I made this mod using ENB Series. It Adds a more powerful Ambient Occlusion and Bloom effect to create a more colorful atmosphere. The game will look completely different with brighter colors that enhance the mood. Play Borderlands with the vivid mod and begin your new experience! Hold Shift and press F12 to activate/deactivate mod during gameplay. Install Intructions: Unzip attached files from folder into C:\Program Files\2K Games\Gearbox Software\Borderlands\Binaries

Ded10c says

1/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

It takes very little work to get ENBSeries up and running with a game, and even then its features can be achieved with graphics card settings anyway. Even then, ENBSeries is one of these things that falls into the category of "Bloom + Contrast = Good Graphics", which speaks for itself. Bloom and contrast settings do not good graphics make.