
After many delays, the 2nd demo is finally here. Some new textures are added, other existing textures have been remade. I hope you enjoy this demo. This is the updated version with a glitch in level 02 of the Plutonia Experiment fixed, I also had to re-upload it as a new download because when I updated the existing download with the fixed files ModDB added a .1 at the end of the files which hampered extraction. Therefore I had to upload this file as a single file download as when I tried to re-upload the part files ModDb put a .2 at the end of the file. As this file is over 2Gb those with slow connections may have difficulty downloading it. I apologize for this but I can't fix the issue that ModDb is messing with the filenames.

2K Texture pack 2nd Demo 02042018 (Single File)
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Hiragamer98 - - 1 comments

i Download this mod right now, ammm question, you have contact with drakcrafter???

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

The .Rar file comes down corrupted over and over.. any other mirrors to try?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Try downloading the split files and removing the .1 from the end of them and extract part 1.

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dibdob Online
dibdob - - 1,355 comments

make sure you have latest version of winrar

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Yes. Someone else couldn't uncompress the pack because their WinRAR was outdated.

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dibdob Online
dibdob - - 1,355 comments

Yeh ,it's a common problem i see many times.

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kerndaddy - - 81 comments

This looks so unbelievably good.

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The_Zombie - - 88 comments

nice work man

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at2ecw - - 3 comments

I think it looks awesome, but the blood splatter is way to much, it was hard to see what the enemy is doing or if he was dead, or to see an enemy near him. This will be impossible to play if you have a whole room full of monsters as the splatter will be way to much. If there is a setting to tone it down, it would be the most perfect Doom Mod i have ever seen!

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

The blood splatter in the videos is not part of the mod. that's the Ketchup mod and I like to play doom as bloody as possible.

My mod is just texturing so you don't have to worry about excessive blood splatter.

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at2ecw - - 3 comments

Oh that is cool! I can't wait for your Mod to come out. I always wanted to play it with upgraded graphics, it will be on my playlist for a long time! Keep up the great work on it!

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

You can download the 2nd demo and play Doom with some of the textures redone right now. I don't know how long it will take to complete the mod though, I have been unwell and lost my appetite and over 20Kg of weight in 2 weeks and have been too fatigued to make textures at the moment. Hopefully I can get better so I can get back at it.

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punkrules - - 14 comments

20 kg in 2 weeks ???, man rest for a while, no rush. These textures are obviously the greatest face lift these classic games have ever had so take your sweet time. People like you keep these classics alive with your hard work and your sheer unique talent and then I don't even bother with the latest watered down 'accessible' shooter on the market, cheers. Also, liked how the classic look of the game is replicated so well despite the new textures. Thank You and may god bless you.

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punkrules - - 14 comments

Feedback - the incredibly sharp and high-res textures make the low-res NPCs look very out of place due to the sheer contrast and so are you gonna update the NPC sprites in the future ? There's a good HD weapons pack released recently but none for the NPCs....

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

If one day I can teach myself 3D modelling I will redo the NPC's as there are multiple angles of each sprite it would be best to render them from 3D models.

Down the track, I plan on subscribing to the substance suite (Substance Designer, Substance Painter and Bitmap 2 Material) and after I develop competent skills with those programs I will try to make UltraHD Sprites.

Until then I need to focus on finishing what I started (the texture pack), but of course I need to focus on my health at the present moment.

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punkrules - - 14 comments

Fair enough. Also, in case you're interested, here's an interesting recent discussion at about high-res monster sprites but it seems that there are many complications with this project -

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I have bad news. My System has been attacked by the Sigrun Ransomware and all my images have been encrypted. This has a profound impact on my UltraHD Texture pack.

Woodwal.PNG is now Woodwal.PNG.sigrun
Titlepic.PNG is now Titlepic.PNG.sigrun
the list goes on. Video files, documents vital DLL files are being encrypted at a fast rate, and it's even infiltrated the Windows system sys32 swow64 folders and infected my rig with Linkury adware each time I boot up.

I have lost years of blood sweat and tears and I have to acknowledge the negative impact this will have on my Texture pack. (as well as the loss of all my Family/Vacation photos.

I am having panic attacks outburst of anger, thought of suicide, vomiting and chest/abdominal pains because of the Stress and my doctor put me on anxiety meds.

I am expecting a call from a technician that specialises in Ransomware attacks to remove the virus before it encrypts more files. and my registry and OS are not safe. the encrypted files have to be deleted and can never be decrypted. These scammers often' don't make decryption keys and just keep doubling the ransom to those that try to pay.

Hope this isn't the death of the project but, could end up the death of me as I am not taking this well at all.

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rabidevil666 - - 6 comments

hey! how did it go? more importantly, are you doing OK?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I still have a few specialist appointments ahead of me, but I am resting, healing & hoping to get back to making textures A.S.A.P.

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EasedSpice245 - - 28 comments

I'm curious. On a scale of 1-10 how much have you completed in this project of yours? What's missing in the Project?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

not quite sure but I know I am less than half way there.

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EasedSpice245 - - 28 comments

damn son. that's a scary statement right there. This texture packs is lookin real beautiful. I look forward for the finished product!

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I have started again on Texture work and purchased Filter Forge 7 Pro to replace Filter Forge 6. I have one set of textures completed but am being careful not to push myself too hard. My health is slowly improving, especially with a healthier diet. Basically, "I have returned!"

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Sorry to hear about your work getting encrypted via ransomware. I can imagine how much that must suck. Ive been playing doom for over 16 years now and continue to play it. After trying this mod of yours, I love this texture pack. It looks amazing. I hope you continue your work. I look forward to seeing more of your mods in the future. Especially if you plan to turn the monster and weapon sprites into HD as well :D

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Thanks for the praise. I will continue with the mod but have been slowed down with back pain. I will be seeing the neurosurgeon in a couple of days to discuss surgical treatment so I can spend less time nursing back pain and more time making textures.

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poisonheadcrab - - 912 comments

I can't extract the files, every time I try I get an error saying that the file is an unknown format or damaged. I've tried removing the .1 at the end like you said but no luck.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Try downloading the single file. It has the texture pack and batch files in one file. Make sure you have the latest version of WINRAR (or whatever uncompression program you use).

Let me know if this helps.

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poisonheadcrab - - 912 comments

It worked once I downloaded a newer version of winrar. The version I was using before was very old and outdated.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I'm glad you got it working.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Any way to get this working with ZDL?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I haven't had any success running this with ZDL. Maybe because it's multiple files? If someone does get it to work on ZDL please post it here so ZDL users can use the texture pack too.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Thanks for replying anyway.

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eld@rion - - 21 comments

Impressive! I can't imagine the amount of hours you have put in this project. Keep going!

Just a small tip: consider using the well known PNGOut and OptiPNG tools to reduce the size of the images. They are lossless image optimizers that will reduce considerably the images size.
You can use PNGGauntlet to batch process and compress the images. I'm using it right now and some images can be reduced to 26% of the original size.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Thanks for the tip, and your kind words.

I put over 2 years of work into this mod, minus the times I had to take a break because of health issues.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Thanks for this mod, it really makes this old game much more eye-pleasant :-)
I especially love those TEKWALLs with real computer chips.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

You're welcome. :)

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

hoover1979, computer data is not worth getting sick over. It's not real life.
That said, im just downloading your texture pack for the first time....also: Backups! Backups! Backups!

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

I tried my textures in GZ3Doom on the Vive and boy did it tank the FPS to unplayable levels. I have a GTX1080 and barely reached 15FPS with 2K textures on the Vive. I would probably need to put out ones that are no higher than the original textures (128p) for VR as I think 256p textures would require an RTX2080ti to maintain the Vives 90FPS requirement for smooth gameplay.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

And playing games on the Vive/Rift at less than the 90FPS sweet spot is a good way to make yourself sick!

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Read about the ransomware attack, just wanted to send you some good vibes.
- SeventhSentinel

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

So, I'm a bit confused with the installation instructions. I'm not using GZDoom, but I'm using Zandronum for the brutal doom mod for Doom 1, where you basically just drag the brutal doom pk3 file onto the Zandronum.exe and that's it.

Now what I did is simply drag the brutal doom pk3 together with the
GZDoom.exe HOOVER1979_UltraHD_Texture_Pack_02082018_Main_file.pk3
onto the Zandronum.exe and I can definitely see some textures being different, but not all of them, it this due to me doing something wrong there, or because the most is simply incomplete?


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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

download the batch files download, put them into the Zandronum folder with the mod files, right-click on them and select edit and change GZDOOM.EXE to ZANDRONUM.EXE and run the batch files. Also, add the other mods you want to use to the batch files and it should work. I never tested it on Zandronum as I've only used Risen3D and GZDoom for my source ports.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

Also, the mod is far from complete and as I had to take time off for both physical and mental health issues it's on a temporary hiatus until I am fit to get back to work on it.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Does this work with Brutal Doom 21?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

As it's a texture pack it will but performance might suffer due to the resolution of the textures and all the extras in Brutal Doom.

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pork1584589471 - - 1 comments

HD textures + classic DOOM is better than the new DOOM games. Thank you very much for making this outstanding mod.

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

You're very welcome.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

how do install if you bought the Ultimate Doom,Doom 2,Final Doom,Master Levels Doom On Steam?

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hoover1979 Author
hoover1979 - - 329 comments

You need to install GZDoom, copy all your WAD files into the GZDoom folder, install the mod into the GZDoom folder and run the batch files. I never tested the master levels though.

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OMXGAMERZ - - 281 comments

Hi why not to create a standalone custom textures only version of your mod too? to simply "replace" the original graphics of doom and compatible with all wad like how dhtp and dltp is
I wanted to test your mod (the modern texture only) for others wad like sigil ,tnt ,alien vandetta ,zone 300/400 ,hr ,hg ,anciant alien ,D2KITANA, Doom II: Dark World, Memento Mori ,Doom II: Hellscape, Memento Mori II, Doom 2 Reload, Mutiny, Doom the Way id Did, No End in Sight ,Wonderful Doom ,Doom 2 the Way id Did ,Maps of Chaos I/II

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