TSLRCM tries to fix to the best of our abilities the issues The Sith Lords had due to being rushed. Containing a host of restored content and fixes many bugs left inside TSL giving you the most polished and best possible chance to get the full experience.

MasterRotok says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

After completing a Light Side playthrough, I can honestly say that TSLRM truly brought the game to life to me. I felt like I was playing a new game through this restoration mod. Everything from the cut dialog all the way to the numerous bug fixes truly made this mod worth it in every way. I wish I could say some of my favorite parts of the mod but, I don't want to spoil it to anyone who has never used the restoration mod or has never player KOTOR 2 before.

All I got to say to the everyone involved with the development of this mod is, "Absolutely amazing job and thank you for all your hard, well- done work!"