
Empires in Ruins Tower Defence combat map alpha. Windows 7 build. (other builds can be made available on request). Survive the waves of sneaky enemies, beware of their special abilities, and never think that you defenses are solid enough, because they probably aren't. Suggested game mode : Intermediate, Pseudo-Random waves

EmpiresInRuins - Combat map alpha - Windows build
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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Well, lets try this !

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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

Let us know how did the test go. We are aiming to a new combat map alpha much more evolved and without graphical placeholders in less than a couple of months.

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Well, just finished (errhm, i meant, "lost") some games, and, first of all, i'd like to be able to play in fullscreen resolution, would be much more confortable ;)

The catapult sound is horrible, make me regret to build it. Also, the Captain's speech is really too long, just put it the full version on MODDB or your official site for now and give us a shorter version !
And what about the "ennemy" ? I dont know much about them, it would be better to introduce them than the long and boring story of mister grumpy sergeant ;)

About the heroes icon... I guess those are placeholders and that was funny, hoping for epic icons later on ;) (also, the peasant from WC2, Epic ! :D)

About graphic, I expected better and I hope it will be. I dont worry much, i must say.

The music is too much (sometimes), after a hour, i felt like my head was about to explode. An awesome feature is that you put a cool and relaxing music between wave and then when you click the Next Wave button, some epic music, with lower sound maybe.

Also, there was few ennemy variety, I know this will be fixed, but that would be cool to know a little more about it !

Hmm the upgrades are a bit confusing, you you never know what is best, changing the tower type or just upgrade damage, range and attack speed.

Well I woul have much more to adress but I will play a few more times to be sure im not saying stupid things !

Anyway, I liked it and it looks promising, good job ! :D

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Well, sorry for multi post, but I just won and I have some random thoughts and questions : (If I dont do it now, I will probably forget ^^)

-Terrain graphics need huge improvement. I love how you made the towers but there is a huge difference between the towers and terrain, I guess you know it.
Also, units resolution is really low, its the same. In fact, only the towers are looking gorgeous here ^^

-There are no dogs ! Wait wut ? I bought like 5 times the upgrade (dog kennel) and saw not any dog ! I think its not working sadly, fix it quickly, I want my marbaris ! ;)

-We need more towers, but I know that you have planned to do alot more ;) (I dont know why you decided not to give any upgrade to the artillery tower ^^)

-Upgrade system is AWESOME, really, i love it. BUT, you shouldnt be able to choose everything (up to 3, not more), you need to have Choices to do. I think this is really important to avoid the End Game boredom.

-Heroes... What the **** ? Seriously, I used heroes only because I felt bad about not using the feature but they are really unuseful. I thought they would fight on the battlefield like in "Kingdom Rush" or "King of Towers". This would be awesome. Also, do you plan on putting unit barracks as buildings or this will be only Tower Defense old school ? Looking at the background and story you are creating, units (footmen, knights, halberdiers...) barracks that player can build would fit better that Towers-only system. (thats my humble opinion ;p)

-About ressources, there is no point of having 4 differents if you cant manage them and that you can only build 1 harvesting building... This need market (to exchange ressources) and more developed harvesting buildings :)

-Not sure that having another builder is of any use..

-Repeating Crossbow is totally overpowered (i loved it xD) once upgraded firerate and damages

Still, I had fun but it need something to make more unique each time you play (alias all the things I suggested there)
Thats all for now, I hope you will listen (even if not applying) my concerns :)

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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

No problem, better to break down the reviewing thing, makes everything easier to answer and discuss ;)
Also here you might win the reviewing award for things we wanna change.

* A New terrain with much higher res, new trees (ready but not integrated yet) and fully new units will be the next first things of the combat map. (we are gonna first go through a style redesign to make the whole thing, background and game elements ,fit better together while stayind readable)

* Ehehehe sory sorry sorry. That is just not implemented at all (because i was waiting for the dogs animated sprites) but i forgot to redden the button :D

* In total the full game shall feature approx 20 tower for the player, plus possibly a couple of mercenary ones. We stopped there for now with the artillery because animating the whole war machines on top was taking us too long for that stage (the non animated catapult right now is super ugly, but for a temporary placeholder it had to do)

* Heroes are ******, we are aware of that. There are barracks (in our dev version are implemented but not stable and tested enough for players) and we hope to get them in the map soon (takes a lot of time not for the barrack itself but for all the sprites of the soldiers + the attacking sprites for soldiers and enemies) so no worries, we got that covered!

* we are going to change the fact that you can only build a single harvesting building for resources and the resources production will also depend on the main map assets built by the player plus research and market, so it is getting richer in the real game

* Soon builders will be attackable and killable by the enemy (and will have respawn times) so that will definitely change how precious they are

* I agree, but i loved it too (ofc it will have to change it)

Definitely we are listening, if we don't listen we'll make a game only we like and no chance for improvement. Since we went "public" with the game with crave for such detailed feedback as you gave us, it's the most useful one.

Thanks for spending some time on it Angel, we really appreciate a lot!

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

You answered all my concerns positively !
Thats great to hear, can't wait for the newest built then :)

I feared that you were less ambitious than what I suggested but it seems I have no reason to doubt of your will to do something really cool ! ;)

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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

Ehehe thanks for the trust. The plan is to have a TD game that winks at lot to RTS games while taking TD mechanics to be advanced, nerdy and deep.

And all around that the story (the Sergeant story will disappear from the single map, now it was just there to give a little touch of atmosphere), the management of the provinces and the turn based strategy on the main map.

We will keep on posting quite constantly here (from next week on this game is going to be our one and only game until it's finished, polished and published so we think we can make it quite well)


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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

We didn't forget you and the new alpha mate, we are just super focused on the main map management before going back to the TD maps ;) Cheers!

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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

Angel, you might win the review of the year award as most of the things you pointed out are already known and listed in the todo. I see you got what i am about to say, but to everyone that should read this, keep in mind that this is a very early alpha.

* Sounds - All of them are bound to be changed, the Cats one has already changed in the last built ;)

* Enemies at the moment are all of them placeholders, they will have a intro thing each time they appear for the first time in game so to give a bit more knowledge of stats and settings to the player

* Heheh yes, heroes are just a development placeholder. As many other things.

* The music agreed, but it's the only song we had the right to use so far ;) And we also took into consideration dynamic music differences between waves/not waves

* As said above enemies right now are just for testing, so that part still needs a lot of work to make it presentable

* That part definitely will need the onboarding tutorial

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

So, where is the next build ? :(

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DrHogan Author
DrHogan - - 79 comments

damn bad notification system from IndieDB, I only saw now this comment after I replied to one of the old ones above ;) Alpha of the combat maps is in standby as we went all in with the main management map. If you check the twitter page you will see what i mean with the amount of work it's taking ;) Hopefully we shall move back to the TD map in less than one month and make a new much better version of it. Cheers!

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