
this mod does NOT contain any graphics, sounds, maps or any kind of data from SVE.wad itself. This PK3 is intended to be loaded alongside SVE.wad. At first, this was just a bare-bones patch PK3 (or PWAD if you will) that was supposed to allow running SVE.wad without errors and bugs but became a mod that basically tries to mimic some of SVE's behaviors (such as the Governor dead-end change) including an attempt to implement SVE's CTF mode 'Capture The Chalice'. (However, don't expect these behaviors to, um, behave 100% like the ones in SVE.) Also, this probably won't run with Zandronum because it wasn't designed for it.

Strife Veteran Edition support for (G)ZDoom
Berserkr_Germany - - 15 comments

how to run this with the sve.wad ?
any solution or info would be helpful.

i always get an error when i want to start gzdom with the sve.wad and the sve-support.pk3

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HangPhyr - - 235 comments

That's like running Doom 2 without doom2.wad. Without it, there is nothing to run, you've got an engine with no content.

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LyokoDesura - - 153 comments

I got this working with Zandronum 4.0 alpha.

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Guest - - 706,426 comments

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