To put it bluntly, the name I inherited from my father was Tengku and my given name shall not be disclosed. With that done and said... Tengku is known among the people whom he considers friend --not casual acquaintances-- as a writer and a graphic artist of sorts. Mostly, his works involve drawings in the medium of graphite and paper, and he is usually able to illustrate certain concepts by use of only a 2B mechanical pencil. His background in the literary arts manifests themselves in that he occasionally dabbles in the casual fiction review arena. On an unrelated note, Tengku is usually able to emulate certain accents easily due to his upbringing which integrated his education of the Malay language with that of the grammatically, and accentually different English language. From this, it is evident that he is fairly proficient with the stated languages to be able to use them confidently at all times.

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