Add job Report Level Designer Needed!! at Black Mesa: Goldsrc Team

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by Black Mesa: Goldsrc Team on

The Black Mesa: Goldsrc Team needed a level designer that can recreate entirely the Black Mesa: Source maps in the Goldsrc Engine.

Your Task is to recreate BM:S Maps in Goldsrc Except Xen (Since Black Mesa hasn’t released Xen yet).
As you become our Level Designer, you shall follow the instructions given. You can discuss with the rest of the level designers if you had a problem. Also, Each level designer have to make 1 map for the game (Example: Designer A made bm_c0a0 and designer B made bm_c0a0a) You will probaly get donated IF SOMEONE IS WILLING TO DONATE. You shall at least done one map in 2-3 weeks. If you can’t finished the map because of the complexity of it, you can hand it to another level designer if she/he had finished their maps. Be advised to play Black Mesa so that you can understand the maps’ properties and complexities. When you wanted to make a map, pick the map which you think you can do it. Don’t try to make the map which you can’t done in 2-3 weeks. As you recreate the maps, remember that it shall be realistic.

Thank you,
Black Mesa: Goldsrc Team

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