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A continuation of bd21.0.4 and now on Github! Tons of bug fixes, weapons, vehicles, and monsters have all been polished, all shotguns can fire slugs after pressing the dual wield key and finding the power-up, new cruelty bonus feature, special/secret monsters like the Belphegor have a rare chance of spawning in place of the vanilla monster during normal play, complete brightmaps and dynamic lights, secret/special weapons and their ammo also have a rare chance of spawning in place of the vanilla weapons/ammo (of that slot) during normal play, new drum and pistol empty magazine spawns from XV117's Enhanced Weapons Mutator, and tweaked weapon accuracy, recoil, and DPS. One and a half years of edits and polishing.
Load Order:
2. Map-only wad
3. brutalv21.pk3
4. brutalv21expansion0.2.0.pk3
5. music, huds, and any other mods developed with brutal doom in-mind.
// Brutal Doom v21 Community Expansion Changelog
// *continued from BD21.0.4EXPANSION
// Authored by BLOODWOLF
// Stable v0.2.0
// Ammo.txt: Changed Pistol Ammo Box pickup sound to CBOXPICK
// Baron.txt: Sped-up fatality on player and monsters
// Belphegor.txt: Sped-up fatality on player
// Cacodemon.txt: Sped-up fatality on player
// Cyberdemon.txt: Added +DONTHARMCLASS & +DONTHARMSPECIES flags
// DEFAULTWEAPON.txt: Changed DoKick to go to the GoingToReady state
// DemonRunesPatch.txt: Added button checks to ready, fire, altfire, and melee states to allow button holding transitions
// Demons.txt: Sped-up fatality on player and monsters
// DyingGuys.txt: Added -SOLID to ImpDyingofBloodLoss and DyingShotgunguyHitInEye
// EnemyTanks.txt: Set Zombiehelicopter painchance "avoid" back to 128 and zombiemech painchance "avoid" back to 64
// Imps.txt: Sped-up fatality on player
// Knight.txt: Sped-up fatality on player
// +MAPINFO.txt: Added SpecialActions for Brutal Doom-specific bosses to E2M8, E3M8, & E4M8
// Mastermind.txt: Added +DONTHARMCLASS & +DONTHARMSPECIES flags (Juggernaut inherits from Mastermind)
// Motherdemon.txt: Tweaked monster death animation, removed A_BrainDie
// +Mummy.txt: Created a Mummy and Experiment-specific obituary message
// Revenant.txt: Sped-up fatality on player
// SpecialDoom1Bosses.txt: Removed A_BrainDie from Cyber and Spiderdemon boss deaths
// Tracers.txt: Gave the MarineTracer +MTHRUSPECIES and set the Species to "Marines"
// Development v0.1.3
// Sounds/COMBAT folder: Added slug rounds sound effects
// Sprites/Weapons folder: Added new box-ammo pickup sprites, new casings from EWM, and slugrounds sprites for the shotguns
// Ammo.txt: Added PistolAmmoBox, SlugMode, SlugRoundsUpgrade, and SlugRounds actors from XV117's EWM
// AssaultShotgun.txt: Added in SlugRounds states from EWM, adjusted accuracy, recoil, and now spawns emptydrums
// BFG.txt: Gave the weapon recoil
// BFG10K.txt: Gave the weapon recoil and 1.4 degrees of spread when rapid-firing
// Casing.txt: Added in Slug casings, empty drum, and the emptypistolclip spawns from EWM
// Cyberdemon.txt: Adjusted height of some gore spawns
// doomdefs.txt: Added brightmaps for the slugmode ASG
// DualMP40.txt: Adjusted accuracy, gave the weapon recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips
// DualPistol.txt: Adjusted accuracy, recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips
// DualPlasma.txt: Adjusted accuracy and gave the weapon recoil
// DualRifle.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// DualSMG.txt: Adjusted accuracy, recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips
// Explosives.txt: Set nuclear missile to have Gravity 0.4 instead of 0.6
// FlameCannon.txt: Adjusted weapon recoil
// Flamethrower.txt: Removed weapon recoil
// GrenadeLaunch.txt: Adjusted weapon recoil
// Machinegun.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// Minigun.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// MP40.txt: Adjusted accuracy, gave the weapon recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips (also for the buzzsaw)
// NukeLauncher.txt: Gave the weapon recoil
// Pistol.txt: Adjusted accuracy, recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips
// Plasma.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// Railgun.txt: Adjusted weapon recoil
// Revolver.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// Revolver2.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// Rifle.txt: Adjusted accuracy and weapon recoil
// RocketLauncher.txt: Adjusted recoil and now spawns emptydrums
// +SBARINFO.txt: Added slug rounds ammo icon from EWM for the HUD
// Shotgun.txt: Added in SlugRounds states from EWM, adjusted accuracy and recoil
// SNDINFO.BD Added slug rounds sound effects
// SpecialDoom1Bosses.txt: Added Death.Head, Decapitate, Fatality, and Fatality2 so that E2M8 will end correctly
// SSG.txt: Added in SlugRounds states from EWM, adjusted accuracy and recoil
// SubMachinegun.txt: Adjusted accuracy, gave the weapon recoil, and now spawns emptypistolclips
// Unmaker.txt: Adjusted weapon recoil
// ZombiemenVariations: Now spawns emptypistolclips
// Development v0.1.2
// ACS folder: Deleted CVARSpatch
// Ammo.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// ArtilleryTank.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// -BDDebris.txt: Deleted
// +CVARS.txt: Added the turboreload and noautoreload scripts into standard BD's CVARS.txt
// -CVARSpatch.txt: Deleted
// DECORATE.txt: Removed all except #include DemonRunesPatch.txt
// DyingGuys.txt: Set DyingZombiemanLostTeeth back to inheriting from Zombieman and DropItem "none"
// Set DyingShotgunGuyHitInEye back to inheriting from ShotgunGuy1 and DropItem "none"
// EnemyTanks.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// Explosives.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// HeavyMachinegun.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// Helicopter.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// LOADACS.txt: Removed all except DemonMorph line
// Mech.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// Particles.txt: Moved the BDGlassShard from BDDebris into Particles.txt
// +ImpShield.txt: Set damage to 8 from deleted ThrownMonsters.txt
// Revenant.txt: Fixed Thrown actor's names (removed -patch)
// +SguyShield.txt: Set damage to 8 from deleted ThrownMonsters.txt
// Tank.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// VEHICLECONTROL.txt: Removed Mechwarrior edits
// +ZmanShield.txt: Set damage to 8 from deleted ThrownMonsters.txt
// Development v0.1.1
// Sprites/Monsters Folder: Added Dox778's sprites for the SMGGuy and PistolZombie rotations
// AssaultShotgun.txt: Notated-out the A12G A 1 BRIGHT A_WeaponReady line of the Reload state
// Axe.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// BFG.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// BFG10K.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// ChaingunMarine.txt: Changed to DropItem "DropedChaingunSpawner" like the ChaingunGuy
// +Doom1Remap.txt: Notated-out the Goodie Barrel spawns ontop of the short pillars on E2M3
// Explosives.txt: Added Species "TheSpiderMastermind" to JuggernautRocket
// Added Species "Cyberdemon" to CyberBalls
// FlameCannon.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Flamethrower.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Grenades.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// HellishMissile.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Machinegun.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// MARINES.txt: Polishing of the Marine's actor properties and flags
// Reordered the Active state to prevent double-marine spawns on activation online
// Melee.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// MENUDEF.txt: Updated with additions from Shockwave_508
// Minigun.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Mp40.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state of Buzzsaw
// NukeLauncher.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Pistol.txt: Moved A_Refire so that the pistol will fire just as fast holding as clicking
// Plasma.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// PlasmagunMarine.txt: Changed to DropItem "PLasmagunSpawner"
// Railgun.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Revolver.txt: Set Weapon.AmmoGive to 0
// Revolver2.txt: Set Weapon.AmmoGive to 0
// Saw.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// ShotgunMarine.txt: Changed to DropItem "ShotgunSpawnerDroped" like the ShotgunGuy
// SSG.txt: Added A_TakeInventory("SSGAlt",1) to FinishUnload state
// SubMachinegun.txt: Fixed PickupMessage
// Unmaker.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Reloading", 1) to Deselect state
// WeaponSpawners.txt: Fixed Pickupmessages
// Created a FakeRevolverSprite actor that cannot be seen by purist
// Created a RevolverSpawner actor for subsequent pickups
// Stable v0.1.0
// Sounds/COMBAT/WEAPONS folder: Added the modified PLREADY sound effect from Dox778
// Sprites/Monsters folder: Added SMGGuy idle and LabGuy with the correct axe sprites from Dox778
// Sprites/Weapons folder: Removed all Dragonslayer sprites
// AmmoDropper.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) to Select and A_Setcrosshair(0) to Deselect states
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// ArchVile.txt: Added -SOLID flag to DyingArchvileNoArm
// Artifact.txt: Reverted the conditional flare spawns when out of the player's sight
// Assaultshotgun.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Axe.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) to Select and A_Setcrosshair(0) to Deselect states
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Baron.txt: Removed the Translation property from the DeadBaron actor
// Changed A_SetInvulnerable to A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN") for monster fatalities
// Belphegor.txt: Changed A_SetInvulnerable to A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN") for monster fatalities
// BFG.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// BFG10K.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// +CapturedMarine.txt: Set health to 100, Normalized the DamageFactors, set DamageFactor "Use", to 1000.0, and set DamageFactor "Stealth", to 0.0
// DECORATE.txt: Removed the inclusion of the Dragonslayer2.txt
// DEFAULTWEAPON.txt: Added A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Demons.txt: Added A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN") to monster fatalities
// Removed the Dragonslayer entries
// -Dragonslayer.txt: Removed
// -Dragonslayer2.txt: Removed
// DyingGuys.txt: Change actors who were inheriting from the "alive" monsters to instead inherit from their generic dying monster (execpt for the armless Pinky)
// Set all dying actors to -SOLID
// Fire.txt: Reverted the conditional flare and particle spawns when out of the player's sight
// FlameCannon.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// FlameThrower.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// GLDEFS.txt: Removed the vert and horizontal Slayermissile entries for the Dragonslayer
// Grenades.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Health2.txt: Reverted the conditional flare spawns when out of the player's sight
// HellishMissile.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Knight.txt: Changed A_SetInvulnerable to A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN") for monster fatalities
// Lamps.txt: Reverted the conditional flare spawns when out of the player's sight
// Machinegun.txt: Added lines to check for AmmoRocket first before allowing a jump to ReloadGrenade in the Reload state
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// MapSpecificDec.txt: Reverted the conditional flare spawns when out of the player's sight
// Minigun.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Melee.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// +MENUDEF.txt: Added MENUDEF suggestions from Shockwave
// MP40.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to HitlersBuzzsaw Deselect state
// NukeLauncher.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Railgun.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Revenant.txt: Notated-out the A_ChangeFlag("Shootable") for monster fatalities
// Rifle.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// RocketLauncher.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Added a GoTaunt state like the Railgun so that PowerLightAmp will be removed if jumping to Taunt from a zoomed state.
// Saw.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) to Select and A_Setcrosshair(0) to Deselect states
// Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Sergeants.txt: Changed the SMGGuy's Spawn, Stand, and Idle frames to now use the new sprites from Dox778
// Shotgun.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Set the DoKickReloading state to jump to FinishedInsertingShells instead of back to InsertingShells wasting ammo
// SubMachinegun.txt: Added A_Setcrosshair(41) Altfire and A_SetCrosshair(0) to all states that reset zoom to 1.0
// Torches.txt: Reverted the conditional flare and particle spawns when out of the player's sight
// Unmaker.txt: Added TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("Unloading", 1) to Deselect state
// Volcabus.txt: Adjusted radius and height to match the monsters increased size from previous edits.
// Changed probability of jumping to the Suffer state in Death.Massacre to 128 (rarely happens)
// WeaponSpawners.txt: Removed the Dragonslayer from the ChainsawSpawner
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Hey BloodWolf, This mod replace the EWM and the Expansion Mod? Like it's a continuation or a Mix of both?
This mod pretty much replaces my EWM mod I combined them.
I can use this mod with Enchanted Weapons Mutator?
How about a proper descriptiom?