
This mod worse NPC vision and makes them less accurate. Use this if you want more exchange of fire between NPC and Zombies

[DLTX] Worse NPC vision and accuracy
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TheAwesomeGem - - 62 comments

Finally the AI will not 360 no scope me with a shotgun from a mile.

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stalkieee - - 28 comments

tbh that sounds pretty awesome.

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

so play Escape from Tarkov - this **** should be nice for You ;)

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Spook_boi - - 32 comments

i think u mean 1.6km

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Tegarccio - - 131 comments


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Acceltwo - - 28 comments

Is AI really unfair? I'm just going to start playing and I'm afraid that the changes will make AI very easy to beat

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Eciom - - 4 comments

You should try default first then decided later. Personally i think the mod nefted ai a little bit too much, but that is just me.

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

Yes, maybe too nerfed, but I don't like impossibly difficult single player games. I never like mods like Mistery :)

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Acceltwo - - 28 comments

I already tried it, it is not difficult, even the best weapons are obtained from Cordon XD the enemies do see you from far away but that is excellent, they are not blind, flanking is very helpful, if this mod makes AI easier then no It is for me, for sure someone else will like it, thanks anyway.

I love Misery :D

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WujekSamoZło - - 274 comments

what i dont like in anomaly is exactly this - lack of equipment progression making the experience somewhat random. i would like to see an addon that makes npc eq better closer to npp

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Guest - - 699,939 comments

I have to disagree on this one. They can see you from far away, they can shoot you pin point from far away. They are not blind which is cool but flanking is most of the time useless because they just see you.

I had almost no problem with Military AI but Monolith AI was just too much for some reason.

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jeaguer - - 2 comments

Monolith at the red forest were and absolute pain
there is only one gate to pass on through Jupiter

there is bad field of vision , lot of vegetation ,but they see you and one shot shoot you ,

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accolyte1022 - - 600 comments

Starting new (story mode) game, will definitely try this. Getting blasted from 80-90m by a skorpion wielding bandit is kind of annoying.

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NekousagiKorouYTttv - - 226 comments

Now this is a proper **** mod

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zarce77 - - 2 comments

Very good mod. The only problem is: makes sniper rifles overpowered.
I killed +20 Duty members with a barret from very long distance. They never came for me, they did not see me and they were sitting ducks.
Kills the fun, IF you play with sniper weapons.

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skdursh - - 476 comments

I know a few people are going to disagree with me, but I think the better option would be to just git gud instead of taking all the challenge and thus, in my opinion, all the fun out of the game.

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accolyte1022 - - 600 comments

I agree overall. But if you're using a population mod and it's set at 2.0, things get ugly really fast. zarce77 also has a point with sniper rifles being easy mode in some situations.

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vvil01 - - 82 comments

Yup. You are right. I donno why update 4 gets a lot of hate for being "too hard". Atleast my companion and ******** who I have to cover won't stare at me while getting shot at from 10m away, or miss the cat/dog who just ran past him 5cm away. Yes it made the game harder, but IMO it isn't as bad as it could be. (looking at you CS vanilla bandit makarov sniper)

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Dusty9261 - - 16 comments

I appreciate the efforts to make the AI actually feel like the Hardcore Aim option is off. I think it went a little far though with the FOV changes, I think narrowing it was a good call but 75 FOV is silly blind IMO. The optical sight narrowing their FOV however I think is a nice touch.

The fire dispersion tweaks alone make the ai more bearable, and I'll probably keep them regardless. I think keeping the fire dispersion tweaks but reducing how nerfed their other senses are would be a worthwhile addition to this mod, if you were to ask me

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Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments

This mod has made some much needed improvements to the AI.

I agree with the observations that they're a little too blind, and quite a bit too deaf. I placed an entire magazine's worth of semi-auto rounds within 1 m. of the military AI that were sitting around the campfire at their base. Not a single one of them even bothered to look around at all of the supersonic cracks and rounds crashing into the environment all around them!

I'm happy that hiding in bushes actually works, but it works too well. I've tested it out numerous times where I'm standing fully erect, with half of my body hanging out of the bushes, in the SUNLIGHT. A four man squad of military walked right past me, and they were within 1.5 m of me.

Some adjustments need to be made to make it harder.

That said, is it possible to be fully standing, just 5 m. out from an enemy on an MILDLY OVERCAST day, only partially in a bush and NOT be seen at all? Absolutely. And one can be even closer as long as one is NOT moving, and not making any noise.

I don't know how finely this frustrating hair can be split.

Camouflage is extremely effective if one isn't moving.

At the same time, once combat begins, the AI should become very suspicious of what COULD BE in the bushes, and make EDUCATED GUESSES at where the hidden attacker might be, and fire a FEW rounds into that bush or wall. That said, FEAR and PANIC are REALLY powerful emotions, and it causes people to OVERLOOK all kinds of things that are RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES.

Getting very good AI is no easy task. That's for sure.

Sound detection needs to be raised, especially for things being struck by bullets and supersonic cracks and whizby's.

The AI's ability to SEE should be assigned to his COMBAT EXPERIENCE. The more experienced he is, the more quickly he should be able to recognize partially obscured attackers, and to track down where they're shooting from.

Right now, Anomaly's default AI is ridiculous. As soon as one fires from medium range and from total concealment, they unleash a burst right at you. Believable? Hell no! Echoes and reverberations can make accurately identifying where bullets are being fired from a VERY CHALLENGING task to achieve.

It's one thing to be able to quickly identify a sound's source at CLOSE range, and a whole different beast at medium to long ranges.

I saw an Afghanistan war documentary where the platoon that was under heavy fire spent OVER HALF AN HOUR moving in the exact OPPOSITE direction to where the bullets were being fired from! These men were VETERANS of actual war, and it was one wrong call after another from them!

We should occasionally even see confused and terrified FRIENDLY combatants accidentally firing on each other!

Combat can rapidly become SHEER CONFUSION.

Modeling that accurately is a hell of its own.

THANK YOU for making this and releasing it to us. I *will* keep using it, as it's better than the default AI, which is absurd and NOT as realistic as Anomaly's fans wish it to be.

Good luck on future efforts!

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Kyle_K_ski - - 1,017 comments

I want to add that after getting into urban combat, that this addon's strengths really show.

One can still get their butts handed to them. It just takes a little more effort on the player's part to trigger it.

Frankly, these cqb battles, are 95% of the time wholly impossible to survive with the default AI settings. One HAS TO snipe from a distance before moving in to try and take out the last 2-3 AI left alive within structures.

If one wants the experience of going room to room, and also having a CHANCE of surviving, then this addon becomes essential. The combat is STILL brutal and unforgiving as the rounds start flying.

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stalker777a42 - - 4 comments

Cool! I think this addon is one of the most necessary to use. I hope that in the next update Anomaly from your mod will borrow the behavior of AI. :***

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Tovarish_Nikolay - - 16 comments

So i've been changing the values 'cos enemies and allies were so blind and deaf it was too easy or too frustrating if you hired bodyguards. And I came across something strange: In your notes you say that in [stalker_vision_free] you changed max_view_distance to 1.0, when in reality it's 0.50. Is that supposed to be like that? And also I wanted to ask a question, is there any way at all to make stalkers react to damage or stay alert for longer, maybe a way to trigger alert state via some bind (to make your bodyguards alert)?

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

In description it's should be 0.50 - NPC when not in danger, have 50% of his maximal seeing range what allow player to stealth. In danger they are more attentive.

About NPC awarness time I must look for this.

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DaedalusDoodles - - 1 comments

Seems like this is kinda overkill. I like the idea of NPCs being a little less aware, but so far they seem totally blind. I shot a guy in the head and he didn't even look at me. I walked straight past 3 zombies and they didn't turn. Maybe there's a value or two that got mis-set?

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Corolf - - 2 comments

does it work with update 3 though

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

not tested, propably not but it's needed in 1.3 too?
I never played in ealier version and I don't know when they broke NPC/Companions AI

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tajuddin - - 6 comments

i love that mod
now we can kill all enemy from far

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Belacmetal - - 4 comments

Oh man I'm so happy I found this. I wanted to return to STALKER again but decided to go a bit bigger than the base games with mods, and Anomaly seemed like a perfect mix of the things I want in the game. The problem is that the NPC's are omniscient, they always know exactly where I am no matter how much planning and strategy I put into a fight.

In base STALKER games one of the best things was your ability to almost have a game of cat and mouse with your opponents. If the enemy lost visual contact with you and you moved to a new position they would not know where you were and you could flank them. When I got pinned down I would start taking pot-shots so they would take cover (and break visual contact) and I would sprint for another piece of cover while they were hiding. Once I moved to a new position they would still be shooting at my old cover and if I play it smart I could hit them hard from the back or the side.

In Anomaly and the other Misery inspired mods I tried, the enemy always knows where I am no matter how careful or far away I am. I can hide behind a giant building completely hidden from them but when I come around a corner every NPC is moving towards my exact position already. It's so ******* frustrating and immersion break in a mod that is supposed to be about immersion and realism. I can't even walk by a bandit camp that is 500 m away because the entire camp becomes instantly aware and goes aggro even if I'm trying to be cautious.

I like most of the other features but the AI was a deal breaker, so I'm so happy to find this mod and I can't wait to test it. If it makes them a little too blind I'll make tweaks to suit me, but this gives me a really good starting point!

Thank you for this addon!

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palateswap - - 2 comments

Thank you, I have received injuries a couple of years ago that made it harder for me to play games like this anymore, I'm sure this will be useful. <3

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pitAlex - - 36 comments

As others posted, the addon is great but yes it makes the AI too blind.
But I did the tweaks as others mentioned and it's just perfect for me.
I don't understand how it's supposed to be more enjoyable when the AI can shoot you in complete darkness, being a mile away and straight in your head. Minimap doesn't show anything, doesn't have stealth meters, footsteps are barely hearable... If you are going to make it harder for the player, balance the enemy. You cannot give the enemy "hacks" and call that "more challenging".
So I would say get this addon and tweak it to your likings but do not accept being completely overpowered as "better immersion".

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malcomflex420 - - 1 comments

Tried and definitely prefer playing with this, theres already a fair amount of challenge without getting domed by a rusty Makarov at long range.

However as I've got further into the game I'm wondering if this addon affects Monolith because their aim and reactions seem super human most of the time. There is a separate .ltx file for them (m_stalker_monolith.ltx) but haven't had any luck tweaking it myself

Overall though great addon

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Brzerker - - 35 comments

New Game?

Edit 1 - Nope

Edit 2 - Man, that MOD saved my game immersion, no more auto aim see you through the building and always know where ur *** gonna be.

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GabeCPB0 - - 354 comments

Where were you all my life, dude?

Sick and tired of NPC with divine vision, that can see through the foliage, bushes, walls and that can pinpoint the exact your location within a building, and that can easily headshot you with a shotgun reloaded with buckshot a million kilometers away.

Freakin thank you!

EDIT, 1/7/21: While the idea behind this addon is superb, in all this time i'm using it, i've saw some problems.

The main one is regarding NPC conbating mutants. I saw this several times, but I'll give the most simple example I have.

The Rookie Village. Sometimes, to the south of the Rookie Village, there'll be mutants camping on the abandoned camp with the campfire and the conteiner, in the small valley.

Well, when this addon is active, if by chance there's pseudodogs on that camp, if you pass it towards the Rookie Village, the pseudodogs will follow you and start attacking the Loners there. And no one will react. They'll do nothing, even though the dogs and pseudodogs are shredding tehm to bits. They'll just watch, and eventually die.

I've also seen similar with mercenaries being attacked in Dead City by boars, and do nothing until they died.

Regarding NPC vs NPC, I've recall also camps with bandits in Dark Valley, south of the main bandit camp, where the military would attack stray bandits, and they wouldn't react. They would, again, just watch the military shooting them, and eventually die.

This addon is wonderful, since Stalker enemies, while some of the most realistic enemies in the history of fps rpg-esque, they do have miraculous sense of where the player is. Things like bushes only affect the human player.

Nevertheless, I believe this addon need to be tweaked a little better. Maybe this changed because some values in the version 1.5.1 are different, and the author didn't updated, I wouldn't know.


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Guest - - 699,939 comments

Updates mate?

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

Updated :)

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Guest - - 699,939 comments

How to install this when using the required mod? I cant get it to work.

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

DLTX mods instal like standard mods. The required You must move/repack to Anomaly bin folder and replace originals exe files to modified. On DLTX mod webiste, there is very good info how to install it (and what is only needed for players)

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Bartoche70 - - 219 comments

Hi, i noticed you do not modify the script "bind_stalker_ext.script" like in your previous version of this mod, is it normal ? Can you explain why ? Thanks..

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Juraszka Author
Juraszka - - 46 comments

In this script file was mod for AI Hardcore Aim but I was wrong with my changes and i newest version I do not edith this file.

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flamesoff - - 51 comments

I'm playing with advanced NPC accuracy enabled and npc spread at 1.0, and I still think that they are not accurate enough.
And here is this mod... 🤦‍♂️

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lucaslueglue - - 33 comments

yup! totally agree! vanilla hardcore mode feels like - more like DUMMY mode

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Anomolous - - 10 comments

It's always easy to tell by the tryhard replies, who does not play on hard difficulty.

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lucaslueglue - - 33 comments

Hello, sooo
What if i want more hardcore ai aim, not worst ai aim - can i just change values, for example - disp_stand_crouch from 10 to 0.01
Is it makes ai shoot me without dispersion at all?

Cuz idk, but vanilla hardcore ai option succ *** -__-

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lucaslueglue - - 33 comments

Or may be anyone knows MORE HARDCORE AI MOD, like ULTRAHARDCORE AI with instagib from 400 m with a pistol (head/eyes)

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