The Sanitarium... A place of Hell with dungeons occupied by the mentally ill as well as those the Government Of Order prefer to torture and treat poorly, until they too become crazy and become victims of insanity. Step into the role of a "Sleeper", a girl who's lost her memory, and escape from the Sanitarium, a sinister place in an already vile city, Krucible...

GiovanniRosa88 says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

One of the most immersive Wolf3d Mods I have seen. An intriguing story and freaky enemies combined with insane mind trips and a bleak post-nuclear world contribute to an excellent game atmosphere.
Weapons noises are very well rendered and the gameplay is difficult without being excessively frustrating.
Indeed, a mod with great potential for a sequel (which is currently being developed). Be sure not to miss out on this one!