I am Daniel Whitty, from Houston Texas. I am an active modder on DRL, been there doing it since June 2007. Anything you want to know about either me or modding, message me here or send me an email.

Report RSS YouTube Partnership Program on my Cortex Command Epic Moments video!

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My old Build 18 Cortex Command Epic Moments YouTube video has reached over 19,500 views!
In addition, I received an email from YouTube last night about the YouTube Partnership Program, which allows me to make a small profit off them placing add in my videos! I sent an email to Data asking for special copyright usage permissions (oops, didn't do this last time) so I wouldn't be in trouble for using the main menu images as well as theme song, and asking for permission to use the campaign menu music as well.

Here is a link to the Cortex Command Epic Moments (Build 18): Youtube.com
Yes, I know, it's really old (three years old to be exact) and not too "epic" anymore. Well, that's going to change! More videos will shortly follow!

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AUG_DUDE - - 4,124 comments

build 18? o-kay

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