Exiled. Abandoned to fate in some God-forsaken land. The path you walk is a razors edge, where death awaits your first misstep. Enemies claw at you, gnashing their teeth or calling forth dark, demonic magics; at least one thing is certain: you will not go quietly, you will not die alone.

Suraido says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

This is what Diablo 3 should have been. True to the old diablo mechanics, ALOT of customisation and skill tree options, great gear and psychotic drops most of the time, and no gold currency, gold can only be used for esthetic purposes. And you also get your own hideout with benches which u can upgrade your gear with. Also the storyline is good and there is plenty to do, many leagues with modifiers, some PVP, this is a very complete and compelling game!