Add job Report Looking to Assemble Team to work on Star Wars Fan Made Project at Avalon Games LLC

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Avalon Games LLC on


So I like many others have always wanted to play KOTOR 3 however it has never been released and no intention of it officially being created. So myself and others from our other Project Sovereign Story are working on making an KOTOR 3 ourselves. We are looking for people who are willing to take a risk, work for free to make a game we will all love.

Unfortunately with this being a star wars game Disney and EA could shut us down at any time. However we are looking for people who are willing to work with us and see this game made no matter what. We are determined to see this through to the end and are looking for people who aren't interested in monetary gain and just want to make and play KOTOR 3.

We need:

Talented programmers - preferably those with knowledge of UE4

3D Character Artists - Must know PBR workflow

3D Prop Artist - Must know PBR workflow

3D Environment Artists - Must know PBR workflow

2D Concept Artists

3D Animators - At least 1-2 years of experience preferably

Level Designers -- preferably those with knowledge of UE4.

To Apply

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