Video games are our hobby from an early age. For us they're something that fulfils our lives completely! We are independent video games developer and we specialize in every aspect of it - from idea to release of a product. But above all, we are a pack of friends and creative people who are very passionate about what they do. Saurian is a great graphic designer and programmer. His role in the team is to cope with the whole technical "mess" so that everything worked perfectly. Eri is resposible for design. He takes care of all the little things in games, but as befits a programmer - he will throw his two cents in technical matters. Besides the fact that we are great music lovers and awful composers, we work with a great musician ArthEast who can enrich each of our productions with great music and sound effects making them even better.

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Bloody Jumps

Bloody Jumps


Bloody Jumps is a side-scroll game where the player controls a man, attempting to jump between columns and obstacles without hurting the body.




TheTankers is an arcade game developed by OurGames team. Your mission is to destroy thousands of hostile units using mines, TNTs or homing missiles. More...