The third weekly challenge map for The Age of the Ring, set in Fields of Cormallen.
AotR Weekly Community Challenge 3: The Despoiling of Ithilien
Weaken the defences of Gondor by ravaging the forests of Ithilien
Task: as Mordor, defeat one Hard or Brutal Gondor on Fields of Cormallen or Glades of Ithilien
Allowed military buildings: Orc Pit, Troll Cage, Great Siege Works
Allowed units: Black Uruk Marauders, Orc Pikemen, Orc Archers, all Troll units, Battering Rams and Catapults
Disabled Spellbook Powers: He is Gathering All Evil To Him, Terror of Cirith Ungol, Wraiths on Wings
Allowed heroes: Nazgûl and the Witch-king
Once you've completed the challenge, please show us either in a Youtube video or upload a replay to Discord , or just tell us how it went! Good luck!
The Age of the Ring Team
Here's a guide on T3A about how to install BfME maps.