Ghost Recon: Future Soldier takes place in the near future. A dirty bomb has taken out a Ghost team, and another Ghost team (consisting of Kozak, Ghost Lead, Pepper, and 30k) is tasked with tracking down the source of the dirty bomb using advanced technology. During the campaign, the Ghosts will visit places such as Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia and Norway.

ApexMods says

1/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (1)

To slap the "Tom Clancy" and "Ghost Recon" monikers on this bug-ridden uninspired console-centric hollywood-action COD/BF-wannabe run-and-gun-die-respawn-rinse-repeat cutscene-to-cutscene rail shooter slugfest is an unparalleled betrayal of everything those names used to stand for and nothing short of a slap in the face of the entire tactical realism fan community.

The millions of dollars wasted on promoting this abomination would have been better spent on hiring more or actual developer talent, who might have cherished the unique ancestry of the original Ghost Recon, the brilliance of that great masterpiece from 2001, developed by a still young and hungry Red Storm Entertainment in search for excellence, unafraid to be different and groundbreaking.

Taking a series that established and defined an entire genre - the tactical realism FPS - from that peak of innovative game design into the abyss of mediocrity on display here is just disgraceful! It saddens me deeply to think that many of today's gamers will get to associate "Tom Clancy" and "Ghost Recon" with lackluster second-rate gaming, because they never experienced the promise those words used to carry.

If you have no idea what I'm rambling on about, I beg you to please go and play the original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon by Red Storm Entertainment from 2001. Please dive in and try to ignore its (by today's standards admittedly dated) graphics, and just concentrate on the gameplay. I promise you will soon discover what a genuine, an honest, squad-based military tactical shooter should be made of.

In all likelihood, classic Ghost Recon will at first ruthlessly kick your teeth in, especially if you don't give it the full attention and deliberation it deserves - but if you do employ your senses and mind, if you act carefully and patiently, it will reward you with unparalleled immersion and suspense, and ultimately with an exceptional notion of achievement - neither of which you will encounter in Future Soldier.