Add job Report Level designer needed! at Z Game-Production

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by ZGameProduction on

Hello there! We are Z Game-Production and we need a level designer in here, for our new project: Subject 49 (we may also need you at some other projects, but more late)

So here are some steps to follow, if you are interested in:

Step #1:
Send us some of your work, or what you did before you found this ad, to our email. When you are assigned for this job, you will have to show us your work.

Step #2:
Tell us how much time, will you work with, us! You can also quit when ever you want to. Guilt free!

Step #3:
You will need some supplies to work with us: GML basic knowledge, puzzle solving, Skype, Played Portal or Portal 2 at least once (This one is not needed exactly, but it is better, cause it gives you the view, of what kind of stuff to do)

Step #4:
If you will stay a long time, you will HAVE to work on other projects, when we say so. So yeah, don't be angry.

Step #5:
If you get any psychological troubles with us, please don't sue us.

Step #6:
Things you should know: We don't pay (the software is free, our games are free, and we have no money)

Thank you, and we appreciate you joining us!

To Apply

Send us your skills and what you did earlier on our e-mail: