Add job Report Artist (Revenue-Share) at Quick Fire

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by zakwoolley1 on

Quick Fire (Android, iOS)

About the Game

Quick Fire is a mobile game for Android and iOS that is currently in development. Taking inspiration from the WarioWare series, the game faces the player with simple 4 - 8 second long mini-games. With only 4 lives, and the speed constantly increasing, how many can they beat before they run out of lives?
Currently, the game is fairly far in development. In current builds, there are 27 mini-games as well as a variety of extra and hidden features. We hope to get that number up to 40 mini-games by its planned release in Autumn 2020.

About the Team

Originally, the team consisted of just me. I'm no artist, so I created rough placeholder art whilst developing the game. As of recently, I've expended the team to incorporate an artist to create the art, that can then be placed into the game. I'm now looking to expand the team once again, by bringing more artists on board so that a release of Autumn 2020 can still be achieved despite the number of art assets required.

About the Role

In this role you will work largely independently to create the art assets for the various mini-games. You will have to work to specifications, such as certain resolutions, aspect ratios, etc. The assets required will largely be 2-D sprites, simple 2-D animations, and backgrounds. Due to the nature of the game, each mini-game will stand on its own in terms of the art, and therefore there will be no overarching art style. I believe this presents a very lucrative opportunity for passionate artists, as each mini-game can and should look very different from each other. In other words, apart from technical aspects such as resolutions, there will be no limit to your artistic visions.
In terms of payment, there is a possibility of a revenue share which can be discussed further in private.

To Apply

Send an email to stating a bit about your artistic background, examples of previous work (professional or personal work) and why you would like to join the team. Any backgrounds are welcome, and no professional experience is required.

To Apply

Send an email to stating a bit about your artistic background, examples of previous work (professional or personal work) and why you would like to join the team.