
Horde mode(total 50 waves)in 4 original MP maps(Epic Games)with new visual: Tyro Station; Subway; Mansion; WarMachine.

HordeWave v1.1
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WwGlaciuswW Author
WwGlaciuswW - - 5 comments

Thanks midget576.

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WwGlaciuswW Author
WwGlaciuswW - - 5 comments


Sorry midget576, commentary deleted.

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Seth12345 - - 10 comments


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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Hi great thx galcius, you stick on Horde and did the best work ever made, thx god finally you are back, but hope you can also post on Epic forum, or a lot of people will miss these master pieces,

Good to see new maps seldom and never did before like tyrto station, will try these soon....hope the rest can be done if possible, still play your custom court Horde and it;s really the best...

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Finally trid these all, great remake, man, subway and tyro got perfect brightness, warmhaine and mansion plays a little dark, maybe more bright? all maps optimized well and gameplay is perfect insanely fun.

A little pity no player chooce UI this time, player spawn is random, and 2 min time limit seems a little short, maybe 4 each wave? lol, also maybe remove the time indication to make a clean screen? Anyway thx glacius' new maps , again your Horde saved gears pc gaming and we'll enjoy these new for a long time, till Gears 3 come to PC this time?lol...

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WwGlaciuswW Author
WwGlaciuswW - - 5 comments

thanks darksin

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Hi dear glacius, after played some time i found a little problem, somtimes when the locusts chainsawed the npc bot or maybe the train crush the bot, the screen turn to red and game automaticly over, we can't play till the 50 waves over.

I met this in other Horde before, in normal gameplay, after they were chainsawed they just get down on the knees, game not over. So is there a way to fix this? thx!!...

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WwGlaciuswW Author
WwGlaciuswW - - 5 comments

"somtimes when the locusts chainsawed the npc bot or maybe the train crush the bot, the screen turn to red and game automaticly over"

??? this with me never happened

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WwGlaciuswW Author
WwGlaciuswW - - 5 comments

perhaps either conflict with another modification (delete txt files,etc)

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Got it,thx for the tip, i'll try again...Hope you can pass through all the difficulty met before and succeed in more Hordes or bot maps, still play your old Hordes, wonderful memories. Good luck!!

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

good mod but big - no respawn weapon 1 get and no more

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Weapon drop everywhere, so ammo respawn is really good. I think i found the reason, if we don't kill all locusts within time limit, the screen will turn red and game over, so 2 min or so seems a little short, maybe longer?

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

2 min is little short but 3 or 4 min is good but respawn weapon is good. No everyone give you weapon 2 boomer give you 1 or 0 boomshot. hammerburst and lancer and shotgun this weapons is weak but boomshot or bown is strong sow...

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

I think maybe respawn make the map look somewhat ugly, because weapon already drop, makes ground looks mess,and it;s 50 wave long, so...
The time limit is really short, i have to keep on shooting and kill all the time, no hide anymore, fast pace to prevent red screen game over, but maybe we could play these Horde a little slower?^^...

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

Maybe. 4 maps is little for 50 waves, but if can 10 waves on warmachine and next 10 waves on mansion is be cool

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

That will loaded a lot and break the gameplay,lol, Anyway i think there will be another long time waiting, since Glacius is very busy, next time i hope still add a player character choose UI when the map starts, and 50 wave, each wave at least 4 min, or just no time limit, kill all locusts for next wave, but all depends on Glacius's talent...

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

who complete all 50 waves?? I complete first 11 waves.

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

These maps are easier than previous Horde made by Glacius, 50 waves and i finished it before. The main trouble this time is low time limit, sometimes locust get stuck or hide and hard to find, but after fimiliar with their spawn point, battle will be quicker.

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Finally finished tyro wave, tough battle. Hope next time more locusts each wave, and longer time limit, like 6~7 min each wave, so each wave can last longer, gives more battlefield feelings...

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

I have new copmuter and now i can play only on warmachine and on other i have error and game shut down

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

In warmachine i play 17 waves and i lose because i dont have ammo and time finished so this cant finished all 50 waves

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

i think next time more mp Horde can be made and optimized in time settings, still enjoy these 4, some map design need time to find enemy, like mansion, if map is wide open like courtyard,etc, will be easier,lol...

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Jogurcik1 - - 7 comments

When will the next version of the mod and will be something like co-op?

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darkelfsin - - 334 comments

Lol, hope glacius bring some big Great Horde bot maps this year....

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Bobfuria - - 148 comments

Could your old maps be uploaded to this website? It seems Filefront deleted the other maps. When I clicked the link on the gears of war forums I recieved an error message.

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Kraftwerk[Ger] - - 44 comments

Amazing maps, have so much fun with these maps. I wished you would come back and make more original MP maps to Horde Wave. The train in Tyro comes every 5 seconds in other maps but in yours it is perfect. Give also 10/10

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Kraftwerk[Ger] - - 44 comments

I cant believe it, i spend so much time in these maps. All 4 maps are great. Please comeback!!!

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