SPAZ is a look back toward what we consider the golden age of gaming where games like Star Control, Mechwarrior, and XCom ruled, but with a modern twist.

wakko151 says

10/10 - Agree (4) Disagree

From what I ahve read, played, and seen, this game is everything you wanted out of both "Sid Meiers Pirates" and "Space Rangers 2" Combined with a great GUI interface and layout that adds in some awesome and well thought out features. Packaged into a small and compact game taht can be enjoyed on a lap top or older PC. I have the ultimate rig and it looks beautiful and plays how I think a game in the XXX series of free form adventure games should play. Yes its a Space game. Yes you play a Freelancer. Yes you can build Ships. Yes you can customize them. Yes you can research new upgrades for them. Yes you can control all of them at the same time or one at a time. Yes you can automate them.

If you Notice a pattern its because if you think you should be able to do something it either tells you you can't because (Fill in reason why and how they can do it here) or it jsut lets you do it.

The big winners here are the people who play the game. Not just the banks who get the money. You can tell the Devs play because everythign that is implemented seems so streamlined and polished.