Threatened by an unknown enemy, the Earth’s governments unite to form an elite paramilitary organization, known as XCOM, to combat this extraterrestrial attack. As the commander of XCOM, you control the global defense team in a battle against a terrifying alien invasion by creating a fully operational base, researching alien technologies, planning combat missions, and controlling soldier movement in battle.

Ko-jo-te says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

A review must be entered when giving ten points, so...
In fact I didn#t give them lightly. Xcom actually has what I like most in games. Especially in tactical games. I really like turn based and had almost given up hope to see really good games of that kind and then I stumbled upon Xcom and got happy again.
In a way I can totally see myself play it again and again, like I once played Jagged Alliance 2 again and again. It isn't that hard and has quite some diversity. Te difficulty level can make it challenging and I just happen to like the setting. The graphics are a plus, too. at least for me.
I'm happy with Xcom and don't regret a cent I paid for it. I'd even pay more and I'll clearly keep an eye open for future projects like that. I can't really ask for more, so 10/10 it is.