Add job Report 3D Model Painter Any Skill Level (Using Photoshop OR PaintDotNet) at CCS MOD and Anime Development group

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere (Work From Home).

Posted by CCS MOD and Anime Development group on

I'm starting to get my head around making Models, all be it basic, so now I need someone to paint them.

I've got a couple of Models started and ready for Painting. I've completed the UV Maps for them, so Wireframe Textures already exist for the Models. Just follow the lines and colour in the Objects.

Expected Filetypes you'll be working with: DDS, and TGA
If you are using PainDotNet, you may need a Plugin or two, just ask and I'll provide.
You'll be required to make the Diffuse Textures, I can take it from there if need be.

Minimum Requires:
An Advanced Paint Program (MSPaint won't do it):
> Photoshop of any Version after 2008
> PaintDotNet Latest Version is Freely Available Online (they have their own Website, Google it)
Some Way of seeing the Model (Don't Panic, this is to make your Job easier):
> W3X Viewer, will require C&C3 MOD SDK, but this the most Convenient
> Blender, I don't use Blender, but I think it can import W3X Files
> Autodesk 3DSMax Version 9 with W3X Import Plugin

As I said, You don't need any Skill aside from knowing the Basic Controls.
That said, if you don't have W3X Viewer, then you may need a little know-how with Blender/3DSMax.
W3X Viewer is just a Viewing Program, so thus there's nothing to confuse you.

Recommended Requirements:
A Copy of Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (Required for W3X Viewer to work correctly)
A Copy of Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3

These are Recommended as you'll find it a little easier if you've played the Franchise.
W3X Viewer may throw a hissy fit if you don't own the Game (Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars).

Contact me Directly if you're interested, and as I said, ALL SKILL LEVELS ACCEPTED!

I don't care about your personal identity, if you choose to share it, that's up to you. I will except anyone who's willing. Even if you're just some Collage Student looking for an excuse to get some experience. Any Nationality, any Background, doesn't matter, so long as you're polite.

Expect to work to a Deadline: Deadlines will be relatively relaxed, but I don't expect anyone to be putting it off for an indefinite period of time. Don't panic, I won't ask for Next Day types of Deadlines, I'm not a Formal Employer. If you do good, I am willing to be a Reference even though I won't give you my Real Name. Simple Requests will be around a week (7-10 Days) and more advanced Requests will be up to 6 weeks.

If you don't speak English:
If you've been able to read this, then that's good enough. Use Google Translate or Yandex Translate for anything else if you need.

To Apply

Message me via Private Message internally within MODdb (requires a MODdb Account). NO CV NEEDED. I won't ask you're real Name, but I will need your Age and Status (In Education or not, Unemployed or Employed). I will need to know roughly when you're likely to be Online and how often.