
This replacement balance mod from fangoriously changes the core game of 1.2 CTA reshaping the balance of the game for all factions, As one of the lead balance designers for CTA when i met Thomas he had a distinct idea of how he wanted to change CTA...

Battlefield refit Add On - FILE IS OBSOLETE
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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

I'm not usually one for balance, as i think that every side has something unique to bring to the table, but this could give everyone another way to enjoy this mod! And lets be honest, this mod can get a little...unfair...sometimes. Especially the Borg. Like...a lot.

Lol thanks Thomas! I look forward to trying this!

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

Balance does not mean all factions homogenized what so ever, in this case, I set several ship price points, and adjusted stats until their performance match that price point exactly.

If anything, more then the stock mod, factions should have stronger differences then before.

federation- capital ship labs are now tier 0, and capital ships are super easy to afford, drastically changing planetary development strategy, and putting your research tiers at list if you lose a capital ship, or several

romulans- can make a LOT more capital ships than anyone else, and now they are MUCH more affordable compared to cruisers


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masterdude94 - - 741 comments

Oh wow! That sounds like a lot more changes than i was expecting! Awesome! Thanks again!

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

oh it did get posted already. for a full change log, see here

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

Oh and as far as installation goes, you should just copy and paste the contents of the Gameinfo and String folders into the ones located at

Documents\my games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.82\STA3_CTA_1.2

click yes to overwrite, and that should be it.

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martox - - 234 comments

well it would be better to create a separte folder for it, just incase

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thaflya - - 2 comments

Its not necessary to overwrite the Call to Arms mod, just unpack the Battlefield_refit_Add_On into a new folder in:

Documents\my games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.82\*here comes the new folder*

Then activate it ingame and then you need to put the Battlefield_refit_Add_On at the top of the mod order in the mod menue ingame. Thats it.

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mikey1871 - - 1,097 comments

no disrespect to fangoriously for his excellent work making this item, but it's supposed to be an ADD-ON, not a patch. Please rewrite it and upload it as an Addon. Your Addon isn't supposed to overwrite the 1.2 mod.

thank you :)

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DarkDiablos - - 241 comments

Think provided the Borg are toned down and less of a pain to fight, I'd enjoy this addon simply for that reason alone. Find they usually ruin my games and steamroll everyone. Have yet to give this addon a go but it sounds interesting so I look forward to it.

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_Alive_ - - 237 comments

thats what the borg are supposed to do

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DarkDiablos - - 241 comments

What, 9/10 completely ruin games entirely? Yeah, okay, that's always loads of fun. Good 'reason'. The AI version of the borg is a little OTT.

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MKachan - - 4 comments

Exactly what Alive said. That is what they are supposed to do. Though possible but improbable to solo them. they are meant to be fought as a team effort. A shall we say "Raid boss". They meant for all of the races that are at war at the moment to make a temporary truce or face assimilation. If you want to solo fine but what kind of a challenge would it be if it was made fair fighting borg. Quoting Q from Hide and Q "Fairness is a human concept. Think imaginatively! It will, in fact, be completely unfair..."

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

The Borg are supposed to be very powerful... Probably even more powerful than in the game. They were never really beaten conventionally, it was always sorta by chance - Data caused the Borg cube to self destruct in Best of Both Worlds, in First Contact the only thing that saved them was Picards unique knowledge... If you were to be true to the show, once they adapt, you can't really stop them.

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Paradepartizan - - 95 comments

Guess something is wrong with the Falcon. Does way to much damage (Beamdamage at 150 not upgraded and 300 fully upgraded which is way more than any other cruiser)

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

those displayed numbers are misleading. they increase exponentially based on how many directions a particular weapon can fire in. in the falcon's case, it has a beam hardpoint in all 4 directions, and it can fire one every 4 seconds, thats the reason it's displayed damage is that high. say a ship with cannons can only fire them forward, that displayed number will be a lot less. even though it deals a lot more damage in 1 arc, it only can fire in 1 direction, so gets rated poorly.

don't worry about those numbers, every ship at every price point was painstakingly balanced against each other, its an even match for an akira and kvek.

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philipstl - - 7 comments

Far too small of a sample size but first impressions inbound: just played a 4 on 5, Rom (me) Kling Kling Fed vs Dominion huge ring map with solid starting positions (balanced) and within 3 hours the klingons had 70+% of the map, two Dom opponents were killed off, and this was essentially 3 on 5, since my romulan defense force did just that, only defense (no offensive maneuvers). I felt like the Klingons had a slight edge previously but with sample size of "1", this was just a shellacking. Cardassian/Dominion seem undertuned to anyone else?

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

Just checking things out, everything looks pretty interesting, I'll have to give this addon a shot.

One question though, I noticed the Galaxy class is stronger than the Sovereign - how come? Isn't the Sovereign far superior?

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

the sovereign is slightly newer, but not even half the size of a galaxy, they aren't even in the same weight class, 1 doesn't replace the other, etc. the galaxy has much longer main phaser arrays, and the 2 highest capacity torp launchers ever mounted on a ship, its weapons are to a much higher scale. the sovereign is a very powerful ship for its size, but it was never more powerful, or capable in any measurable way than the galaxy. even the nebulas are more powerful then the sovereign.

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apostaste - - 99 comments

Really awesome and in my opinion more in line with the original armada. Ships are out faster but not as durable. It requires constant attention which I love. I think the call in abilities need to be a bit tweaked as the resource and fleet slot requirements are a bit off.

Great work on maintaining balance! it must have been painstaking with such a large change!

PS I love that bombers now do so much anti structure damage, it really justifies the expense and fleet resource costs of the carriers and opens up new tactics, though the damage may be a tad on the high side.

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

the call in price and supply cost is much closers to correct than it was, they played it VERY safe on both in stock armada 3, i have it set to the price and supply cost thats about average of what you tend to get from them. the whole concept of the warp in is totally op though, 2 or 3 planets with a 6 or 7 of these, and an ubur economy with an outpost trade station in every gravity well, giving you unlimited money, could allow you to go from 0 ships to full supply over and over again, not even borg are a threat at that point. i don't think you can set a global limit on call in structures though, even though frankly, its needed.

part of why ships across faction share such exact price points, is because i wanted the ships at those prices to have the exact same performance, so i dueled each and every one of them endlessly until they were equals, and were correctly spaced in performance between the next lower and next high ship price point. this was made difficult, because most ships had vastly different armaments, mobility and hit-points from one another, i probably spent about 100 hours on this from january to april.

ya the bombers are actually sorta bugged, if you'll notice they can also ONLY attack structures too, even though they should not be limited to that. what sort of accidentally got released on here was basically the last beta version, that i hadn't had a chance to fully play test to find problems like this. in fixed form, they do about half as much structure damage, and can attack everything else again.

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apostaste - - 99 comments

Thanks a million for all your hard word and passion it really shines through. I like the changes to the supply and the reduction to the call ins for just the reasons you explained. What I was curious about it needing say 90 or so supply for a flotilla that costs 30. Could be a mechanic that would limit the use of call ins late game.

Thanks again for all the great work. I love it!!

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

Is anyone else getting a slight stutter while playing with this addon?

Every ~20 seconds, the game freezes for about two seconds - mouse still works, sound and music keep playing, but everything is just momentarily unresponsive. It seems to happen throughout the game, even at the beginning. I tried decreasing the video settings and effects to medium and low settings, it still occurs - usually I have everything set to high and highest.

I've played Armada III 1.2 without this addon and didn't experience this issue.

Anyone have any insight? Could this be a monitor issue?

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

that does not surprise me, what got released was files that had not been converted back to bin from readable text, so it takes the computer longer to reference files that way, and in non top end computers, would surely lead to such laggyness from time to time.

like i have mentioned a few times, what got released was not the version i considered release ready. there's a few bugs i noticed in play testing, the 400+ files weren't converted back to bin, and it was packaged in such a way that it would merely over write 1.2.

once the next armada 3 patch is out, you can count on a re-release of this add-on, with compatibility worked out, and other issues fixed.

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apostaste - - 99 comments

I really like this addon, its much faster and more intense, with little downtime between battles. More like the original Armada. The appropriate costing for ships is great and you can tell the balance has been tested really well. I'm looking forward to the post update update.

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CAH2 - - 6 comments

First off, very nice addition to an excellent mod. I've logged hours and hours already and I've tested every faction. I'm particularly shocked with how many of the cruisers and capitals seems to be less durable until fully ranked up, which I enjoy. I've had to get used to not getting too attached to my capital ships - I've sometimes gone through 40-50 cap ship points in one game. This would normally make me upset but the lower costs in ship production allows me to see the realistic nature in this decision. Ships weren't invincible in the shows and it's nice to see this implemented in game.

To get to my main point though, I love the KDF the best and I always have. I love that the K'vort was implemented realistically in game as that's my second favorite KDF ship. My favorite is the Vor'cha. During the Dominion War the Vor'cha was fully integrated into the Klingon Fleet and was fast becoming one of the most numerous ships. I can understand the need to have capital ships but I was somewhat disappointed that the Vor'cha isn't able to be deployed in large numbers. Was there a reason maybe a non-capital Vor'cha cruiser variant didn't make it into the game?

P.S. Good work - very nice.

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

yep, i think the game plays much better when capital ships aren't seen as supremely more important, powerful exclusive and expensive than anything else. you really want to build them early, and often, trying to max out the cap ship crew cap before you build to many other ships.

in canon trek, a limited budget more than anything is what kept the non human factions so ship variety poor. i like to think that the ship line up in game is what the other factions would have if they had an unlimited amount of time and money to make the show.

in game, the deathrite basically serves in place of a more numerous vorcha we see in canon, which is again mainly becase the klingons only had 3 ship models + the more exclusive negvar they could film with.

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CAH2 - - 6 comments

That actually makes sense when you put it like that. Part of me wishes the shows could be done with today's cgi but I guess that they were able to get by with as much as they did is a testament to hollywood magic back then.

I actually like the deathrite bc of the vor'cha influences. Good model.

I had another question. It appears the K'Tinga has beam damage but that damage is set to zero. DS9 showed some K'Tingas with red forward beams in Way of the Warrior. Was this something you removed for the sub-mod?

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

this addon will be updated to drop right into 1.2.1, before too long.

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Thank you for your mod. I am enjoying it. Has anyone else said that they feel like the Feds have to go straight to New Orleans or get steam rolled? The AI brings 30 plus to the party as soon as it can. No other way to beat the Borg either (of course that beats just dying to the Borg in the standard mod). I've also noticed that the AI does not seem to know what to do with the advanced Fed bombers and fighters.

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

ya thats because the bombers deal antimodual damage, and some engine limitation prevents them from targeting anything but structures even though in their file i set "target only structures" or whatever, to 0. there's a workaround for this in the next release.

i think some borg ships have structure armor type, thats why anti modual works well against it. hmm, that sounds way to exploity to me, im going to look into this.

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Guest - - 699,978 comments

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

aaaand new version is good to go!

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apostaste - - 99 comments

Whoop!, is it up?

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Thanks again for your unique vision of what A Call To Arms could be.

You've taken a beautiful diamond (yes, the Queens Diamond ;) ) and encrusted it with rubies and emeralds set in a platinum ring of wonder. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations there is no better example than your work sir.

Now if you'll excuse me I have Borg to hunt down.

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apostaste - - 99 comments

Ah Borg dont take module damage anymore, That explains alot, well I need new tactics :).

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

I would just like to note that the Borg now seem to build a ridiculous number of Tactical Cubes which of course no longer take module damage. They wrecked me sir. Straight up. Took out my entire maxed out fleet. And then moved on for more. Anyone have any ideas on kicking Borg butt in this new universe? Besides a fully upgraded starbase? It might be nice to allow 2 starbases in the same system. I'm grasping at straws here. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE, (GROWS BEARD INSTANTLY) I won't go back. You don't know what it's like in my universe. The Federation is gone, the Borg are everywhere! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHGGGG!

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mildalcoholic - - 3 comments

Are the additional Dominion dreadnoughts that you spawn in with the ability from the titan meant to only have 700 shield points?

Great addon otherwise, I don't play STA3 without it :D

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Mildalcoholic said:
Great addon otherwise, I don't play STA3 without it :D

You are correct sir!

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Guest - - 699,978 comments

update to latest patch?

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

the addon was updated to be 1.2.1 compatable

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

The diplomacy problems? And the Borg have been making friends. Other AI are siding with them. Isn't that impossible as diplomacy is irrelevant? (according to the Borg)

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darrenkoester1 - - 145 comments

will it be updated to work with 1.3? I hope so, it really added a new twist to the game

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Bane, sir? Actually I am confused who made this? Was it Bane, Fangoriously or Thomas Moore?
Are you all the same person with multiple handles?

My real question: Do you have a response to the 1.3 release threatened by your brethren?

I've been very happy with your "take" on the rebalance. I only play with your Addon installed.

Now Gul and Company are saying diplomacy has been restored to it's former glory so I can't think of anything else to ask about. Not that I understand you Federation dweebs. Why put perfectly good phasers on a ship if you are not going to use them?

Thank you for making my Sins time even more productive in a "fun to time played" metric.

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

Fangoriously is an addon maker and the maker of this add on, I just run the addons section of the site, i also lead the balance team for the main mod with Draconis and am the deputy lead developer alongside gul for the armada team :)

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Bane will you be refitting your refit? I really liked your "balance" better. Merry Christmas.

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Bane(Dev) Author
Bane(Dev) - - 612 comments

i will try contacting fango to see if he is updating :)

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

That is very nice of you. As per usual when someone has done something nice for me I repay them:

Here is a picture of a mouse eating cheese: :>#

Minimalist to be sure, but none the less, the work of a greatful man.

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darrenkoester1 - - 145 comments

I take it Fangoriously isn't responding, pity

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fangoriously - - 121 comments

Been a wile since i checked up on armada 3, fallout 4 has had nearly all my gaming and modding attention since November. I'll get to updating this addon at some point.

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darrenkoester1 - - 145 comments

much appreciation

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