Fixes disguises so that companions no longer prevent you from patching or unpatching, and they will not gain suspicion.
This is an update of the "Companions Don't Ruin Disguises" tweak in Vintar0's excellent Miscellaneous Modular Tweaks addon.
Their tweak works just fine! But it doesn't go quite far enough. What their tweak does is exclude your companions from the check for gaining suspicion--which is what ruins your disguise.
However, you still can't change your disguise in front of companions--if they see you patch or unpatch, it counts as an NPC seeing you. That's what this mod fixes.
I also included Vintar0's tweak in this file, so you only need the one. If you haven't checked out their addon, it's great and does more than just the disguise fix.
This addon will explicitly conflict with any other that changes gameplay_disguise.script.
I have included detailed instructions in the file for how to merge with any other mod. Search the script for the word "merge". All you need to do is copy over one function and tweak two lines. It's a simple search-replace.
I CANNOT assist you with this. The addon is provided as-is.
Excellent thank you, no more running around a corner to slap a patch on
Thank you, that's exactly the idea! I'm quite done with wasting time on that silly dance.
May I ask a question, I actually disabled the Modular tweaks GAMMA comes with, reinstalled so I could select specific options, and then use your mod here. Does this mod still include notifications of like when you take off the patch and disguise notifications?
are all of the tweaks from the Vintar0'tweaks included? sorry for the dumb question
Only the disguise tweak is included, not any others. The sole thing this mod changes is a check for whether the player is seen--in two places, I add a check for whether they're a companion.
Fantastic, Thank you for explaining. Plese keep up the good work fellow Stalker!!!