
Massively increased spawns, faster respawn timers, randomized spawns, spawns spawns SPAWNS. Customizable. Dev files explaining what to change are included.

🌺[1.5.0] Project Kaos v2🌺
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NewWinter - - 57 comments


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[𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢] - - 608 comments

Well, we're not going to radar anymore :)

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SeriousSam69 - - 83 comments

I am gonna stay around cordon and garbage haha

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mopar69 - - 18 comments

Any reason this wouldn't work with saved games on update 3?

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NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

It should work on any update honestly, the spawn files haven't been touched in any of the updates, but I only tested on update 4 so I only know it works on 4.

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mopar69 - - 18 comments

Thanks for the reply, been using it for about 10 hrs and oh works! Looks like Monolith has been recruiting. Thanks for the work, cheers!

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

I was a bit skeptical about installing this mod, but oh boy, it works flawlessly!

I was using Living Zone before this, And now I see that a lot of LZ spawns weren't working. Also Kaos runs a lot better, so far 100% stable using 0.25 mutant 1.0 stalker - offline combat on smart terrains.

Just had an epic fight in Limansk against Monolith. The final death toll was around 30. Really intense stuff!

Thank you for this epic mod. I really like your preview images too. Is there anywhere we can donate to you ?

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NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

Give me money at paypal:

Reply Good karma+1 vote
NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

absolute madman actually did it
gonna fund my taxi fares, much appreciated

Reply Good karma+10 votes
Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Hah! If it wasn't for mods like this, I would have stopped playing Anomaly already.

Thanks again for making this wonderful mod. Now I just need to upgrade my cpu to handle all the carnage. :D

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Okay I wish I could downvote myself here. I jumped the gun by saying how flawless it runs. Just to correct this misleading information, the mod does introduce some severe stability issues in some levels. Most notably the following:

Army Warehouses

Despite this, I still cannot play without it. For anyone else with a similar preference, I recommend deleting the mod files at times when you need to access problem areas. Doing this allows those levels to load, but the increased spawns will actually remain.

Your mileage may vary, but most of the zone runs pretty well, albeit with some intense lag here and there.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Anyone know a console command for clearing corpses ?

I have an issue where corpses refuse to despawn in Limansk and the level has become unplayable. About 60 corpses have been there for days. I have traveled multiple zones away and waited but they are still there.

I have tried the following settings in release_body_manager.script:

local BODY_MAX_COUNT = 15
local STAY_TIME = 120

Still can't get them to despawn. Strangely despawning works in other cells, just not Limansk. It wasn't an issue for the first few weeks.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Okay, the issue seems to be that corpses won't despawn until another spawn is triggered- In this case there was a massive group of monolith that spawned in front of my eyes (about 30) As soon as they spawned in, all other corpses disappeared.

So it doesn't matter what body release is set to, the corpse issue in Limansk is linked to some sort of spawn resource.

Using the same settings in Red forest the corpses despawn in front of my eyes about 100 meters away.

More intriguing is that after killing that massive monolith spawn in Limansk the lag stopped even though there were about 50-60 fresh corpses around the same area. I'm guessing this is a resource issue inherent to the engine itself and/or the spawn resource system it uses.

Either way I need a more powerful computer if I wish to continue farming in Limansk.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

I usually like a strongly populated zone and oh man, did I get it with this. Set population counts in-game to a max of 1 and with this mod, the Zone is booming! Sadly, it turned out to be too much for some of the more populated areas. I had to stop 3 playthroughs after attempts to zone into Army Warehouses & Jupiter CTD'd every time.

After several reinstalls and careful testing, I came to the conclusion I should have realized much sooner - There's just too much life in certain areas to load. Cordon, Great Swamps, Agroprom, Garbage, Rostok & Yantar loaded fine. I should have tested the Southeastern areas when I had the chance.

I managed some quick tests. I started new games as Duty in Rostok for the fastest results - direct access to the Bar guide. Each time, I started a new game with slightly lower Stalker population (I left Mutants at default 0.75).

1 surprisingly loaded Army Warehouse, but I knew it wouldn't last. Jupiter failed.
0.75 loaded up Army Warehouse fine, but Jupiter was still too big of a zone to work.
0.50 Finally, Jupiter didn't collapse in on itself. New problem - Zaton's failing.

Do you have any recommendations for relaxing the mod's impact in certain areas? I love the impact the mod has at full tilt in earlier areas, but it's clear certain big areas are too ambitious and buckle under the pressure (Army Warehouses ain't that big though, so what the hell). I'm really hoping to get this working all over the game in some capacity so I can finally experience the murderous Zone I know it to be.

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Balian_Febru - - 110 comments

Currently playing at 1 for stalker and 0.25 for mutants. Zaton's Skadovsk is under attack from Monolith at the time of writing this, surrounded by arround 60-80 guys with all manner of weaponry, explosions every few seconds, it's freaking war out here. I would only get crasher in Jupiter because of mutant spawns, so far I encountered a dozen of bloodsuckers, five controllers and 7 pseudogiants - all in packs in Jupiter.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

While I'm hesitant to take Mutant spawns down so low just to pump Stalkers up, it sounds like it may be the answer if you're still getting that many showing up in Jupiter. I guess I'll give that a try for now.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

Actually, scratch that. Even at 0.25 for mutants and 0.50 for NPCs, Jupiter's still constantly crashing on new games. I might need to learn how to edit these files myself and relax initial spawns.

Has the Mod author tried this out in all overland zones? And what are their personal/recommended Population Factor settings for this? I'm curious to know.

I also just realized that I have Offline Combat turned off completely. Maybe I wanna turn this on so they start reducing their numbers on their own a good bit?

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Army warehouses is a real ****-show for me too. Lags intensely regardless which settings I use. I also noticed that I cannot load saves made within freedom base, presumably due to the massive amount of local A-life hogging engine resources.

I turned stalker density down to 0.5 and turned offline combat off- Now instead of getting stuck in continuous streams of 80-120 monolith (that would inevitably crash the game) it's now around 40-60.

The main issue I had before was chain-pulling multiple spawns due to their proximity to each other. The spawns are so close that the AI are essentially a single cohesive force- This was made worse by using the 3 hour spawn option. Bumped up to 6 hour and it's much better now.

But yeah, the initial spawns need tweaking for some of the bigger or tighter packed zones like Army warehouses and jupiter. Both my system and the engine can't handle the load.

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Balian_Febru - - 110 comments

Sometimes, different factions spawn in the same spot and they do not attack each other, unless I get close to them. But once I do, it's FUBAR :D

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Elementony33 - - 11 comments

I loved using this but muh PC can't handle it all

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Balian_Febru - - 110 comments

You should call this mod "Stalker - expensive warfare", I spend couple hundred rounds of ammo, just to get through regions around brain scorcher.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

I'm still working through various areas. Army Warehouses is still crashing for me, so I assume Jupiter & Zaton is still a no-go. Have you managed to try Radar or Red Forest yet? We oughta build a list of various maps that $#!t the bed with this mod so we know where to focus on.

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Balian_Febru - - 110 comments

Army warehouses, radar and Jupiter started to crash when I move between those locations. Too many spawns take over of one particular faction. Army Warehouses - filled with Freedom, Radar - Monolith, Jupiter - mutants. Red forest is going smooth, no problems in Zaton.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Hey Neko, any chance of making a lite version of this to address the stability issues in some zones ?

I was thinking if the base spawn values were set to half or less, we could then have more room to adjust it through the stalker density option in-game.

Unfortunately I had to remove Kaos all together, just so I could access Zaton for the questline. Strangely, the increased spawns remained, but the zone was finally able to load.

I'm going to have a go at adjusting the spawn counts for my Sin playthrough today, though I suspect it's not just the counts or max pops that account for the load failures. So any help with that appreciated.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

Yeah, it definitely sounds like there's something a bit more screwy than just the increased spawns.

I should try removing Kaos as well and see what becomes accessible.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

I don't think a lite-version is required, we have Living Zone. Although the mod doesn't make your zone chaotic as Kaos, but it still makes your whole entire map intensely populated with both Stalkers and Mutants occupying their respecting territories. Although I do believe a fix is required though, for those who want a more chaotic and alive experience.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Damn, I can't even get Outskirts to load on 0.25/0.25 .. Kind of ruining my Sin playthrough already lol.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

Damn, I was hoping Outskirts would be small enough. Guess not. So that's ALL outdoor CoP areas. That's kind of a big deal.

Don't forget to turn Offline Combat to Full if you can, as it should theoretically allow other zones to fight enemies within, to hopefully reduce numbers. No telling how long it might take in an ongoing playthrough to be enough, though.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Hmm, I had offline combat on smart terrains for 50 or so hours during my Bandit/Merc games. I eventually turned it off to get better performance as I thought it only affected the zone you were currently in.

So offline combat extends to all other cells ?

I have reason to suspect that it's a bug or poorly written code that causes these load failures- As even entry points with very little AI can still fail. Notably Jupiter on 0.25 density didn't have a single entity near it's entry point, no surrounding fights either, but would still fail intermittently.

I also believe that this problem is inherited and/or compounded by the existing spawn parameters in Anomaly itself. Density setting appears to have very little effect in some areas- ie: I am still seeing massive spawns of mutants at 0.25/0,25- identical to what I encountered with 0.5/1.0, whereas other zones seem relatively desolate. So perhaps it's possible that these freakishly large spawns already exist by default, only to be amplified by Kaos to the point of failure.

The above was concluded with a new game with density set prior to game start. So no natural selection delays.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

What a shame, no matter what map other than Cordon, the game instantly crashes.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

Wow, THAT bad for you? I can get it to work on every map south of Army Warehouses, but I'm tired of being stuck so far down there.

How far this mod lets you go might depend heavily on how good your rig is. Assuming the mod's working just fine of course. For all we know, Nekobanana might have a pretty good PC.

It's time to start considering other options. Is anyone aware of any method to allow Anomaly or modern Stalker executables in general to utilize more RAM? Kinda like the Large Address Aware patch for back in the day?

Also, we gotta get Nekobanana's attention. I don't think they've checked in in almost 2 weeks.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

I founded a solution to fixing the "Loading crash" bug, but it's quite questionable. I used the debug menu to delete all common squads, to effectively reduce the Stalker population in all of the areas around Cordon. STALKER unfortunately does not have any NPC limits, and will not delete any more entities even though the program is reaching its limits. Depending on your settings, Kaos in a few or more in-game hours should replace the common stalkers, reverting the game back to normal. This is a temporary solution to fixing the game until someone uploads a mod that has Stalker and Mutant limitations.

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Servalion - - 223 comments

I discovered and contemplated that route as well yesterday night. At first, I'd hoped that it'd be the temporary fix I Was looking for, but not only did it delete "common" squads, but also the guide at the Bar that I was gonna use to fast travel to the other zones. It seemed like it deleted way more than just plain expendable NPCs, and caused loads of quests to instantly fail.

As much as I've hated to face it, I've deleted the mod entirely for now until a dialed down version is released. A shame, I was really looking forward to just how insane the X Labs could be, but I'll hold off for now. Since the mod can work on existing playthroughs, I'll probably get far into one before trying it again.

Meanwhile, I'mma try messaging Nekobanana direct and see if he notices soon.

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NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

If you can't run the mod there are a few solutions:
1. Get a better pc
2. Pray to xray to not crash your game
3. Lower the spawns by yourself in the files
4. Lower the alife switch distance
I'm too lazy to make another version, everyone should just mod this until they like it. It's not that hard you lazy *****.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Servalion - - 223 comments

1. Well, I have needed to upgrade for a while, but I'm not -that- bad off.
2. Has this mod been working for you in every outdoor zone in the game? And do you have any edits or tricks to enabling the game to utilize more RAM?
3. Currently learning how to do so now. I think the big problem however is #4, since....
4. ...the Anomaly Launcher won't let us do that. If the alife.ltx is altered whatsoever, even changing just that switch distance digit, the launcher can't detect/recognize it, and the game will fail to launch altogether. It's a strange issue, as lowering the switch distance is probably the easiest solution, so why can't we do it?

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

It would be a nice mod request for someone to either make a entity limiter that limits the spawn of NPCs, Mutants and delete recently spawned expendable NPCs that go higher than the threshold or a liter version of this mod.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Neko, It's not that we are too lazy to tweak the mod values, it's more that we don't understand the impact of such changes like you do. As such, we have little chance of pin-pointing the actual problem.

I'm not asking for a complete rewrite of your mod, but perhaps you could revise the entries in problem areas that a lot of us struggle to load. Or failing that, would you kindly instruct us how best to adjust the values.

If it is, as you say, just a matter of tweaking the counts and pops (assuming that's what you mean by lowering) I will give it another try.
I had already attempted this, but failed to realize the effects would take a long time to register due to it being an existing save.

Lastly, sorry to be a pest and for possibly flooding your page with useless fluff. I am just desperate to get your mod working correctly.

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Balian_Febru - - 110 comments

Had to delete the mod and start a new game, Army Warehouses would not load in any way through two different playthroughs. The Zone feels so empty now :((

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

I feel you. The game without this mod is depressingly empty.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

I'd recommend you to install Living Zone Non Stop and increase the spawn rates. In my experiences with this addon, it got chaotic with shootings everywhere and mutant attacks but surprisingly I haven't seen no crashes. It should act as the best substitute to Kaos until Neko fixes it.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Some observations after tweaking the values:

Test results on a new game won't be conclusive as spawns need a fair amount of time to reach peak populations. For instance, in a new game, I was able to load into any area without issue, even the areas I have not tweaked that were always unstable.

It's possible that to reliably test new spawn values, a whole game week or more is needed. Though don't quote me on the exact time frame it will take, as natural selection will produce varied maximum populations.

It's quite hard to judge the exact values needed to avoid load failure. At the moment, it's more or less a guessing game using the vanilla values for reference.

I'm beginning to understand why Neko doesn't want to go through the testing process again, however I am curious to what extent he actually tested this on his system, And whether it even runs stable on even the best systems with the supplied values.

It's almost fruitless to tweak every cell at this point as I'd need to play for quite a while to conclude whether my tweaks were sufficient. Guess I should get started with that, or find a way to expedite it through a timecycle hack.

I also have a wild theory that these load failures are not totally attributed to the currently loaded cell, And that entities in other cells are robbing engine resources from the current instance of the game.

So it may be very possible that by reducing spawns in multiple cells, you are collectively freeing up global resources.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

Daniel, why don't you try and fix the spawn values for the broken zones, e.g. Army Warehouse and upload it. I don't think there's a risk of copyright, because this mod was essentially rewrites of AI Spawns. I cannot do it because i'm not experienced with modding at all.

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

I don't mind uploading the modified files, at least in the form of a googledrive link, if that is okay with Neko of course.

Thing is, I still have no confirmation that my edits have even fixed the issue, not yet anyway.

So far I have tweaked every spawn for Army warehouses, Jupiter, Pripyat/Outskirts and Zaton- which for me were the most problematic.

If you want I can PM you with a googledrive link. But at this point I can't guarantee what I have done will help at all. Though it would be helpful to have another pair of eyeballs for testing.

Also, Neko, if you are still reading this- I may have found an issue with a Jupiter file "jup_a12_merc" it seems to be missing the entry for maximum population. Maybe it's intended I don't know.

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jeremy798814 - - 14 comments

If you don't mind, can you please send the modified file so I can test it out myself?

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

Jeremy, I posted the link on your profile 22 hours ago, along with a private message.

Despite lowering spawns dramatically (up to 40% for some squads) I'm still having stability issues around Army warhouses, though performance is markedly better now.

While Army loaded fine the first time, loading saves made within the area produced random failures.

I guess the next logical step is to lower spawns further or even remove some entirely.

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NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

I didn't test anything at all, I just increased the numbers and included a bunch of tutorials knowing the mod would be a huge mess so people can tweak it. No max population on jup_a12_merc is a mistake but at the same time maybe it's for the best since there's already like 3 different spawn zones really close to it.
Do whatever you want with this mod and upload your versions I don't care

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Daniel_stark - - 111 comments

So squads without a max pop parameter don't spawn at all ?

I was afraid that this would cause them to spawn exponentially.

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Lucifer~ - - 86 comments

This mod will make you lose your mind

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daftestofpunks - - 135 comments

Can you make a version that replaces all mutant spawns with non-stalker zombies?

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Ziggylata - - 44 comments

I have a quite powerful PC, running a 2080ti and an 8700k and the labs are simply unplayable, reaching as low as 2fps. The level of mutants in these are absolutely unplayable and im not quite sure what made you decide to allow that many to spawn.

Thats to say the 20 psuedogiants parading around yantar were playable in the first place...

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NekousagiKorouYTttv Author
NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

just kill a bunch and you get your fps back its easy

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