FFT 1.3 is a fan-made modification of Squaresoft's game Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation and Playstation Portable gaming systems. It greatly increases the difficulty of the game and rebalances gameplay mechanics. 1.3 is not a storyline patch and does not affect the game's plot or character development.

DarkCamala says

10/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

The 1.3 mod brings a new level of difficulty to FFT. New features have been added, classes have been revamped and rebalanced to add a new layer of party customization. Some skills/jobs that were considered useless in the original game may now play a key role in surviving battle. Classes featured in the PSP version have been added, giving players who never owned a PSP the chance for even more new classes.

The story has not been tampered with, allowing first time players to get the full experience of the plot along with a higher difficulty than ever before, and returning fans desiring a new FFT experience are sure to get one. The game requires more preparation time. One cannot simply hope to win by charging into battle blindly. Monsters have been buffed, and new generics have been placed to provide a splash of flavor to the battles. With frequent updates, you can be sure that there will always be something new to try.