
151-v0.1: updated for 1.5.1 2.8: toned down ammo drops. seemed excessive. RC17. 2.7: leatherman can repair weapon parts 2.6: ramrod can repair 75% items. 2.5: 1.5 RC15 compatibility; rasp tool works at 70% 2.4: lowered repair min for kits to 77% from 80%. some items were irreparable at 79%. 2.3: disables component repairs. No more carrying 100 lbs of damaged gun parts! Fabrics at 70% or more can still be repaired with identical parts. 2.2: fix helmet repair, increase bandage drops 2.1: increase bandage drops 2.0: hotfix 4 compatibility 1.9: reduce weapon degradation to realistic levels. 1.8: armor can only be patched up at high levels; low levels require part replacement. Helmets can be repaired at low levels with identical helmets only; minor other changes. 1.7: parts repair changes (need parts to fix fabrics; gun parts repairs limited to scratched items). Consolidation of repair, cooking, and loot drop overhaul.

Misterkat's Realism Addon
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 286)
Kotofei1 - - 11 comments

For my own use i made many improvements to the side of realism for food and medicine, but I did not have the skills to do the same for repair kits. Thanks for doing this!

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Nicopathe - - 129 comments

Essential addon !
Even only for the ammo part...

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Garfink - - 16 comments

A suggestion to anyone that happens by:

I did one change to the game to help with my experience with the base anomaly game that made these type of mods less necessary (at my skill level).... I changed the carry weight to 100 in the game (so I don't have to do inventory management and was able to hoard stuff more), this in turn meant I had more money/crafting items... result is the same as a mod like this, except that all the items was more hard earned.... at the cost of suspension of disbelief at my character's carry weight. You can adjust it down to 50 if you like it more realistic.

I found also by doing this, I was able to actually learn the mechanics of the crafting system easier and quicker... Once I know the game more I can tune down the carry weight in the future.

Hopes this helps someone.

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leimer - - 2 comments

Hey man, sorry if this is a noob question but how did you adjust your carry weight? I am trying to do that myself and tried some different addons but none of them worked for me :/. Did you edit a file or something? Cheers mate

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saturnit3 - - 73 comments

it's in the gameplay settings from the mod :)

settings>gameplay>gameplay .diff>max carry weight

I suggest you take a look at all gameplay settings, there are some really neat and interesting ones!

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leimer - - 2 comments

Thanks for your reply. I have a bunch of addons installed, using the modlist the youtuber "Solarint" is using. You can find all of his mods I am using in the description :

Anyway, whenever I go into "settings" while in game my game instantly crashes/closes with no error message. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance

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saturnit3 - - 73 comments

Sorry for my earlier comment, it seems the mod adjusts these values independent from the game settings so whichever option you pick ingame, it DOES NOT actually change your carry weight values. I believe there ALSO a change in stamina regeneration that the author doesn't write about. People keep telling this is a modular mod and we could modify it ourselves but it would be awesome if there was also a file inside the mod that gave instructions to change every value. Without it we have to come here and write it directly to the author. I have currently shelved this mod because after sprinting whole map I didn't run out of breath and figured there was something fishy. Or it might be because of the carry weight being increased I am not sure.

There is literally a slider for carry weigth ingame, I think it's kind of redundant to increase carry size independent from that slider, it kind of takes that liberty out of the player's hands. I hope it gets changed because it's kind of needless.

Edit: I think I found the file responsible for this change. It's in the scripts folder named "difficulty_manager". Opened it with a notepad and there's plenty of codes there. By deleting this file you can get rid of carry weight and stamina regeneration issue, but by doing so you MAY or MAY NOT LOSE some other features that come with the mod. Further inspect this folder to see if you can change the values to your liking and you are good to go.
for example every line has it's own description before the line.
local cw = 25
probably the amount of carry weight. Sadly I found out about this a little too late.
function set_actor_stamina()
local pwb = 0.2
and this is for stamina. I was comfortable with 0.4 so this was a bit problematic for me. Almost made me think I broke the game. Phew.

I mean you can find all these values inside the game It's kind of redundant that these strings even exist, also the strangest part that it is not stated in the description of the mod so I thought I broke something with my game from what I thought was mainly a repair overhaul mod but turned out to replace my own difficulty settings that I customized for myself ingame.

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BitoOblib - - 250 comments

I also think the mod miss a tiny little readme with some explanation on different files. I mean, some are pretty explicit on what they are about, but not really on what they change... And the addon-page description is itself pretty brief.

I'm here because looking for a repair / mecanics overhaul, did anyone know one ?
I find it badly designed that it's more valuable to simply buy a gun than repairing one...

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saturnit3 - - 73 comments

I didn't delve too much into mods territory because this is my first playthrough of the story and I wanted it to be authentic. Don't know any repair overhaul other than this but, in the Vanilla game it's cheaper to repair a gun from my experience. (Plus I use the traders overhaul just for more quality of life) An ordinary AK is worth 38-45K depending on the vendor. A smallbore repair kit costs ~24K and add to that some files and a ramrod for the barrel, it's going to cost 30-32k tops, to repair any smallbore gun in the game. The profit goes higher the higher cost of the weapon. The bad thing about it is time wasting inventory management.

I have a stash full of repair stuff and weapon parts. I can waste up to 5-10 minutes just to find the right 3-4 parts compatible with my gun in order to start repairing it on the bench. When you transfer these parts to your inventory and hover over your gun, just like the ammo, the compatible weapon parts will glow, highlighted. Main problem I have is these parts don't glow like ammo, if they are in a stash. In the end I find myself minmaxing over something that will save me money but waste my time. Game has a very expansive and fun crafting system but it could use a lot of improvement. Hope they fix it in the coming versions! I guess this mod would help with that sort of problems but I'm currently saving this mod for a my second playthrough, I guess it will make things much more smooth.

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BitoOblib - - 250 comments

I really think the crafting system is kindof broken.. Unless you have the chance to find everything you need, I always have to buy some parts that largely become more expensive than new stuf...

And yeah, can't even finish on the mecanic of it ! I really find the interface all but user friendly -_- A real nightmare, even if crafting/repairing was that much more efficient I'm not sure I would use it more due to the fact it's a pain to navigate..

I think being able to have your own crafting table, where you could stock you crafting item, serving as an inventory, would be allready so much easyer.

Thanks for your reply and views on it !

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saturnit3 - - 73 comments

It's even more painful to upgrade what you have because you have tons of upgrade boxes just laying around. For that it's best to put all upgrade boxes in a designated stash. When you want to upgrade something then press shift and take all the parts with you. After that you need to sort out the needed parts and put the needless ones on a new stash!
All of this because the parts don't glow! Lmao! They have to fix this as soon as possible or people who put efficiency above all else will keep wasting their times doing inventory sorting in order to save a dime, instead of actually playing the game :)

Wrote about this on the forum and apart from 1-2 guys who cared, no developers came and gave any kind of answer about their plans. Hope they checked though. The system really has some potential.

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melrief - - 16 comments

I agree but the game start feeling Grindy after some time. More stuff means that eventually you need to manage more. The changes to the repair kits in this mod also make sense. I don't know, I feel like workarounds such as inxreasing the weight limit or this mod exist because Anomaly is fundamentally flawed. I wish there was another way to help with progression.

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-_AlexV_- - - 162 comments

I downloaded your mod and it's ok so far.But,I think you gotta so some balancing to the armor and weapon drops.You can find pretty good loot pretty fast.I understand that veteran stalkers should have their gear in good condition but still

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LifeDecoded1997 - - 148 comments

As soon as I read that it changed the loot condition level based on rank I instantly lost interest in downloading this, as it always seems to make my playthroughs a breeze. A version without this edit would get my download though :)

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sleepknot_maggot - - 19 comments

You could just use the other parts (repair tweaks, cooking) as it's modular from what I undertand

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Loot condition is already based on rank. I just increased the range a bit.

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LifeDecoded1997 - - 148 comments

My mistake, when I said "change loot condition level based on rank" I meant 'increase' - sorry for the confusion. If it is a modular mod then I'll definitely give this a try

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

I like your mod !!! maybe drops are to generous but.. nevermind

in \gamedata\scripts\ui_itm_repair.script

line 10: local degrade_factor = 0.025 -- 0.2

This change would help to align degradation of leatherman multi tool when repairing weapon parts with the re rest of this mod. Just saying...

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

I find you end up limited by carry weight anyway. On Hard/survivalist (hardest difficulty modes) I find you can't make much money by selling the loot anyway.

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Duty_Stalker - - 39 comments

Don't craft with a full kit, it will use all of it.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments


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Duty_Stalker - - 39 comments

Crafting upgrade kits with this will use all if the repair kit.

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Astro_Zombie - - 3 comments

I can't change max carry weight in options, it stays at 25. Thought maybe it was because of the changes to max weight the description mentions.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Yes, it's fixed at 25 in the script. The options initially let you pick b/w 15, 20, and 25, and since it appeared too small to be realistic, I fixed it at 25. Weapon wear per round is also at its lowest regardless of difficulty selected, though still much higher than is realistic (can't reduce it anymore without the source code for the EXE).

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rekeption - - 42 comments

your numbers made the cleaning solvents almost identical. all of them can be used until 90 condition but repair different amounts. i changed the minimum threshold for vice repairs to 75 meaning you can repair your stuff until 75 condition without vice. and tweaked the numbers a little bit so the solvents and sprays are a little different than each other. overall that was my only concern with the mod good work

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Yes, it was a balancing act. Some of the cleaning kits go as low as 85 in the mod I think, as opposed to 65 in vanilla. Basically, I am treating as anything below 85 as "damaged" meaning you NEED spare parts to repair. IRL weapons can almost never truly be "repaired" once damaged. You MUST replace parts. Ideally, there should be 2 conditions: dirtiness/lubrication and condition. Condition should decrease VERY slightly per round, like maybe 1,000 rounds for 1%. Dirtiness/lube condition should go down more quickly, however, and guns that are fired while dirty/unlubed should acquire condition losses at a faster rate depending on how dirty.

Unfortunately, after looking at CoC source code (the basis for this mod), it seems condition reduction and weapon firing is strictly a C++ item requiring source code to be changed. It is NOT in the uncompiled LUA (currently the most we can change without the source code being released by Searge).

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rekeption - - 42 comments

i wish we could do the repair system like that but it seems not possible as of now.

after reading your comment this is my final decision on the tier 1&2 repair items :
brown numbers are the repair values and black decimals are minimum repair conditions.

additionally,the "use as a repair part" section could be changed if you have good ideas. like if you use dvojka and brunox together they are effective.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

Hello, I really like description of this mod, but does it require a special instructions to install?
When I just unpack and put gamedata in to directory, every time I try to use any of the repair kit game instantly crashes, this is the log:

stack trace:
Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 191
Description : fatal error
Arguments : LUA error: anomaly\gamedata\scripts\ui_itm_repair.script:39: attempt to index global 'ini_sys' (a nil value)

stack trace:

By any chance do you know what it could be?
(This is the only mod I have, I tried even to start a new game)

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RandomStalker - - 19 comments

NVM, it works now. After reinstalling game one more time.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

This could have been great, if it didn't mess with the ability to change the carry weight.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

It's in difficulty_manager.script in gamedata/scripts. Lines 32 and 133. Just change both of the 25's to whatever you want. If you only have notepad and can't tell what the line # is, just search for:

= 25

It will appear exactly 2 times. Change BOTH to = 20 if you want 20 kg.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

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JustToppy - - 12 comments

Why does your mod need that script anyhow? It's a good mod by the way, I'm just really curious

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

- forced carry weight to 25kg
- forces weapon degradation rate to min amount possible in LUA
- greatly reduces leatherman wear/tear per use

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

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PhysixCat - - 1 comments

Hello MisterKat, your addon motivated me to make this account, just to thank you.

I hold similar views to the ones you've expressed in previous comments. It really broke my suspension of disbelief that soldiers/stalkers in the Zone would only be carrying around 3 bullets and their gun at 10% durability, with often no food/water/supplies, but would be able to infinitely fire on you without suffering jams. I understand that this was done in stock Anomaly for gameplay balance reasons, and that the game is indeed beatable like that - but I find myself enjoying the mod much more when I kill a guy and see he actually has a couple mags of some ammo, and maybe some water even. It cuts down, like you said, on the savescumming and on the time spent flipping stuff at vendors. I can actually get excited at nice finds on corpses, instead of only having those at stashes. I can focus on actually playing the game more now, and immersing myself. I am now playing at Hard/Survivalist difficulty + Hardcore AI Aim with this addon on, and I find it offers a challenge I enjoy and can't easily break by being very "meta" about it (nor would I care to, really).

All in all, your addon is fantastic and has quickly become one of my must-haves. I wanted to ask if you are also on the Anomaly discord or if you have a github we can follow of some sort? Are you planning to update this for future versions of the mod when they come out?

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

I chat on discord sometimes, but there is no github for this addon. I usually alternate between playing some variant of Misery (before I was doing Dead Air, now Anomaly) and Cataclysm (which is on GitHub, for which I also do PRs). I'm GetInHereStalker on Discord.

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Leandro15 - - 2 comments

I've been getting a crash,something related to shotgun ammo?. im not sure what causes but its been happening a few seconds after my last save since i enabled the mod:

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CInifile::r_section
File : Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 530
Description : fatal error
Arguments : Can't open section 'ammo_12x70_buck_self'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

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Leandro15 - - 2 comments

I managed to get the crashes to stop by pasting those entries from Anomaly mod default weapon_ammo file into the one from your mod. i had to do it for both the ammo_12x70_buck_self and ammo_binoc as it was crashing too.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

There were three files changed by Searge that are in this addon. Two big sections were added to weapon_ammo, there was a comment added to difficulty_manager, and items_repair had an additional "lens" added to line 798. 2.0 should fix these problems and has one or two minor changes.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

Excuse me, I am having a problem with the ammo_binoc thing. I really dont know how to fix this.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

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Jmsborland97 - - 29 comments

I'm not finding any bandages when playing, i can buy them but can't find them anywhere

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Really? Just looked at death_items.ltx and bandages are all over the place, but just in case I raised the rate a bit since it follows it should be quite the common item for a soldier. I guess you can try deleting that and trying without it, but I don't see why you wouldn't be getting bandages.

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Jmsborland97 - - 29 comments

Thanks i'll give this a try, after playing for a while after that i did find a few bandages, but out of the 50 or so stalkers i killed, only 4 or 5 of them actually dropped bandages.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

I just upped it.

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

Seems like the repair_parts section is missing from the item_repair.ltx . That might be the problem as it doesn't show anything and can repair for 0% condition only. I'm gonna try to add some stuff here and see what happens.

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Helmets below a certain % can only be repaired using the kit AND having a spare identical helmet. Basically, helmets are too small to really have spare parts and in practice don't have spare parts in the game (like armor and guns do), so you can only fix a helmet by taking two apart and putting together one. This is both for realism purposes and balance to keep it from being to easy to get a working helmet (and trust me it's already fairly easy, I had a fixed Sphere 12 on day 4 or 5).

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Guest - - 691,127 comments

yeah I know. I got it to be repaired but I had to add the lines:
repair_parts_secti sure if this is useful)
repair_parts_match = true

under the section [helmet_repair_kit] in items_repair.ltx. Without these lines, I counldn't use it in the workshop or outside of the workshop even though I had 3 of the same Sphere 08 helmet. Idk maybe I didn't check properly but it seems unlikely since these lines are under every other repair kit in items_repair.ltx (one or the other at least).

BTW could you make it so the drug making kit doesn't need a vice to craft drugs? It seems realistic that way to me at least, like why would I need a vice to make some bandages?

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misterkat Author
misterkat - - 276 comments

Good catch re: repair_parts_match = true. Not sure what happened there. I could have sworn I had that working a few versions ago.

I think the "vice" is really a "workbench" type thing that lets you lay out the scales, still, etc... and actually get work done. It's pretty much impossible to do complicated things like drugmaking on the ground somewhere.

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majdch7 - - 31 comments

Alright got it. Thanks for the good mod btw, not sure if I'll be able to play without it anymore :)

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