You are John Blade, commander of HardCorps, an elite security force dedicated to protecting the people of Freeport City. Four years have passed since your first battle with Elexis Sinclaire, a beautiful, brilliant, and ruthless scientist who is out to remake humanity according to her own twisted vision. The law has failed to bring Elexis and her multi-billion dollar empire, SiNTEK, to justice, so Blade is determined to take matters into his own hands. Joining Blade on his mission are JC - a hacker with a secret to keep - and Jessica Cannon, a fiery rookie who can find her way into any secure facility.

FlippedOutKyrii says

7/10 - Agree (5) Disagree

While the game was fun and had excellent levels of interactivity as well as superb visuals, but it was too short and had no more then four weapons available.

Most of the time it felt like I was playing an ambitious Half-life 2 mod rather then a commercial game. It's a shame there won't be a follow up to this, it could have been improved upon.

But I suppose that's how life goes sometimes, and for what it is, it's still entertaining and searching for easter eggs in every level never gets old :)