Add job Report Inital Character Design at CELLGames

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

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Hello, Do you like to make your characters as three-dimensional as possible, so that the player sees them as real people? Do you strive to give an observant of their story emotionally involved? In how they feel, and how they act and react to different situations? Do you try to get right into their skin and use a variety of strategies to let the player know every little detail about them, right down to what they're thinking? Are you careful not to make them "too perfect"? - we reason that a flaw or two goes a long way to helping the observers of a story believe in our creations.

Well, that's exactly where you come in.

This advertisement is being placed in the hopes of finding one, maybe two special individuals with mindsets creative enough to envision the character traits and skill-sets of our flagship game's protagonists. Though the title may indicate the position being of an illustrative nature; This is not the case. (Though any talents you may have as an artist will certainly not hurt your application!)

Due to the nature of the studio(having been founded a mere week ago) we will be recruiting people of all ages, provided your talents are what we need. If you are into near-futuristic warfare games, and want to get on board with such a project, then we are just the team for you.

To Apply

If you read through that brief description and are still interested, feel free to forward your interest to Vinny, at