe-files. Not sure how to do that.

If it had an exe it could've easily been added to the Steam library.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Stand-alone game? This is a mod for Medieval 2 and will require Medieval 2 to work.

- It's not a stand-alone game and cannot be repacked into one - all mods for Med2 do require Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms.

Without Medieval II this wouldn't work at all because Medieval II is the base-game for this.

Sounds to me you just don't want to buy the game..

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

The fearies have the wrong religion building, they have a building that generates lesser diety worship instead of nature worship, apperantly its a problem for all factions who use the lesser diety statue as religious building but dont have the lesser diety religion.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Thanks for the information, I'll look into it and upload a patch.

- The older releases of Hyrule: Total War from 2012-2014 had way fewer religions than version 4.6 and the Fairies used to have "Lesser Deity Worship" - so that's probably an old issue from 2019 where I didn't implement the new religions correctly for some factions. My guess is that the buildings in the EDB-file are lacking a necessary change in religion - the issue being that the religions are not named with the Zelda-names in the code so I probably missed out on the one for Nature worship.

Another issue I've found in the mod is that the Kokiri Detachment unit still has the "civilian animation" which I had thought got removed last year or so - the Kokiri used a unique civ-animation using a unique name as they're smaller than the others and as such needed a unique entry - I'm gonna replace their animation too so that they won't spread out in battle.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

Thanks for the answer, i looked into the religion stuff with all the factions now and since you want to make a patch i made you a list with all the things i found where off:

As mentioned all factions that have the lesser diety statue but arent lesser diety worship themselves, here is a list:
Nature Worship: Fairies of Tarm, Horonians
Pantheon of the Gods: Lizalfos
Idolatry: Subrosian, Tokay, Zuna, Darknut Legion

Additionaly there are 2 more things about this i noticed.
First: The starting regions of the Subrosian faction has predominantly the "Pantheon of Gods" religion instead of "Idolatry" wich was probably just switched up.
Second: Even tho ingame the Darknut Legion has the "Idolatry" religion in the campaign it has the description of Lesser Diety Worship so idk wich of those 2 religions are intended for this faction.

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

Furthermore i noticed that the kokiri, zora and gorons have godes worship even tho the starting zones of them are completly of the "patreon diety worship" religion and they also have religious buildings that produce "patreon diety worship" so those 3 factions where probably intended to be patreon diety worship instead of godess worship.

The gerudo and husk factions have also a building that generates "patreon diety worship" instead of "godess worship" but those where probably ment to be godess worship factions since the their starting zones have that religion.

I also noticed that the Labyrinthia Regime has no religious building at all. They have a building where they can recruit agents (and can also recruit a priest there) but no building that has religious conversion itself witch puts them at a disadventage compared to other factions.

Finaly the Lanayru Province faction. In the campaign description it is described as Godess Acknowledgment witch translates to "Patreon Diety Worship" ingame. But ingame they are "Godess Worship" but their starting zone is completly "Lesser Diety Worship" as far as i remember they where lesser diety worship in older versions but idk what you intend for this faction.

Ok this was quite a bit, i hope it helps for your patch. If i may make a suggestion, the simplest solutions is probably just add religious buildings for each of those new religions but unfortenatly idk how to add new buildings from scratch in the files.

Good Luck

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Guest - - 699,943 comments

One more thing, i also noticed that the base settlement structures of each region have a 1% conversion bonus written there this dosent seem to work tho since if you have no religious buildings or priests in that zone the religion stay exactly the same.

Idk if it is intended that you faction has a basic conversion rate throu the settlement building or not.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

Back in 2012-2014 most factions shared a fewer number of religions. In the new version of Hyrule: Total War started in 2015 and continued until its last release in the summer of 2017 Neph had implemented new religions for most factions. In my submod "Classic Ultimate" based on the 2012-2014 releases using the older models and scripts I tried to implement all those new features and religions - but something went wrong so I'll probably have to fix them for the factions that you mention.

I did change some religions in the latest release as I wanted more factions to be able to join the crusades/cleansings or the Jihads/Infestations - in the Final Battle Hyrule Historia Mission the Kingdom of Hyrule, the Zora, the Kokiri and the Gorons are joining forces to take out the Church of Majora and the Dark God Majora himself - this wouldn't ever happen in the mods campaign unless these factions all share the "Goddess Worship"-religion - only the factions with this religion can join the Cleansings, as such I had no choice but to change the Kokiri (former Nature Worship), the Zora (Lesser Deity Worship), the Gorons (Patron deity) and the Lanayru (Lesser deity) into Goddess Worship purely for the gameplay-reasons of being able to join the cleansings/crusades.

I didn't bother to change the religion in the regions so I'll probably update that in a patch where I fix the issues with the religions and add Goddess Worship to the Kokiri, the Zora, the Lanayru Province and the Gorons - it's just more fun if all of them can join the cleansings as allies like in the original plans in the Final Battle Mission against Majora. The mod is after all supposed to follow the original plans and not the changed plans.

The Darknut Legion most likely has an old description from before I gave them Idolatry in 2019 - they had "Lesser Deity" prior to that and I forgot to update the text.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

I've fixed it all now I think but it will require a redownload of the entire mod.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,895 comments

The Zora, the Kokiri, the Gorons and the Lanayru Province all had different religions in the 2012-2014 releases, then got their own in the 2015-2017 4.0-4.6 releases - and then got the same in "Classic Ultimate" - but in the 2023-release this summer they all got "Goddess Worship" purely for the gameplay-reasons of being able to join the Cleansings/Crusades in the campaign - so my plans are for them to have the "Goddess Worship"-religion as that's the only religion that crusading factions are allowed to have - I'll update their text and starting regions in a patch though so that it fits the "Goddess Worship"-religion they needed to have for the Cleansings.

Yeah, there are probably issues with a bunch of factions and their religious buildings. I didn't really know but I'll fix all those factions including the Gerudo and the Huskus.

The Labrynna Regime has "Atheism" as their religion so it makes sense that they don't have any religious buildings - their priests are named "scholars" after all - they spread atheism but do not have any buildings - they're supposed to have a disadvantage in spreading religion as they have no religion.

Yes, the Lanayru was changed because they're a Province of the Zora and as such needed to have the same as the Zora - Goddess Worship since I wanted the Zora to join the Cleansings against Majora and others like in the Final Battle Mission.

I usually base a lot of stuff in the campaign on the Hyrule Historia, like the starting Alliances and such - trying to make the campaign a bit like Neph's Videos with similar conditions and events happening, even though it's not strictly following any story - but the basic stuff tries to emulate the story of the videos. I intended for them to be Patreon in 2019, before that they were Lesser Deity - in the 2023-release during this summer I intended for them to be a Cleansing-faction instead which required "Goddess Worship".

I'll look into the buildings.


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