
A continuation of bd21.0.4 and now on Github! Tons of bug fixes, weapons, vehicles, and monsters have all been polished, all shotguns can fire slugs after pressing the dual wield key and finding the power-up, new cruelty bonus feature, special/secret monsters like the Belphegor have a rare chance of spawning in place of the vanilla monster during normal play, complete brightmaps and dynamic lights, secret/special weapons and their ammo also have a rare chance of spawning in place of the vanilla weapons/ammo (of that slot) during normal play, new drum and pistol empty magazine spawns from XV117's Enhanced Weapons Mutator, and tweaked weapon accuracy, recoil, and DPS. One and a half years of edits and polishing.

Brutal v21 Expansion v0.2.0 Stable
MarkVini6226 - - 92 comments

Hey BloodWolf, This mod replace the EWM and the Expansion Mod? Like it's a continuation or a Mix of both?

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BLOODWOLF333 - - 360 comments

This mod pretty much replaces my EWM mod I combined them.

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MarkVini6226 - - 92 comments

I can use this mod with Enchanted Weapons Mutator?

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QQQIN - - 5 comments

How about a proper descriptiom?

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BLOODWOLF333 - - 360 comments


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