
Want to live out your Star Wars fantasies? Well, now you can! Thanks to this Laser Rifle, and Laser Pistol sound replacer! Yes, both! Regular and Automatic for both weapons! Can't decide between an Automatic Blaster Pistol or the regular one? Why not both?!! Pew Pew!!! This sound replacer isn't just for the player! You heard right! It replaces sounds for all NPC's holding the weapon! Even close, medium, and far ambient sounds to get those authentic Star Wars firefights you've always wanted in the wasteland! As an added bonus, I'll even throw in impact sounds! You're welcome!

Sounds of Star Wars-Blaster Weapons Sound Replacer
theinfinitenexus Author
theinfinitenexus - - 2 comments

Here's a link to the video I created alongside this mod. Check it out!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
theinfinitenexus Author
theinfinitenexus - - 2 comments

Remember, if you have any requests, comment them here and I'll get right on it!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,069 comments

Great job, exactly what I was hoping to find.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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