
19+2 Separate Tweaks that alter things that bugged me the most while playing the Dead Air mod.. See Description for more info (30.Jan.2019) - Read Changelog

Dead Air - Darvin's Personal Tweaks v1.9.1
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Crlsdmc - - 104 comments

Good mod, looking forward to slow natural radiation reduction (slower for me), less useless headlamp and those akm sounds!


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ThreatxSignal - - 23 comments

The unsuppressed AK74u sound pretty generic as well, like it was ripped straight out of CS:S or something.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Yeah thats the one that comes with perk and its the first I complained about cos of the "sound" if its even worth calling it like that.. I ll alter it as first if you wish

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ThreatxSignal - - 23 comments

That would be much appreciated.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

I added new AKS-74u sounds,let me know if they are OK or not x)

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xxFalconArasxx - - 120 comments

Nice job. I am glad these are separate optional features. Many of these are mostly quality of life improvements, and whether they are good additions or not is kind of subjective.

For instance I actually kind of like the movement speed in the game. I mean most people cannot carry 50 kilograms and maintain a running pace for hours on end. Also, the fact you lowered your weapon when looting wasn't really that much of a bother. In fact, I hardly really noticed it. Just don't loot bodies in the middle of combat.

On the other hand, I did not like the side step weapon sway, not because the idea was bad, but because it was just flat out broken, and occurs with the slightest tap of the movement key, or sometimes when I am not moving at all. I also really hated how the Radiation did not go down over time. The idea that a single slice of bacon which gives a dose of 100 msv could kill you if not treated in time was utterly retarded. In real life, you have to be exposed to 500-1000 msv to even suffer the slightest side effects (usually this dose does not even have to be treated), and between 5000-10000 msv for the exposure to actually be lethal. Radiation also metabolizes in real life, so for a mod that prizes itself for its realism, radiation definitely should go down over time.

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Diенаrd - - 95 comments

really good changes thanks :)

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JustMordecai - - 48 comments

Good ****. I used some of your tweaks with my personal tweak compendium that is made up of the other tweaks here at the addon page :)

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

Thanks for the changes they make the game better for me. I was wondering though if you know how to increase the amount of ammo in each stack when you are carrying it and if you can stack items in your inventory because it gets to clustered? :)

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Scott1023 - - 80 comments

Do you know if this works with the Faction select mod another user made? He had to make a patch to make it work with one of the other tweak mods.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

It depends on what files that addon you mentioned alters.. Try installing some or all of my tweaks and carefully observe which files are in conflict with already existing files you might have there.. Basics of modding x)

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41sixsider - - 33 comments

New game required for radiation decrease only option?

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Crlsdmc - - 104 comments

Nope, just apply and have fun, make sure you don't an actor.ltx already there, if so, just add the corresponding value to the radiation decrease you desire, the instructions on how to get it done come with the download.

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

Please add the ability to see the NPC on the minimap, the corpses and the sound of the new NPCs.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

I tried that first thing and wasnt able to quickly come to a solution of re-enabling it.. Now I am working on something that is more worth the time

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Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,003 comments

Anyway to implement so you can harvest all mutant parts at once or at least make so your character don't have to take the knife out every single time after you harvest 1 part of the mutant...?

Also, any chance of enabling minimap dots for dead bodies? I'm already kinda blind, and searching for bodies is quite the pain for me, even more cause this mod is unstability incarnate.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

I tried to restore dots without success.. Idk about the mutant parts and btw I too had big instability issues when playing on DX10, DX9 R2.5 is a way to go apparently

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RamseySparrow - - 831 comments

Hi Darvin, thanks for the mod, I use quite a few of those but primarily the hud change - it's great. I do have a kind request for you to consider.

I play with no minimap since I find it to be making things too 'gamey' for me - I prefer to only have the pda for map, since it draws battery immersively, and doesn't permanently clutter the view.

At the same time what I'm missing are two critical pieces of information for a game like Stalker: a compass (the original red/blue arrows of the minimap) and the watch that comes with it. Without those I have to constantly open pda to check direction and time, draining batteries.

Would you please create one additional variation of your hud (based on say, B1)
where you remove the minimap itself, but retain the simple red/blue compass needle and time indicator.

That, for me would make the ideal hud for the survival experience that is Dead Air.

Thanks man

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

Could you add an option that would allow you to have full weapon/equipment upgrades without mutual exclusions?

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zmaj777 - - 216 comments

Having done that before for just a couple of weapons and suits, I can tell you that it is a very big job, as you have to do for every single item individually.

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

Well... I didn't know that. Thanks for the information.

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Hattenhair - - 3 comments

Theres a serious armor bug out there which lowers its defensive capabilities by quite a bit.
Example: A bandit cloak has 0% armor class, 2 upgrades should increase it to 6%, but in reality a 99% cloak has only 4% armor class, its like this for almost all of the armors, the values are ~20-30% lower than they should be.

Also radiation amount gained from eating irradiated food is affected by your current radiation resistance, i feel cheap by using less anti-rad items after eating mutant meat than i should. Im ingesting the meat after all.

Would love it if you fixed these 2 things somehow.

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alanshaw - - 12 comments

Darvin76 please tell if there any fix related to dynamic hud for my gas mask in this particular add-on bcoZ I don't see any HUD only white breath air please help me.. "dead air v0.98a"

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cisco007 - - 23 comments

Hello Darvin76 !
Thanks for your hard work. It makes the game more enjoyable for me. :)

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Michiko_chan152 - - 6 comments

I'm having a bit of a problem. Parts of my UI are...broken, for a lack of a better word. In the menus, checkboxes and sliders are replaced by weird shapes and textures like snippets from from a different menu entirely. And in-game, when I open up the inventory, some item icons like ammo are completely missing, and the ones that aren't look broken apart (for example, the light overcoat equipped in the clothing and armor slot just shows two suppressors and the stocks of two rifles of some kind).

The issue occurs exactly the same with all variants of the UI in your mod. As far as I know, there shouldn't be any conflicting mods. The only mods I have that touch menu textures and the like are the TRX zonefm and dynamicnews addons by Tronex. However, it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this problem, so maybe it IS a mod conflict...

Well I only have mods that change sounds and values not touched by your mod, like the ones in the Dead Air tweaks mod. I also made sure to make changes to the actor.ltx file as directed for the portions of your mod that needed it.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Rename gamedata folder to something else and leave it there.. Tho its going to be russian now, try loading the game and see if everything is fine.. If its alright, then quit the game, install english translation, then my mod, either with (All in One) option or specific tweaks separately, so gamedata folder now holds only my addon or its parts, and english translation.. Launch the game (Switch Language) then load and see if the problem persists.. If it doesnt, then it was conflicting with something else, if it does then PM me and I'll try to guide you in resolving it

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Michiko_chan152 - - 6 comments

Actually, I just realized it was not your UI changes. I deleted them and the problem persists. I'm thinking it might be the zonefm changes, as they seem to have added some random junk into the textures/ui folder.

Edit: Yeah, you're mod wasn't the problem at all. The zonefm installer must have installed some junk ui files, because I had extra item icons and menu textures that weren't in any of the other mods that I installed manually (Y'know, because providing a gamedata folder instead of an installer lets me see exactly what files it is adding.) So I deleted them and everything works just fine.

So I guess I'll just have to talk to Tronex about that one. Thanks anyway. By the way, thanks for the mod. I don't think I've downloaded a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod yet where the mod author split all the individual parts of the mod into their own folders, with their own compatibility and install info. I ended up using the entire thing anyway, but it's really nice for the people out there that only want a small portion of the changes you made. :)

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BojecHrabri - - 44 comments

Somebody can help?

Fatal Error
Expression : <no expression>
Function : CInifile::r_section
File : Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 520
Description : fatal error
Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_usas12_sounds'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

stack trace:

0023:00563DCC xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fatal()
0023:005669A1 xrCore.dll, CInifile::Load()
0023:005669A1 xrCore.dll, CInifile::Load()
0023:00566318 xrCore.dll, CInifile::CInifile()
0023:004614F5 xrEngine.exe, CApplication::load_draw_internal()
0023:0045ED8A xrEngine.exe, InitSettings()
0023:0045F7B3 xrEngine.exe, InitSound2()
0023:0045FAD6 xrEngine.exe, InitSound2()
0023:0046B673 xrEngine.exe, CApplication::load_draw_internal()
0023:773A33CA kernel32.dll, BaseThreadInitThunk()
0023:77AB9ED2 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()
0023:77AB9EA5 ntdll.dll, RtlInitializeExceptionChain()

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Don't use More Serious Weapons Sounds with other weapon mods without a proper merge.. You would need to use weapons_sounds.ltx from whatever weapons addon mod you use, then open my one, and fix file paths for my sounds for akms aks-74u and colt1911

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

I'm getting this awful bleeding from the loading screen into my game. There is a white line on the left and entire top of my monitor. Anyone know a fix for this?

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

What about throwing image on imgur? Also do you use any other mods ? There might be some weird conflict with my UI addon..

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Zarryc - - 179 comments

I'm very happy to see the bloodsucker change.

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dog00755 - - 16 comments

Is there any way to stop stamina drain due to weight?
I have already edited these files in gamedata:
system.ltx: max_weight(1000)
actor.ltx: max_walk_weight(1500) and max_item_mass(1000)

With no success. The game keeps draining my stamina when walking with just 50kg of burden when I set my maximum carry weight to 1000kg.

Am I missing something? Please do forgive me, but in games I love role-playing as a dirty hoarder.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Sorry but I am not sure which config/script handles the base stamina restore value but if you managed to get rid of the weight limit completely, and the only issue is now a stamina drain, I would probably go about it by increasing the boost_power_restore to 9.0 for example, under any drink, for example for [energy_drink], the config is called items_drink.ltx.. At 9.0 your stamina restore should literally go off the charts so it should work.. Also you can edit the "boost_time" for the drink to like 99999 or bigger if too high value wont cause a crash, and by that the drink would last almost if not forever

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alexm160 - - 94 comments

This might be a useful tweak to add to the mod:

Change the stash icon size, go to configs -> ui -> map_spots.xml / map_spots_16.xml, go to lines 531 and 534 and change the width and height values.

<treasure_spot width="10" height="10" alignment="c" stretch="1"> becomes
<treasure_spot width="17" height="17" alignment="c" stretch="1">

<treasure_spot_mini width="8" height="8" alignment="c" stretch="1"> becomes
<treasure_spot_mini width="14" height="14" alignment="c" stretch="1">

I'm guessing the second one covers the minimap, althogh I haven't tried it.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Ahem.. I dont quite understand what you mean.. Like increasing the green stash icon size ? Or decreasing it.. I personally cant say that I had any issue with stash icon scale

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alexm160 - - 94 comments

Yep, increasing the size of it to something like it was in Misery (misery's is 20/17). I had a difficult time finding the stash icons on the PDA map, thought it might be useful to other people.

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

Seems the "Smaller Map Transition Icons" addon ruins my UI textures

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Ruins isnt really a specific term.. What resolution do you use? Maybe post pic on imgur ? Does it go away deleting the "" ?

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Guest - - 700,035 comments

It messed up textures of slider bars, check boxes and dialogue boxes in the options and menus. I tested every tweak separately and found map transition icons to be the cause. The textures of items in inventory menus were also messed up (armor made of guns and some stuff invisible etc.), but it seems something besides the map transition icons tweak was causing that. I did not test which one was the cause.

I only had the untouched dead air files + english translation + your full tweak set. Resolution was 1280x720. Removing all ui texture files added by the addon solved the issues while leaving the rest of your tweaks intact.

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

I just tried to replicate the issue New vanilla DA unpack + En translation + my All in One option pack included in this version and I dont have any of the mentioned issues.. Hope you ll have fun using my addon to an extent where you dont have this issue.. Also I am not sure now... one sentence you write its map transition icons tweak that does issues, next one you are not sure ? If deleting all texture files from my addon helps, maybe try adding them back one by one possibly knowing for 100% which one does it, or is it the ? Anyway thanks for you input

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WujekSamoZło - - 274 comments

reduction of rats mass was needed, thx cause it was silly to watch how rats move me

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

NP mate.. Also someone else already did such addon for rats, however I didnt quite understand why not to include tushkanos as well so I decided to include these changes in my addon.. Have fun playing DA! x)

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zxcv64 - - 199 comments

Regarding UI overhaul - how keep old health&stamina; bars? I like the new status indicators and no-ammo display, but hp&stamina; is too bright, want the old yellow ones back. What to edit?

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Darvin76 Author
Darvin76 - - 54 comments

Both bars and icons textures are in the same texture file.. I recommend photoshop with nvidia dds plugin, saving in DXT3 creating new mipmaps.. Also if I may say, the bars are as bright as the icons, I dont personally see any problem in that, sorry

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zxcv64 - - 199 comments

GIMP with dds plugin works too! Thanks, I've edited them to make them more yellow-ish

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cisco007 - - 23 comments

The reduction of rats and tushkanos mass is a good thing.
Thanks for this update Darvin76.

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Radiant00 - - 53 comments

Thanks for your dedication :)

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Fenishi - - 99 comments

The best thing in your work is that we can install only the things that we want. Personally I'm using almost all of them, god work!

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WujekSamoZło - - 274 comments

dat tru

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sm3g - - 5 comments

definitely. and actually explaining what everything does, shows what to change in case you need to merge, etc. absolutely the BEST mod author around

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